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Joko Mulyanto
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat & Kedokteran Komunitas
Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
• Jenis artikel ilmiah
• Tips umum
• Menulis judul
• Menulis abstrak
• Menulis pendahuluan
• Menulis metode
• Menulis hasil
• Menulis pembahasan
• Menulis kesimpulan dan saran
Jenis artikel ilmiah
• Letter to editor/commentary
• Case report/series
• Literature review
• Systematic review/meta-analysis
• Original article
Tips umum
• Tidak terlalu panjang tetapi tidak terlalu pendek; 3000-4000 kata
untuk bagian utama (main body)
• Mengacu pada guideline internasional yang biasa digunakan (misal
• Struktur IMRAD (Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion)
• Menggunakan reference manager
• Menggunakan bahasa yang baik, benar, dan konsisten
• Menulis protokol/proposal dengan baik
• Mencantumkan pertanyaan penelitian (hubungan antar variabel) dan
desain penelitian
• Tidak mengindikasikan hasil
• Bisa berupa kalimat tanya
• Tidak terlalu panjang
• Menarik untuk pembaca
• Barriers and facilitators to glycemic control among type 2 DM patients
in Banyumas District: a cross-sectional study
• Does health literacy mediate the association between healthcare
visits and glycemic control among type 2 DM patients in Banyumas
• Low education and rural residency contributed to poor glycemic
control among type 2 DM patients in Banyumas District
• 200-300 kata
• Terstruktur atau tidak terstruktur
• Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions
• Background; 3 kalimat, (i) masalah (ii) the knowledge gap (iii) tujuan
• Methods; desain, sampel, variabel (pengukuran), analisis statistik (yang
paling penting saja)
• Results; fokus pada hasil utama, cukup detil tapi tidak berlebihan, dua digit
desimal, nilai p dicantumkan lengkap, 95% CI
• Conclusions; menjawab tujuan penelitian, rekomendasi/implikasi praktis
• Only about 20% of type 2 DM patients in Indonesia who received treatment had
their blood glucose under control. Less is known about factors that contribute to
glycemic control among type 2 DM patients, particularly in Indonesia’s setting.
This study aims to assess barriers and facilitators to optimum glycemic control
among type 2 DM patients in Banyumas District, Indonesia.
• This was a prospective cohort study involving 689 type 2 DM patients recruited
from 16 primary care facilities in Banyumas district, Indonesia between the
period of June – December 2022. Glycemic control measured by Hba1c was used
as the primary outcome measured. Monthly visits, dietary patterns, physical
activity, treatment compliance, and health literacy were measured as contributing
factors. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the contribution of
each factor to glycemic control.
• Of 689 participants, 453 individuals (65.7%) had poor glycemic
control. In the fully adjusted model, findings of this study showed that
good dietary patterns (OR 2.54, 95%CI: 1.89-3.21) and compliance to
the treatment (OR 1.92; 95%CI: 1.54-2.47) contributed to optimum
glycemic control. Regular monthly visit (OR 1.56, 95%CI: 0.98-2.14)
and adequate physical activity (OR 1.48, 95%CI: 0.96-2.00) tend to
contribute to optimum glycemic control, while health literacy (OR
1.02, 95%CI: 0.88-1.16) did not contributed significantly.
Dietary pattern and treatment compliance contributed to optimum
glycemic control. Management of type 2 DM should pay more attention
on improving dietary patterns of the patients as well as increase the
treatment compliance.
• 3-4 paragraf
• Paragraf 1; besarnya masalah, prevalensi dan insidensi, fatalitas,
beban ekonomi akibat penyakit, global, nasional, lokal
• Paragraf 2; bridging dari masalah ke variabel penelitian
• Paragraf 3-4: state of the art, knowledge gap, tujuan penelitian
• Jika publikasi internasional, penting untuk menarasikan bahwa
meskipun penelitian kita di Indonesia, tapi bisa bermanfaat secara
• The global prevalence of type 2 DM is increasing rapidly and become major
contributor to global burden of diseases. In 2019, about 20% of global burden
disease can be attributed to type 2 DM and 67% of them were happened in the low-
middle income countries including Indonesia.
• Disease burden related type 2 DM mostly caused by disease’s complication such as
end-stage renal disease. Glycemic control is fundamental to prevent such
complications and disease management has been proven as a tool to achieve
optimum glycemic control.
• However, in low-middle income countries, optimum glycemic control is rarely
achieved although patients have been provided by pharmacological treatment. This
raised the questions on factors that may influence the optimum glycemic control
particularly in the context of low-middle income countries such Indonesia.
• Previous studies in this field show that …
• 3 bagian utama; Desain, variabel, analisis
• Yang ditulis adalah yang telah dilaksanakan (bukan rencana)
• Desain, besar sampel, kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, waktu dan tempat, ethic
statement (kalau tidak ada bagian yang secara khusus memuat hal ini).
• Variabel; main/primary outcome measured termasuk pengukurannya (definisi
operasional), secondary outcome (jika ada), prediktor dan pengukurannya,
confounder (adjusted variables).
• Analisis; perlu disebutkan secara sistematis spesifik tujuan masing-masing
analisis data (termasuk deskriptif) yang dilakukan untuk menjawab
pertanyaan penelitian yang mana, program statistik disebutkan jika memang
punya lisensi resmi, atau jika menggunakan open source.
• This was a prospective cohort study which included 689 patients of type
2 DM recruited from 16 primary care facilities in Banyumas District,
Indonesia between June-December 2022. Samples represented 9873
type 2 DM patients who receive medical treatment in 116 primary care
facilities, and were selected using multi-stages random sampling with
considering probability proportionate to size (PPS).
• Samples fulfilled this following criteria…., the selected samples were
• This study has been reviewed by research ethic committee and received
ethics approval…
• The primary outcome of this study was glycemic control which was
measured using HbA1c as the indicator. Adequate glycemic control
was defined as the level of HbA1c below 6.5 in two consecutive
examinations within 3 months follow-up period.
• Health literacy was measured using a standard health literacy
questionnaire (HL-16) Indonesian version which has been validated.
• Age, gender, and place of residence were used to adjust the
predictors in the final model.
• The characteristics of the samples were described based on the scale of
the variables. For categorical variables such as gender, data were
described using percentages, while for numerical variables such as age
data were described using mean and standard deviation.
• To assess the contribution of predictors to the main outcome measured,
logistic regression analysis was employed. Each predictor was
independently tested to determine which can be included in the model.
All predictors had a p-value <0.25 and were included in the model.
• All analyses were conducted using STATA 16.0 SE as the statistical
• 2 bagian utama; deskriptif, analitik
• Bisa menggunakan tabel atau grafik (grafik lebih disukai)
• Biasanya tidak lebih dari 5 tabel dan atau grafik, jangan menampilkan
tabel/grafik yang tidak berkaitan dengan tujuan penelitian.
• 1 tabel deskriptif/grafik, karakteristik sampel, tidak perlu dilakukan tes
statistik, diikuti narasi yang tidak repetitif, menggambarkan
kecenderungan data secara umum.
• Tabel selanjutnya harus menjawab tujuan penelitian, diikuti dengan
narasi yang sifatnya murni menggambarkan, tanpa interpretasi.
• Format tabel dan grafik sedapat mungkin bisa diedit (bukan gambar)
• The basic characteristics of the samples are displayed in Table 1. Most of
the samples were female (56%), age 50 and above (78%), and lived in rural
areas (67%).
• Table 2 summarizes the contribution of each predictor to the main outcome
when those predictors were tested independently. Health literacy, monthly
visit, etc.. showed an association with glycemic control with a p-value <
0.25. Therefore, all the predictors will be included in the model.
• The results from the fully-adjusted model are displayed in table 3. After
adjusting to age, gender, and place of residence, individuals who had
routine monthly visits have the bigger odds to achieve adequate glycemic
control with OR 1.88 (95%CI: 1.22 – 2.35).
• Paragraf 1; menulis ulang tujuan penelitian, diikuti dengan ringkasan
hasil yang menjawab tujuan penelitian tersebut.
• Paragraf 2 (bisa sampai 3); kelebihan dan keterbatasan penelitian,
kelebihan jangan over confidence, keterbatasan jangan
underestimate, tidak major flaw, sudah berusaha diatasi.
• Paragraf selanjutnya; bahas masing-masing hasil penelitian (per
variabel), mulai dengan menyebutkan hasil, perbandingan dengan
hasil penelitian sejenis, mekanisme mengapa hasil seperti itu, bisa
spekulatif tapi didukung referensi
• The objective of this study was to assess the contribution of monthly visits, health literacy, dietary
patterns, physical activity, and treatment compliance to glycemic control. Findings from this study
showed that dietary patterns and treatment compliance provided significant contributions to
glycemic controls….
• Based on our literature review, this is the first study in Indonesia that assess factors that contributed
to glycemic control using a large sample that represents the district population. Findings from our
studies are robust and can be generalized to other districts with similar settings.
• This study is not without limitations. Some of the data were collected by recalling the information
from the patients which may increase the possibility of information bias. To reduce the bias potency,
all the recall information was triangulated to other source data such as other family members,
caregivers, and medical records.
• Findings from this study showed that individuals with high treatment compliance had better glycemic
control compared to those with low treatment compliance. This finding is similar to findings from
previous studies in other low-middle income countries. Study by …….. Treatment compliance is
crucial for drug effectiveness……
• Memberikan penekanan apakah hasil penelitian menjawab
pertanyaan/tujuan penelitian?
• Kesimpulan harus berdasar pada hasil, tidak boleh berlebihan.
• Diikuti dengan implikasi praktis/rekomendasi yang berdasar dari hasil
• Sedapat mungkin menghindari saran yang berwujud “penelitian lebih
• This study concludes that dietary patterns and treatment compliance
provide a major contribution to glycemic control of type 2 DM
patients who received medical treatment in Banyumas District,
• Efforts to improve glycemic control may focus on the improvement of
dietary patterns and treatment compliance such as introducing case
manager to supervise the daily management of type 2 DM patient.
• Menulis artikel sesuai struktur, sistematis, konsisten
• Memudahkan pembaca termasuk reviewer dan editor.
• Nyaman dibaca, meningkatkan peluang diterima, meski konten tidak
• Perlu meluangkan waktu

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