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Review MCQs

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• Part 1 is
A. Radio beacon
B. Nose
C. cockpit
• Part 2 is
A. Flight deck
B. Pilot cabin
C. Nose
• Part 3 is
A. Main undercarriage
B. Nose wheel
C. pontoons
• Part 4 is
A. fuselage
B. cabin
C. empennage
• Part 5 is
A. winglet
B. wing
C. spoilers
• Part 6 is
A. flaps
B. aileron
C. leading edge flaps
• Part 7 is
A. flaps
B. aileron
C. leading edge flaps
• Part 8 is
A. cockpit
B. cargo holds
C. passengers’ cabin
• Part 9 is
A. Jet engine
B. propeller
C. exhaust nozzle
• Part 10 is
A. aileron
B. slat
C. rudder
• Part 11 is
A. Engine cowling
B. Engine exhaust
C. Engine turbine
• Part 12 is
A. Pitot head
C. Cargo holds
• Part 13 is
A. Trailing edge
B. Leading edge
C. nacelle
• Part 14 is
A. flaps
B. Trailing edge
C. Leading edge
• Part 15 is
A. rudder
B. elevator
C. vertical stabilizer
• Part 16 is
A. rudder
B. elevator
C. horizontal stabilizer
• Part 17 is
A. Radar
B. Nose
C. Tail
• Part 18 is
A. ruddder
B. elevator
C. Fin
• A public facility, usually owned and/or operated by the national government,
that consists of runways, taxiways, aprons and other facilities and where aircraft
can take off and land.
A. Helipad
B. Airport
C. Airplane station
• The four forces acting on an aircraft are:
A. Left – drag – thirst - weight;
B. Lift – drug – thrust - weight;
C. Lift – drag – thrust - weight.
• Thrust is provided by :
A. Control surfaces;
B. Speed ;
C. Powerplant.
• The primary control surfaces of the aircraft are:
A. Elevator, flaps, rudder, ailerons;
B. Elevator, vertical stabilizer, rudder, spoilers;
C. Elevator, wings, fin, ailerons.
• The landing gear is attached to shock-absorbing …………to cushion the blow of
landing :
A. stratus;
B. struts;
C. strats;
• The part of the wing where the airflow over the upper surface wing meets the
airflow over the lower surface of the wing is called the ………
A. Training edge;
B. Leading edge;
C. Trailing edge;
• The relative wind is always ………………………… direction to the path of flight:
A. Perpendicular and opposite;
B. Parallel and the same;
C. Parallel and opposite;
• The curve of the upper and lower surfaces of the wing is called:
A. Chord line;
B. chamber;
C. camber;
• The angle of attack is the angle formed by :
A. The direction of the relative wind and the chord line;
B. The chord line and the flight path;
C. A and B;
• The angle of incidence is the angle between :
A. The path of flight and the longitudinal axis;
B. The chord of the airfoil and the longitudinal axis;
C. The relative wind and the path of flight.
• An aircraft is in a state of equilibrium when:
A. The lift and the drag are equal;
B. The drag and the weight are equal;
C. The thrust and the drag are equal;
• What are the main parts of an airplane?
A. Fuselage, wings, control surfaces, landing gear and empennage
B. Fuselage, wings, engines, landing gear and empennage
C. Fuselage, wings, engines, cockpit and landing gear
• A document filed by a pilot or flight dispatcher prior to departure, containing a
detailed statement of the schedule and expected route of a flight.
A. Airworthiness certificate
B. Flight path
C. Flight plan
• What does ICAO stand for ?
A. Interstate Civil Aviation Operations
B. International Civil Aviation Organisation
C. Internation Civil Aviation Operations
• The I.C.A.O. establishes;
A. standards and recommended practices applied without exception by all
states, signatory to the Chicago convention.
B. aeronautical standards adopted by all states.
C. standards and recommended international practices for contracting
member states.
• A vehicle used to clean the apron surface is a …………………..
A. Motor sweeper
B. Toilet van
C. Broomstick
• A vehicle used to inspect the runway is ……………………….
A. A catering van
B. A service vehicle
• Schedules were …………………... by the storm.
A. Disrupted
B. Displaced
C. disordered
• What is the part of the aircraft where passengers are seated called?
A. Cockpit
B. Cabin
C. Galley
• An "Automatic Terminal Information Service" provides:
A. Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may effect the safety
of aircraft operation.
B. Routine information to arriving and departing aircraft by means of continuous and
repetitive broadcast.
C. Weather reports relating a specific number of aerodromes located within a flight
information region.
• A passenger attempted to ……………. firearms in two pieces of hold baggage.
A. hijack
B. smuggle
C. rob
• Having been informed that a bag had been loaded without the accompanying passenger
the crew taxied back to the stand and the bag was ……………………
A. offloaded.
B. thrown away
C. dismissed
• Which of these may crack the windshield?
A. Drizzle.
B. Heavy rain.
C. Hailstones.
• A vehicle used to clean the apron surface is a …………………..
A. motor sweeper.
B. broomstick.
C. stick shaker.
• A vehicle used to inspect the runway is ……………………….
A. a catering van.
B. an investigating team.
C. a service vehicle
• This place is called a ………………………..
A. Runway
B. Ramp
C. Gate
• This is called ………………………….
A. Ramps
B. Taxiways
C. Runways
• These buildings are called ……………
A. Garage
B. Terminal building
C. Hangar
• This is called a ………………………………
A. Airport beacon
B. Radar antenna
C. Control tower
• This place is called a …………………………
A. waiting room
B. restroom
C. Gate
• This building is called a/an …………………
A. Airport palace
B. Concourse
C. Jet bridge
• This structure is called a/an …………………
A. Jet bridge
B. Airport bridge
C. Mobile stairs
• The weight of the airframe and engine with all standard equipment installed. It also
includes the unusable fuel and oil.
A. Standard Weight Empty
B. Operational Weight Empty
C. Basic Weight Empty
• Any and all additional instruments, radio equipment, etc., installed but not included as
standard equipment.
A. Basic Weight Empty
B. Optional or Extra Equipment
C. Disposable load
• The weight of the airplane with all optional equipment included. In most modern
A. Standard Weight Empty
B. Operational Gross Weight
C. Basic Weight Empty
• The weight of the airplane loaded for take-off. It includes the basic weight empty plus the
useful load.
A. Basic Weight Empty
B. Operational Weight Empty
C. Operational Gross Weight:
• The difference between gross take-off weight and basic weight empty. It is, in other
words, all the load which is removable, which is not permanently part of the airplane.
A. Useful load
B. Payload
C. Taxi fuel
• Another name for “ useful load ”.
A. Payload
B. Unusable load
C. Disposable load
• The load available as passengers, baggage, freight, etc., after the weight of pilot,
crew, usable fuel have been deducted from the useful load.
A. Operational load
B. Payload
C. Usable load
• The basic empty weight of the airplane plus the weight of the pilot. It excludes
payload and usable fuel.
A. Operational Weight Empty
B. Operational load
C. Gross weight
• Fuel available for flight planning.
A. Unusable fuel
B. Fuel and payload
C. Usable Fuel
• Fuel remaining in the tanks after a run out test has been completed in accordance
with government regulations.
A. Unusable fuel
B. Fuel and payload
C. Usable Fuel
• The maximum permissible weight of the airplane.
A. Maximum Take-Off Weight
B. Maximum Gross Weight
C. Maximum operational weight
• Maximum weight approved for the start of the take-off run.
A. Maximum Take-Off Weight
B. Maximum Gross Weight
C. Zero fuel weight
• The maximum weight approved for ground manoeuvring. It includes the weight of
fuel used for start, taxi and run up.
A. Maximum Gross Weight
B. Zero fuel weight
C. Maximum Ramp Weight
• The weight of the airplane exclusive of usable fuel.
A. Operational weight
B. Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
C. Maximum Take-Off Weight
• It is a document that clears an aircraft and its load, outwards and inwards on
international flights. I t shows particulars of the aircraft and its routeing, a
statement for the health control purposes, a numerical summary of the
operating crew members.
A. The customs clearance
B. The general declaration
• It determines certain weight aspects of the aircraft and its load and ensures
that none of them exceeds the permissible limits.
A. Balance certificate
B. The general declaration
C. The load sheet
• It is used to record the names of all passengers for use by immigration
A. The passenger manifest
B. Flight manifest
C. Flight record
• A regular flight that takes off at the same time, to the same destination and from the
same origin as it is programmed if there are passengers or not.
A. A feeder line
B. A scheduled flight
C. A trunk line
• A line that connects two major airports
A. A feeder line
B. A scheduled flight
C. A trunk line
• A line connecting small airports between each other or between small airports and
major airports.
A. A feeder line
B. A scheduled flight
• The right to …………… a country without landing is the first freedom of the
A. take off
B. overfly
C. step over
• The shape of the runway is ……………….…………
A. Narrow
B. rectangular
C. curved
• Where can you find the regulation and procedures of a country’s civil aviation
A. The constitution
B. Civil Aviation handbook
C. Aeronautical Information Publication
• It include all areas accessible to aircraft, including runways, taxiways and
A. Operational area
B. Embarking and disembarking area
C. Airside area
• Which one from those items below, is not include in flight plan types.?
A. Filed Flight Plan
B. Current FIight Plan
C. Submission of flight plan
• The Filed Flight plan (FPL) is to provide specified information to air
traffic services (ATS) units about those items below, except:
A. Distribution of flight plan information
B. An intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft and its flight
C. The type of aircraft used and some of its characteristics
• Some items in flight plan (FPL) must fill with maximum 5 characters
A. Cruising speed
B. Cruising level
C. Both B and C are correct
• This is a …………………………
A. Conveyor belt
B. Mobile stairway
C. Mobile carpet
• This is a …………………………
A. Passengers ladder
B. Airplane stairs
C. Passengers mobile stairs
• This is a …………………………
A. Container loader
B. Catering truck
C. Servicing vehicle
• This is a …………………………
A. Baggage trailer
B. Container trailer
C. Baggage train
• This is a …………………………
A. Police van
B. Flight Crew van
C. Follow me van
• This is a …………………………
A. refueller
B. tow truck
C. baggage truck
• The role of the tower is……….……..……..the traffic
A. Manage
B. avoid
C. reduce
• The right to ……………… a country without landing
A. take off
B. overfly
C. step over
• The shape of the runway is ……………….…………
A. Narrow
B. rectangular
C. curved
• The A.T.C agent gives the ……………..………….
A. Pressure
B. weight
C. clearance
• Communication is only done in ……………………
A. Turkish
B. Tunisian
C. English
• Food and beverage service is …………….by the catering.
A. Assured
B. offered
C. ordered
• The role of the handling Service is to get the air craft.
A. Ready
B. delayed
C. clean
• Which is an acting force on the Aircraft
A. Drug
B. drag
C. left
• The thrust is provided by …………..………..
A. The battery
B. the lower
C. the engines
• The area where aircraft park next to a terminal to load passengers and baggage
is known as ramp or …………..
A. Apron
B. Parking
C. Tarmac
• a path on an airport connecting runways with ramps, hangars, terminals and
other facilities
A. runway
B. taxiway
C. motorway
• Part 1 is ………………..
A. Runway lights
B. Runway centerline
C. Runway limits
• Part 2 is ………………..
A. Runway threshold
B. Runway limits
C. Runway number
• Part 3 is ………………..
A. Runway threshold
B. Runway lights
C. Runway limits
• Part 4 is ………………..
A. Approach light
B. Wing bar
C. Aerodrome beacon
• Part 5 is ………………..
A. Runway extrimity
B. Touchdown zone
C. Threshold green light
• Part 6 is ………………..
A. Turn around area
B. overrun
C. taxiway
• Part 7 is ………………..
A. Light aircraft taxiway
B. Fast Turn off
C. Runway extension
• Part 8 is ………………..
A. distance markings
B. Runway lights
C. Touchdown zone
• Part 9 is ………………..
A. Signal panel
B. windsock
C. Runway in use directional T
Part 10 is ………………..
A. Signal panel
B. windsock
C. Runway in use directional T
Part 11 is ………………..
D. Runway intersection
E. Stop bar
F. Holding position
Part 12 is ………………..
G. Runway lights
H. Approach lights
I. Airport beacon
Part 13 is ………………..
J. Signal panel
K. windsock
L. Runway in use directional T
Part 14 is ………………..
M. taxiway
N. Runway
O. Maintenance area
Part 15 is ………………..
A. Blast fence
B. Firewall
C. Ramp limits
Part 16 is ………………..
D. towtruck
E. ground power unit
F. aircraft
Part 17 is ………………..
G. Deicer
H. Refueller
I. Fire truck
Part 18 is ………………..
J. Parking
K. Movement area
L. Embarking area
Part 19 is ………………..
M. Garage
N. airframe
O. Hangar
Part 20 is ………………..
P. touchdown zone
Q. overrun
R. Runway limits
• Flight instruments give ………………. About the aircraft situation
A. Information
B. amount
C. the total
• What is the lift direction?
A. Rotate
B. upward
C. foreword
• What is the drag direction?
A. Upward
B. downward
C. backward
• What is the thrust direction?
A. Foreword
B. upward
C. downward
• Where can you find an aircraft during a technical check:?
A. At parking
B. At ramp
C. At the hangar

• The dangerous goods regulations are issued by :
• The MTOW is a :
A. Limitation
B. Included the fuel
C. Is included for calculation of the flight level
• Where can you find an aircraft during taxiing? :
A. Taxi way
B. Run way
C. Ramp
• When an airplane stand is located at the terminal building, what is the name of the area
to get the passenger boarded in the plane?
A. The ramp
B. Check-in zone
C. The boarding gate
• In case you have 2 individuals with weapons inside the cockpit, you can guess that it is:
A. A bomb thread
B. A high jacking
C. It is a normal procedure

• Where can you found an aircraft parked during pax loading?:
A. Taxi way
B. Run way
C. Apron
• In which area the pax will obtain his boarding card?;
A. At the boarding counter
B. At the arrival zone
C. At the airline check in counter
• In wich area you can found lost &found service?;
A. At the boarding counter
B. At the ramp zone
C. At the baggage claim area
• The check-in doesn’t start ………………………. Another two hours:
A. For
B. Until
C. Is
• It also looks like the flight is slightly ……………………
A. Empty
B. Boarding
C. Departing
• Large open area, which contains all aircraft gates, for the gathering or passage of
A. Ground transportation area
B. Ramp
C. concourse
• The area where aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, refueled or boarded.
A. Ground transportation area
B. Ramp
C. Baggage claim
• An area where passengers reclaim their baggage at their destination airport.
A. Ramp
B. Baggage claim
C. concourse
• An area designated for screening of incoming passengers and storage of
commercial goods that have not yet cleared customs.
A. Customs / international arrivals
B. Security screening area
C. gate
• A doorway at the terminal facility that allows passengers to embark and
disembark their aircraft, usually via a jetway bridge.
A. Security screening area
B. Gate
C. Customs / international arrivals
• Retail areas within the terminal facility.
A. gate
B. Customs / international arrivals
C. Shopping area
• A point within the terminal, where security personnel use devices to screen
passengers to prevent potential targets of terrorism and other forms of crime
from entering the concourse areas.
A. Security screening area
B. Gate
C. Customs / international arrivals
• A comfortable, quiet exclusive location where passengers await their flights.
A. Dining area
B. Waiting room
C. Airport lounge
• The location within a terminal where most eating establishments are stationed.
A. Dining area
B. Waiting room
C. Shopping
• This is a ……………………….
A. Concourse
B. Baggage claim
C. Ramp
• This is a ……………………….
A. Control Tower
B. Customs / International Arrivals
C. Concourse
• This is a ……………………….
A. Observation Deck
B. Airport Lounge
C. Check-in Area
• This is a ……………………….
A. Shopping
B. Customs / International Arrivals
C. Gate
D. Ramp
• This is a ……………………….
A. Security Screening Area
B. Information Desk
C. Jetway
D. Holding Point
• This is a ……………………….
A. Taxiway
B. Control Tower
C. Security Screening Area
D. Holding Point
• This is a ……………………….
A. Airport Lounge
B. Information Desk
C. Concourse
D. Baggage Claim

• This is a ……………………….
A. Observation Deck
B. Holding Point
C. Concourse
D. Ramp

• This is a ……………………….
A. Ramp
B. Airport Lounge
C. Control Tower
D. Taxiway

• This is a ……………………….
A. Control Tower
B. Terminal Building
C. Concourse
D. Runway

• This is a ……………………….
A. Taxiway
B. Runway
C. Concourse
D. Holding Point

• This is a ……………………….
A. Airport Lounge
B. Holding Point
C. Concourse
D. Ramp
• This is a / an……………………….
A. Observation Deck
B. Holding Point
C. Concourse
D. Ramp
• This is a ……………………….
A. Ramp
B. Airport Lounge
C. Control Tower
D. Taxiway
• This is a ……………………….
A. Control Tower
B. Terminal Building
C. Concourse
D. Runway
• This is a ……………………….
A. Taxiway
B. Runway
C. Concourse
D. Holding Point

• This is a ……………………….
A. Airport Lounge
B. Holding Position
C. Concourse
D. Ramp
• The right to ……………… a country without landing
A. take off
B. overfly
C. step over
• The shape of the runway is ……………….…………
A. Narrow
B. rectangular
C. curved
• The role of the tower is to ……….……..……..the traffic
A. manage
B. avoid
C. reduce
• The A.T.C agent gives the ……………..………….
A. Pressure
B. weight
C. clearance
• Communication is only done in ……………………
A. Turkish
B. Tunisian
C. English
• Food and beverage service is …………….by the catering.
A. assured
B. offered
C. ordered
• The role of the handling service is to get the air craft.
A. Ready
B. delayed
C. clean
• Which is an acting force on the Aircraft
A. Drug
B. drag
C. left
• The thrust is provided by …………..………..
A. The battery
B. the lower
C. the engines

• The empennage consists of the ………..………… of the A/C
A. Axial
B. starts
C. rear
• The large planes usually used to transport pox
A. Airliners
B. airlines
C. rough
• The latest helps the pilot to make a ……………….. flight
A. Smooth
B. heavy
C. rough
• Flight instruments give ………………. About the situation
A. Information
B. amount
C. the total
• What is the lift direction?
A. Rotate
B. upward
C. foreward

• What is the drag direction?
A. Upward
B. downward
C. backward
• What is the thrust direction?
A. Foreward
B. upward
C. downward
• Which is called motion?
A. Yaw
B. exhaust
C. gust
• What causes the explosion in the engine?
A. Rotation
B. cooling
C. ignition
• Where can you find an aircraft during a technical check:?
A. At parking
B. At ramp
C. At the hangar

• The dangerous goods regulations are issued by :
• The MTOW is a :
A. Limitation
B. Included the fuel
C. Is included for calculation of the flight level
• When you read on a METAR:”200meters,reported visi.”,it means that:
A. There is a few clouds;
B. The run way can be very wet
C. We have a heavy fog.
• In case if you have 2 individuals with weapons inside the cockpit, you can guess
that it is:
A. A bomb thread
B. A high jacking
C. It is a normal procedure
• If you have an overweight, in your baggage allowances; what can you do?
A. Take less things
B. Expect to have some rush for the next flight
C. Pay an extra fee
• Where can you fiund an aircraft parked during pax loading?:
A. Taxi way
B. Run way
C. Apron
• In which area the pax will obtain his boarding pass?;
A. At the boarding counter
B. At the arrival zone
C. At the airline check in counter
• You can carry on, in your suitcase 2 liters of bleach, correctly packed?;
A. True
B. false

• In which area you can find lost &found service?;

A. At the boarding counter
B. At the ramp zone
C. At the baggage claim area
• The ticket has to be …………………………(=bought) by Thursday:
A. Purchased
B. Presented
C. Sent

• Will you be traveling…………………………………….?
A. Alone
B. Lonely
C. Without
• There are no seats available for the date that you.........:
A. Requested
B. Recalled
C. Suggests
• Attention passengers on English air flight 232 to London . the departure gate has
been …………………… the flight will now be leaving from gate 26’’:
A. boarding
B. departing
C. changed

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