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Branches of

Sit Dolor Amet
Branches Of Philosophy
(Hierarchical Relationship)



POLITICS STUDY OF FORCE What actions are permissible

AESTHETICS STUDY OF ART What can life be like

-Metaphysics is the branch of Philosophy responsible for the
study of existence. It is the foundation of a worldview. It answers
the question “What is” It encompasses everything that exist, as
well as the nature of existence itself. It says whether the world is
Real or merely an illusion. It is a fundamental view of the world
around us.
Why is metaphysics important?
-Metaphysics is the foundation of Philosophy. Without an
explanation or an interpretation of the world around us, we would
be helpless to deal with reality. We could not feed ourselves, or
act to preserve our lives.
-Metaphysics adds a level of conceptual rigor and clarity
that can only improve the steadfastness of our knowledge. It is
not here to complete with or replace any other fields, it is here as
a necessary to them in our request for truth about reality.
-Epistomology is the study of our method acquiring
knowledge. It answers the question “How do we know?” It
encompasses the nature of concepts, the constructing of concepts,
the validity of the senses, logical reasoning, as we as thoughts,
memories, emotions and all things mental. It is concerned with
how our minds are related to reality, and whether these
relationships are valid or invalid.
Why is Epistemology Important?

- The importance of Epistemology cannot be overstated since it underlies

what people think, what they believe and how they apply new information.
Epistemology is important because it influences how researchers frame their
research in attempt to discover knowledge.
-It is also important because it is one of the fundamentals to understand
how and why we think.
-As you dive deep into the history of ethics as moral philosophical
theories, you’d find that it began with ancient Greek philosophers such as
Socrates, Sophists, Plato, Aristotle, and Epicurus. Several investigations and
studies on Ethical Philosophy suggest ethics has gone through absolute
changes and expansions since the day it emerged.
-Ethics is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper course
of action of man. It answers the question “what do I do?” It is the study of
right and wrong in human endeavors. At a more fundamental level, it is the
method by which we categorize our values and pursue them. Do we pursue
our own happiness, or do we sacrifice ourselves to a greater cause? Is that
foundation based on Bible or on the very nature of man itself?
Why is Ethics Important?

- Ethics, also called moral philosophy, is the discipline concerned with

moral principles like what is morally right or wrong and good or bad. Ethics is
the practice of discovering and defending your values, principles, sense of
morality, and purpose.
-Politics is ethics that are applied to a group of people. It
explores the concepts of why we need governments, the role
played by governments, and what are its constituents, amongst
Why is Politics Important?

-It is important because Politics is an essential part of our everyday lives

and may influence everything in our world. Of course, the word politics can
mean different things to different people.
-But politics isn’t just about what happens in your country/state, or at
campaign rallies; it’s also about how power and influence are used to shape our
communities and how we interact with each other every day.
-Every person defines beauty as per his or her own perspectives. This
philosophical subject is wholly devoted to defining the different aspects of
beauty, even its contours. How do we find something beautiful? Is beauty
always subjective or can it be objective too? Can everyone find a thing
beautiful? It also examines individual tastes and attempts to provide answers
about these things in a scientific manner. Aesthetic Philosophy’s primary
topic of investigation is beauty and art. It is often debated inside its
classrooms. It also talks about performing arts like music.
Why is Aesthetics Important?

-It is important because it delves into the reason why art has always
existed, the burning need of mankind through the ages to see the world in a
different, clear way.
-It elevates art by the standard of human life, and whether it
accomplishes the job of satisfying every peoples intellectual needs.

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