Time-Priority-Management Magda Abd El Hamed

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2 Time Management
3 Time Management
4 Time Management
How Do You Feel About Time?

A stitch in time saves nine (. (‫غرزة في الوقت تنقذ تسعة‬

Time flies.
Time is money.
Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?
‫))لماذا تؤجل الى الغد ما يمكنك القيام به اليوم‬

5 Time Management
What kind of time manager are you?

 I think daily planning guides are a waste of time. Yes No

 My academic goals are pretty ‫جيد‬clear to me. Yes No

 Leaving assignments until the last minute is big problem for me. Yes No

 I organize time very well.

 I wish I were more motivated. Yes No

Yes No

6 Time Management

Yes No
 It’s easy for me to cut short visits with people who drop by when

I’m studying.

 Visitors should feel free to see me whenever they want.

Yes No

Yes No
 I know which activities in my life are important and which ones


 I’m a perfectionist in everything I do.

Yes No

Yes No
 I have enough time for leisure activities.

7 Time Management

Odd ‫ مفرد‬Numbered Statements 1 pt. for each YES

Even ‫ زوجى عدد‬Numbered Statements 1 pt. for each NO

1-2 You’re on top but can still improve ‫انت على القمة ولكنك ما زالت قادرة على التحسين‬

3-4 You’re treading water ‫انت تمشي على المياه‬

5-7 Managing time well is a problem ‫إدارة الوقت بشكل جيد هو المشكلة‬

8-10 You’re on the verge of chaos ! ‫كنت على حافة الفوضى‬

8 Time Management
What Do We Do With Our Lives

2 years attempting to return

Spend 
phone calls
 27 years sleeping  4 years doing housework
 3.3 years eating  5 years waiting in lines
 5 months waiting at traffic  13.8 years working
 8 months opening unwanted
 1 year looking for misplaced

9 Time Management
Stressed @ Work?

11 Time Management
A lot to DO?

12 Time Management

13 Time Management
Burnt OUT ?!!!!

14 Time Management
Stressed !!!!
Always too much work; never able to relax!!

High Pressure periods; deadlines come all at


15 Time Management
Stressed !!!!
Efforts often seem for nothing – Don’t get
satisfying results!!

‫ال نحصل على‬-- ‫الجهود المبذولة تبدو في كثير من األحيان انها من أجل ال شيء‬
‫نتائج مرضية‬

Seems like you have a lot more work than

my co-workers!!

16 Time Management
Stressed !!!!

I have to work harder than co-

workers to get the same

My job takes up too much time;

I can’t afford to cut back!! ‫التخفيض‬

17 Time Management
Stressed !!!!
My stress is complicated by commitments I
can’t get out of!! ‫أنا ال أستطيع الخروج‬

18 Time Management
Why are you STRESSED?
List some reasons to describe the level of
stress you have:

19 Time Management
Your Mom was Right…
Take care of yourself
Avoid burnout
Take breaks and time off and don’t compromise
Rewards for good work done
Forgive mistakes….and learn from them
Play nice

Use your common sense

Take your umbrella

20 Time Management
60 seconds in a minute,
How much can I accomplish in it?

60 Minutes in an hour,
Do I have the power?
We Lose Time When:
We are unaware of our
expectations and/or

Our expectations are not

rooted in reality

Realities don’t meet our


22 Time Management
We Gain Time When:
We have accounted ‫ مساءلة‬for
our expectations

Our expectations reflect

realistic time frames

We can adjust our goals and

expectations to new realities

23 Time Management
Remember …
“Success Breeds Success”

People who look successful will be

perceived as successful

24 Time Management
Managing Time

25 Time Management
Time Management
Time is the scarcest resource of the

‫الوقت هو أندر الموارد للمدير‬

If it is not managed, nothing else can be


‫ ال شيء آخر يمكن أن يدار‬، ‫إذا لم يتم إدارتة‬

26 Time Management
Time Management



"‫ هو سيديرك‬، ‫إذا كنت ال تدير وقتك‬

27 Time Management
A Few Thoughts …

•You cannot make time, but you can

manage your time

•Time can be on your side, and regain

control and live the life you deserve

•Respect others’ time

•Good time management is a habit Time Management
What is it anyway?
Work’ time
management refers to
the development of
processes and tools
that increase
efficiency and

29 Time Management
“Theory” behind Time Management

You only have so many hours

available in a day, so many weeks
in a year, and so many years in
your lifetime…what happens if you
don’t spend your time wisely?

30 Time Management
Approaches to Time Management
There are three approaches to time
 First
approach – increase amount of
available time each day.
 Second approach – do more work in
available time – pack more work in your
 Third
approach – do only the important
work in the time you have available

31 Time Management
What’s wrong with the approaches?
First approach – you will stretch
yourself thin – will likely result in
fatigue, lack of efficiency, and even
depression in the work cases

Second approach – doing more work

will result in high amounts of stress
(feeling as if you can never get
everything done) and burnout

32 Time Management

Third approach – this approach is

the most effective way of
managing time

It forces you to prioritize tasks to

be completed during your work

33 Time Management
Managing Time
Covey’s third principle deals with

The primary reason people cannot

find time to be reflective is that
they mix up what is urgent and
what is important

34 Time Management
So, where do I start?
The first step of effective time
management is to decide what your
priorities are.

This is often the most difficult task

of all and takes the most time!

35 Time Management
Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix

Covey designed a time management

matrix to help people manage
themselves through prioritizing tasks
YOU have to decide what is
important for you to do
YOU have to decide which things are
urgent and what can wait

36 Time Management

Crises Prevention
Pressing problems Preparation
Deadline driven Relationship building
IMPORTANT projects Recognizing new
Values clarification
True recreation

Interruptions Trivia
Many pressing matters Busywork
Some phone calls Some phone calls
NOT Some mail Junk mail
IMPORTANT Some email Time wasters
Some reports Escape activities
Some meetings
Many popular activities

37 Time Management
Quadrant I – Urgent & Important
These activities should take first priority

The activities in this quadrant need to be

dealt with immediately and they are

In the long term, time spent here should be

reduced with prevention and preparation
(Quadrant II)

38 Time Management
Quadrant II – Not Urgent but Important
The activities in this quadrant need to
be the FOCUS!!!

You should begin to prioritize the

activities that fall into this category

If you are currently spending very little

time here, begin slowly and build upon

39 Time Management
Quadrant III –Urgent and Not Important

The activities in this quadrant are often

the result of someone else’s sense of

If you allow your priorities to fall here,

you will feel rushed to get things done,
followed by a lack of satisfaction

These tasks are distractions!

40 Time Management
Quadrant IV – Not Urgent and Not Important

Activities in this quadrant are

simply a waste of time

Should strive to minimize the

amount of time you spend on
activities falling into quadrant IV

41 Time Management
Now it’s your turn

Use the blank matrix and write in

your own specific activities





42 Time Management
Hold on !!!

Who said that your priorities are right?

Who said that those activities are what you

really want to do?

In other words, are these your objectives?

43 Time Management
Hold on !!!

Before setting your priorities, let’s

discuss what are the practical steps to
manage your time

44 Time Management
Time Management Process

The Time Management Process consists of the following steps:

Set your objectives.

Break them down into smaller activities.

Prioritize your activities

Analyze your time.

Plan your time.

Execute the plan.

Follow up with the plan.

45 Time Management
Setting Objectives

Objectives are your targets.

Where do you want to be in the

SMART Objectives

46 Time Management
47 Time Management
Prioritize your activities

Use the Covey’s Time

Management Matrix to set
the appropriate priority for
each activity.

48 Time Management
Analyze Time
It is important to determine where
productive time is being wasted and how it
can be used more effectively.

In order to correctly analyze the effective

use of time, it is important to know what is
meant by productive, supportive, and
unproductive time.

49 Time Management
Analyze Time
Productive time: Time spent on tasks that
directly impact the objectives.

Supportive time: Time spent on those

activities that support the objectives but do
not directly impact it.

Unproductive time: Time spent on activities

that neither directly impact, nor support the

50 Time Management
Analyze Time
Examples of activities:
Telephone calls (TC).
Work visits (WV).
Handling office traffic. ‫التعامل مع حركة المروربالمكتب‬
Visiting customers.
Administrative work.
 side talks.
Commuting. ‫التنقل‬
Other activities.

51 Time Management
Steps to analyze time
Step 1 – Keep an accurate record of daily
activities in your day planner.

Step 2 – At the end of each day review the

schedule and figure out how much time was
spent in each activity.


Step 3 – Enter the daily total of hours for

each activity (productive, supportive, and
unproductive time).

52 Time Management
Steps to analyze time
Step 4 – At the end of each week, total
the hours spent on each activity as
well as the total for each category.

Total hours spent in area for the

week / Total hours worked for the
week = Percentage of time working in
a particular area.

53 Time Management
Steps to analyze time
Step 5 – Do this for at least four weeks.
Then review the data.

Work toward spending a minimum of …

60% of the working hours in productive activities

30% of the working hours in supportive activities

10% of the working hours in non-productive


54 Time Management
Analyze Time
Compare your results to these standards.

If the objectives were not achieved, chances

are too much time was spent on supportive /
unproductive activities.



55 Time Management
Plan & Schedule Your Time

Planning means “what are the

actions you are going to take to
achieve your goals.”

In other words, link actions to


56 Time Management
Plan & Schedule Your Time

Three tools:

Year in Sight,

Month in Sight, and,

Day in Sight

57 Time Management

We don’t Plan to Fail…

We Fail to Plan
58 Time Management
Execute the Plan
Now, you developed your plan, and you
have annual, quarterly, monthly,
weekly, or even daily schedule.

Start executing the activities list in

your schedules.

While executing, avoid time wasters

59 Time Management
Time Wasters: Interruptions


Sales people



60 Time Management
Time Wasters: Information Problems
Not enough information

Inaccurate information

Unclear how to obtain information

61 Time Management
Time Wasters: Lack of self-discipline
No delegation

Working on low-priority tasks

Leaving tasks unfinished

Procrastination ‫مماطلة‬


62 Time Management
Learn to say NO
Recognize your limits

Take time to think about it

Be honest and vocal about why

Offer to defer or take a turn next time

Discuss workload with supervisor -

suggest an alternate approach

63 Time Management
Managing Interruptions
For crucial deadlines, make yourself

Schedule formal “check-in”


Schedule social time

Be polite but direct

Offer an alternate time

Manage self-interruptions

64 Time Management
Tips to avoid procrastination
Are you putting things off because of your fear of failure?
If so,…

Identify the fear and determine its causes.

Rationally analyze your situation.

Do a task analysis - If the task seems to be

overwhelming, break it down into smaller pieces, set goals
for each segment and achieve them one by one until you
cross the finish line.

65 Time Management
Tips to avoid procrastination
Are you putting things off because of your fear of failure?
If so,…

Weigh the consequences - What if I put this off? I might

not be able to finish this before its due

Create a deadline

Work with the deadline and create sub deadlines along

the way

66 Time Management
Avoiding procrastination
Divide project into
small, schedulable

Do collaborative work

Don’t be a perfectionist

Take a break at the end

67 Time Management

68 Time Management
Maximizing the “fun” parts
Choose work that you like

Importance of humor

Make the work as pleasant as possible

Rewarding yourself for reaching small and large


69 Time Management
External Time Wasters
Be aware of ways others or the environment waste your time:
 Interruptions, especially email
 Office socializing
 Too many meetings
 Unscheduled visitors
 Poor work environment
 Unclear goals
 Trying to get other’s cooperation
 Bureaucratic “red tape”
 Others you can think of ____________________

70 Time Management
Internal Time Wasters
Be aware of ways in which you waste your own time:
 Procrastination
 Lack of planning
 Lack of priorities
 Indecision
 Slow reading skills
 Physical or mental exhaustion
 Not being able to say “no”
 Messy work areas
 Low motivation
 Others you can think of ____________________

71 Time Management
Follow Up with the Plan
On a daily basis, just cross check the
activities that you are done with.

Do not forget to write down any remarks you

had during execution for future planning

Spot delays early as possible, then you have

more time to recover.

Replan if needed.

72 Time Management
Well, TIME IS UP!!!

73 Time Management
In Summary …
10 Guidelines for Effective Time Management
Plan ahead – must be able to plan and follow
through with the plan

Schedule leisure activities – schedule in blocks of

time for your family, friends, exercise, etc. If you
don’t, you likely will spend little time doing these

Under-promise and over deliver – set due dates that

are not just meetable but beatable. Get your work
done early!

Break big jobs into manageable chunks – break big

projects into small tasks and set deadlines for
completing the tasks

75 Time Management
10 Guidelines for Effective Time Management
Keep track of your progress – If your timeline is no
longer realistic, make sure your schedule allows for
“work in progress”

Delegate whatever you can – if the job can be

completed by someone else or with their help –

Establish parameters for saying “NO” – learn what

projects you should say yes to and which ones
someone else should have the opportunity to do

Make and follow a list of priorities – maintain a list or

lists of your priorities. Check your progress each day

76 Time Management
10 Guidelines for Effective Time Management
Group tasks according to the skills required – try
doing the tasks that are most difficult when you are
at your best

Keep your eyes open for shortcuts – learn and

incorporate new and better ways of doing things

77 Time Management
Finally …
Great time management is one of the most
important skills a person can develop – it takes
practice to effectively manage your time

Remember…what’s important to you may not be

important to someone else – they are your priorities
– and only you need to follow them

Learn what your strengths are and use them in your


Be happy in your job and enjoy what you are doing

– it is healthy!

78 Time Management

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