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I-V Characteristics
MOSFET Structure
• MOS Capacitor
– Inversion forms channel
• Reverse Biased Junctions
– Source fills channel
– Drain empties channel
– Current of inversion charge by drift!
I-V Characteristics
• Regions of operation
– Regions of operation
• Triode and Linear region
– Pinch-off
• Saturation
• Channel Shortening
• Early Effect
– Body Effect
Equivalent Circuit
• gm
• gmb
• Leakage currents
• RC constants
• Capacitances
Recap of MOS-C relations
• Beyond strong Inversion
• VGB = φMS + ΨS + Vox (1)
• QG + Qox + QB + Qinv = 0 (2)
• For ΨS = 0 : VGB = VFB
• QB = 0; Qinv = 0
• QG = CoxVox = - Qox
• VFB = φMS - Qox/Cox
• For ΨS = 2ΨB : VGB = VT; Qinv = 0
• QB(2ΨB) = [ 2 εSi q NA(2ΨB)]1/2
• VT = VFB + 2ΨB + [ 2 εSi q NA(2ΨB)]1/2/Cox
Assumptions in Derivation of I-V
• VGS = VGB = φMS + Vox(x) + ψS(x)
• ψS(x) = 2ψB + V(x)
– Gradual Channel Approximation
• V(x) = Vch(x) + VSB
– Vch(x) = voltage with respect to source
• 2ψB = qNAwmax2/ 2εS
– Strong Inversion Approximation
• Vox = Eox tox
– Charge free oxide
Threshold Voltage
• For MOS capacitor
– Voltage required at gate with respect to bulk silicon
VGB = VT for inversion charge to form at the oxide-
silicon interface i.e. ψS = 2ψB
– VT = VFB + 2ΨB + [ 2 εSi q NA(2ΨB) / Cox]1/2
– Voltage required at gate with respect to source VGS =
VTh to form inversion channel at the source end i.e.
ψS = 2ψB
– VGS = VTh0 if VSB ≠ 0
– VTh0 = VFB + 2ΨB + [ 2 εSi q NA(2ΨB) / Cox]1/2
– Note inversion channel need not extend from source
to drain; inversion charge Qinv(x) is channel charge
Qch(x); it must exist at least at source end.
Derivation of I-V Characteristics
• Assume:
– VSB = 0 => VGS = VGB
– Channel complete – Qch(x) ≠ 0 for any x
• VGS = VGB = φMS + Vox(x) + ψS(x)
• ψS(x) = 2ψB + V(x) = 2ψB + Vch(x)
• Cox Vox = εox Eox tox/tox = εox Eox = Dox
• Cox Vox = - (Qox+ Qch(x)+ QB)
• VGS – V(x) = φMS - (Qox+ Qch(x)+ QB)/Cox + 2ψB
Channel Charge
• VGS – V(x) = φMS - (Qox+ Qch(x)+ QB)/Cox + 2ψB
• VTh0 = [φMS - (Qox+ QB)/Cox + 2ψB]
• VGS – V(x) – VTh0 = - Qch(x)/Cox
• Qch(x) => Mobile charge per unit area
– Qch(x). W. dx = q nch(x) tch(x) W dx
– Qch(x) = q nch(x) tch(x)
Current in Device
• Consider dx length of channel at x
• J(x) = - q nch(x) µ (dV/dx)
• IDS = - J(x)W tch(x)
• IDS = q nch(x) µ (dV/dx)W tch(x)
• Qch(x) = q nch(x) tch(x) ; V = f(x)
• VGS – V(x) – VTh0 = - Qmob(x)/Cox
• Qch(V) = Cox [VGS – V(x) – VTh0]
• IDS = Qch(x) µ (dV/dx)W
• IDS dx = Qch(V) µ W dV
I-V Characteristics - II
• IDS dx = Qch(V) µ W dV
• IDS dx = Cox [VGS – V(x) – VTh0] µ W dV
• Integrating :
– x -> 0 – L,
– V(0) = 0, V(L) = VDS
• IDS L = µ W Cox ([VGS – VTh0] VDS - 1/2 VDS2)
• IDS = µCox(W/L)([VGS – VTh0] VDS - 1/2 VDS2)
Saturation region
• IDS = µ Cox (W/L) ([VGS –VTh0 ] VDS - 1/2 VDS2)
• Maxima at VDS = [VGS –VTh0 ]
• At Maxima:
• IDS = 1/2 µ Cox (W/L) [VGS –VTh0]2

• Point of pinch-off
• Increase in voltage does not cause
increase in current
• VT referred to source
• Operation
– VSB = 0, VDS => small
– IDS = µnCox [W/L] (VGS – VTh) VDS
• TECHNOLOGY parameters - µnCox
• Aspect ratio – Design Parameters - [W/L]
• Circuit parameters-(VGS – VTh) VDS

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