Unit 2 Digital Marketing

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Dr. Jatin Vaid
I. Marketing Mix in Online Context
Marketing mix

■ A mix of offerings, resources and competencies – chosen and implemented by an

■ Relies on McCarthy, 1960 – Product, Price, Place and Promotion
■ For services, Extended Mix (7 Ps) – People, Processes and Physical Evidence
Marketing Mix - Online

■ Intangible elements - Products are presented & marketed virtually in the digital world
■ Target audience is more aware and open to checking reviews and feature elements
■ Easy availability of information, online makes brand switching easier on few price
■ Developing of digital/ social marketing campaigns is to be designed differently to stand
■ Ecommerce intermediaries have more control over branding / packaging / delivery
aspects than the manufacturers
7 Ps – Online Context

1. Product – Customers can’t touch and feel. Assume service orientation to differentiate. Content is
2. Price – Crucial element in highly competitive online environment. Cloud & pay-per content
based digital models. Instant price comparisons.
3. Place – Online deliveries at convenient locations. Distribution & logistics. Reduction in
4. Promotion – Digital channels of communication. Integrated marketing communications. Higher
reach, better engagements possible
5. People – Deep analysis of consumers. Big data analytics. Better service
6. Processes – Creativity, discipline and more structured approach using technology and automation
7. Physical Evidence – Website design, AI, ML, Packaging, Billing evidences.
II. Website Planning & Design
Website Development

1. Pre-planning
 Defining purpose – Information dissemination / brand building / transactions
 Define visitor segments & characteristics – Buying behaviour
 Researching competitive websites – functionalities, design, techniques
 Understanding browsers, devices –compatibility
 Budget –spending on reliability & efficiency
 Developing inhouse or outsource – Development, maintenance, upgrades
2. Selecting a domain name
 Obtain a domain name – unique identity / Name & Domain type – relates to business model
 Website hosting – Shared / Dedicated / Cloud
Website development stages

1. Analysis – Core users / interactions /purpose

2. Requirement specifications – Specification document / concept / structure /
navigation / content
3. Design & Development – Prototype development / improvement iterations /
4. Testing – Quality assurance / Usability/ browser compatibility / performance testing
5. Deployment & Maintenance – Upload files to the server / Site publishing / regular
updating & monitoring / post-launch maintenance
Web Content Management

1. Understand content management – Understanding user expectations / Pre-research

2. Define content areas
3. Analyzing content sources
4. Revising outdated content
5. Develop content themes – grouping content across themes
6. Outlining navigation – Natural progression / Intuitive
III. Online Customer Experience
Online Customer Experience (CX)

■ Sum total of all online interactions, a customer has with the brand
■ May start with company’s website to apps, chatbots or social media
■ Online expression to building trust, human connection – Online
■ Inseparable from in-store interactions of physical world
Managing Digital CX

1. Know your audience well

2. Identify common personas in audiences
3. Address with relevant strategy
4. Personalized experiences
5. Understand customer’s digital journey to gain insights
6. Provide users ways to give feedback
7. Track and diagnose potential problems with site or app
Benefits of CX

1. Higher customer retention

2. Reduce customer churn rates
3. Creates Brand Equity
4. Reduced cost of service
Strategies to improve online CX
1. Make sure site loads quickly on computer & mobile
2. Focus on easy site navigation
3. Use high quality photographs of products
4. Have lesser but powerful content
5. Include customer reviews
6. Use color psychology to have positive associations in customer’s mind
7. Be transparent in sharing stock status and delivery time with customers
8. Make it easy for customers to contact you
9. Offer live chat
10. Provide a self service / FAQs page
11. Make checkout and payment simple
12. Offer free shipping
13. Assure customers of secured transactions
IV. Integrated Internet Marketing
Communications (IIMC)

■ Integration and application of consistent brand messages across all channels, offline and
■ Combines all marketing communications with an interconnected approach
■ It ensures all platforms deliver the same message to the customer about the brand
■ It removes all inconsistencies in communication
■ It helps in portraying a consistent image that inspires trust & confidence
■ Helps in creating a unique form of expression that is easily identifiable in different
Channels of IIMC

■ Advertising – Print / Internet / Radio / Outdoor

■ Sales promotion – Contests, coupons, discounts, loyalty programs, trade shows
■ Public relations – Special events, interviews, press conferences, charity
■ Personal Selling & Direct marketing – Face to Face / emails, text messaging,
■ Digital Marketing – Search engine, mobile advertising, social media
Digital Channels

■ Organic search – Positioning a website on top of Search engine result page

■ Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
■ Content marketing – creation of useful, powerful & interactive content
■ Paid advertising – Paid search / Display ads / Social media ads
Benefits of IIMC

1. Build brand awareness

2. Faster RoI (More sales, increased revenues)
3. Higher conversions
4. Generate brand loyalty
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