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The Evolution of Communication

From Ancient Paintings to Social

What is Communication?
Communication can be defined in many ways.
The dictionary definition is; the imparting or
exchanging of information by speaking, writing
or using some other media.
In layman's language, communication is basically
sending and/or receiving information.
• To insert small video clip on communcation
Evolution of Communication
Communication has been in here since the existence of man, though the ways
in which man communicates has changed drastically over the centuries.
We are therefore going to go through the various methods of communication
used by man over time. These are mainly:
1. Smoke signals
2. Alphabets
3. Carrier pigeons
4. Snail mail
5. Telegraph
6. Telephones
7. Computers and Dial up internet
8. Mobile phones
9. SMS’s or Text messages
10. Social Media
1. Smoke Signals
Insert Picture • This is arguably the first known
form of communication. It is one
of the oldest forms of long-
distance communication.
• From Ancient Chinese sending
signals along the great wall of
China to Africans communicating
on war, birth of a child etc and
the Native Americans using
smoke to communicate among
villages and tribes, this form of
visual communication was used
to transmit news to people in a
common area.
2. Alphabets
• This form of
communication was
created by the Egyptians
between 2700 and 2000
• A set of 22 hieroglyphs to
represent combinations of
syllables and consonants to
pronounce names
• This in turn is what began
the revolution of alphabets
that we use today
3. Carrier pigeons
• This form of communication
was developed around 12th
Century AD and is rumored to
be used during the 1st and 2nd
World War.
• The idea was developed by
Sultan Nur-ad-din. He trained
pigeons in Damascus and
Egypt to deliver messages
hundreds of kilometers apart.
• Countries used them to warn
their armies of impending
enemies and attacks
4. Snail mail/Postal Services
• This dates back nearly to the
invention of writing. However
the development of formal
postal systems first occurred
in 2400BC in Egypt with the
earliest piece of mail surviving
dating to 255BC.
• The postal system became
more popular in the 19th
Century. This has evolved to
modern private postal
systems known as couriers or
delivery services.
5. Telegraph
• Telegraphs or what it is
commonly known as telegrams
was an electronic way to send
messages through a wire which
could be translated into a
message. It was by Samuel
Morse. The first telegraph was
recorded in 1844 from
Washington D.C. to Baltimore,
• Telegraphs is what laid the
ground work for the telephone,
fax machines and the internet.
6. Telephones
• Telephones was first
invented by Alexander
Bell in 1876.
7. Computers and Dial up internet
8. Mobile phones
9. SMS’s or Text messages
10.Social Media

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