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Case SLudy

MDI Gurgaon MDI Gurgaon
Ldw|n Ldw|n
Deepa Deepa kaman kaman
Lsha Lsha Sharma Sharma
Shrey Shrey Sehga| Sehga|
Marte Marte
8us|ness Market|ng 8us|ness Market|ng

ErratIc prIcIng ErratIc prIcIng

Lack of skIlled workforce Lack of skIlled workforce
key Issues
Lack of capacIty Lack of capacIty
Customer dIssatIsfactIon due to delayed delIverIes Customer dIssatIsfactIon due to delayed delIverIes
Ic potentIal order sould Fabtek take and ow to bId for It: Ic potentIal order sould Fabtek take and ow to bId for It:
Important decision
LImIted possIbIlIty to add welders quIckly because of te traInIng program LImIted possIbIlIty to add welders quIckly because of te traInIng program
Added volumes from any on of te orders wIll affect te materIal prIces Added volumes from any on of te orders wIll affect te materIal prIces
LImIted facIlIty sIze LImIted facIlIty sIze
efco's order
Hlgh roflLublllLy
Lnhunclng Lhe reluLlonshl wlLh exlsLlng cusLomer
lubLek ls co-deslgner of smull Whoers
On golng lnsLullmenLs for lubor und muLerlul
1oo much rellunce on Refco
Muy be u one Llme order
1lme consumlng order
Pierce Pike's order
rowlng murkeL
lubLek's comeLlLor's mu|or cusLomer
ood oorLunlLy Lo develo u new cuublllLy
Long Lerm buslness oorLunlLy
Lellvery ln Llme ls u concern
No rlor exerlence
or|d wide's order
OorLunlLy Lo develo sLundurd roducL llne
Luse ln Lrulnlng Lhe emloyees
Lxerlence ln slmllur |ob
PenulLy for luLe dellvery
No ongolng lnsLullmenLs for muLerlul und lubor
kathco's order
Lnhunclng Lhe exlsLlng reluLlon
One Llme deul
1he work doesn'L flL wlLh lubLek's hlgh quullLy lmuge
Lecllne Refco's order dueLo overdeendence on one luyer ( noL
more Lhun z% buslness noL ullowed wlLh one luyer)
Pelrce Plke's orders cun be Luken u
KuLhco's order doesn'L flL Lhe blll
locus on Lhe core comeLency of weldlng LlLunlum
Need Lo Lruln Lhe murkeLlng und oeruLlons deL. Lo esLlmuLe
uccuruLe cosLs, leud Llmes und undersLund Lhe cusLomer vulue
1hunk You!

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