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Most words simply make the plural by

adding “s”.
Ex: houses, gardens bedrooms, kitchens,
swimming pools.
2. If the word ends in Ch, Sh,S, SS, or X, then
add es.
Ex: Church → churches, dish → dishes,
circus → circuses, glass → glasses, box →
3. If the word end in a vowel + y, then add “s”
Ex: holiday → holidays, key → keys, boy
→ boys, monkey → monkeys, guy → guys.
4. If the word ends in a consonant + y, then
drop the y and add ies.
Ex: sky → skies, baby → babies, country
→ countries, party → parties, assembly →
5. If the word ends in a f or fe, then drop the f
and add ves.
Ex: Calf → calves, shelf → shelves, thief →
thieves, wolf → wolves, loaf → loaves, knife
→ knives.

Note: But (these are exceptions)

Chief → Chiefs, Cliff → cliffs, roof →

6. If the word end in an o, then add “es”.

Ex: Echo → echoes, hero → heroes, potato →
potatoes, tomato → tomatoes.
7. Some words ending in an o simply take an s.
Ex: piano → pianos, radio → radios, banjo
→ banjos, photo → photos, tabaco → tabacos,
kilo → kilos.
8. If a word end in (double) oo, then simply add
an “s”.
Ex: zoo → zoos, igloo → igloos, cuckoo →
9. If a word ends in eau, then add an x or an s.
Ex: Plateau → plateaux → plateaus.
tableau → tableaux → tableaus.
10. If a word ends in us, we can either add an
es or an i.
Ex: octopus → octopuses → octopi.
11. Some words, usually names of animals,
keep the same form in the singular and the
plural forms.
Ex: Sheep, deer, buck, fish, moose aircraft.
12. Some nouns take a singular form as they
are uncountable.
Ex. Advice, baggage, bread, coffee, gold,
12. Some words change in the plural form.
Ex: tooth → teeth, mouse → mice, man →
men, foot → feet, die → dice, ox → oxen,
louse → lice, goose → geese, child →

13. In words containing a preposition, the word

before the preposition takes the plural.
Ex: sisters – in – law, brothers – in – law,
ladies – in – waiting.

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