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Strategy for improving Cooperative partners (CPs)

Expenditure Reporting and Invoicing

Presented: By Shakirullah Gharwal

Date: 23 May 2024

Introduction of the Cooperative Partner Management Unit

The CPM is Programme Planning Unit in WFP is crucial for smooth operations. It manages
implementation plans, operational strategies, and facilitate changes in OP. It spearheads annual
planning, keeps plans updates, and collaborates with key players like supply chain and budget
teams, to ensures plans align with needs. Additionally, it conducts analyses, tracks
performance, and offers tailored support to field offices, addressing any issues that arise.

Problem and Risk of Delayed invoicing

Delayed invoicing refers to the submission of financial reports and invoices by Cooperating
Partners (CPs) beyond the stipulated 30-day period after the completion of activities. Frequent
delay pose significant challenges to the effective management of resources (underspent/overspent),
project timelines, quality of reviewing invoices creating misunderstanding with contractor/service
providers and liquidity.

Root Causes:
Inadequate tracking mechanisms
Communication gaps.
CPs’ capacity and resource limitations.(knowledge of sign budget, e.g budget breakdown)
Complex reporting requirements.
Lack of organizing proper Kick-off meeting/grant start of meeting.
Lack of obtaining legal documentation/supportation.
Bureaucratic procedure.

Risks of Delayed Invoicing

Delays in expenditure reporting and invoicing by Cooperating Partners (CPs)

• Financial risks (cash flow problems, financial planning issues)
• Operational risks (delayed project activities, resource allocation)
• Compliance risks (penalties, reputational damage)
• Impact on stakeholders and project outcomes
Tracking Tools

• Dashboard for Real-Time Monitoring/WFP ITS

• Visual representation of invoicing timelines

• Automated Alerts:
• Notifications for approaching deadlines and overdue reports

• Centralized Database:
• Consolidated data for easy access and tracking

Internal Stakeholder Strategy

Finance and logistic.

• Developed payment cycle timeline to be adhere by the all department.
• Trained the relevant departments on payment cycle

• Standardized Procedures.
• Implement clear guidelines and checklists
• Regular Follow-ups:
• Weekly monthly/quarterly meetings to review progress and address issues
External Stakeholder Strategy

• Capacity Building:
• Provide training and resources to CPs on financial reporting
• Simplified Reporting Templates:
• Streamline invoicing requirements to reduce complexity
• Incentives and Penalties:
• Introduce rewards for timely submissions and consequences for delays
Outcome of the strategy
Short –Term
• Reduction in Delayed Invoicing
• Improved Financial accuracy and Project management
• Provide on time support to the field staff in processing their salary
• Increase their commitment to the project work.

Long term
• Enhanced CPs Capacity and efficiency
• Strengthened trust and collaboration with stakeholders.

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