What Is Globalization (3) (2020 - 12 - 06 05 - 04 - 54 UTC)

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What is Globalization

By Prof. Jet T. Castillo,

Ivan Descartin
Dr. Elizabeth Nuncio
Learning Objectives
1) Formulate a personal diagnostic definition
of globalization (CO1)

2) Enumerate the descriptions of globalization


3) Agree on a working definition of

globalization for the course (CO1)
Group Activity

 Form groups of three and write on a ½ yellow

paper your collective definition of

 No web browsing allowed

7 Descriptions of Globalization
1. Globalization is a phenomenon
 It is an event
 It is something on the history timeline
 It’s like a war, an earthquake, a king’s reign,

or any other happening on the history time

 It is a phenomenon on the “contemporary

times” in the history timeline.

2. Globalization is a process
 It is not something that happened in a zap
 On the history timeline, it is from point A to

point B; not point A only.

 A process undergoes different stages, from

early stage to advanced stage.

 So does Globalization
3. Globalization has drivers
 There are reasons why Globalization takes
 We call them drivers.
 These can be events, people, etc that served

as stimuli or spark for the Globalization

process to start rolling.
 There is no single one driver of globalization,

it is a combination of several factors

4. Globalization involves the
collapsing of borders
 Not necessarily borderlines between countries
 Breaking down of figurative walls that divide

interaction between and among individuals,

nations and governments
5. Globalization involves the
shrinking of the world
 Not that the planet gets smaller physically
 It means that individuals, nations, and

governments have ease in interaction.

 Example: communication, transportation,

business, education
6. Globalization is geographic
 Some places on earth experience it, some
 Some people are affected by it, some people

are not affected

 Example: The Gods Must Be Crazy movie
7. Globalization is inevitable
 Globalization spreads from one place into
 But since Globalization is a process, there will

come a time when all places and people on

earth will experience it.
 It cannot be avoided.
 We must therefore prepare for it.
What is Globalization?
 An event
 A process
 Driven by many factors
 Collapsing of borders
 Shrinking of the world
 Geographic
 Inevitable
What is Globalization?
 Make your own definition based on the 7
descriptions of Globalization
 Go to your room and choose 5 items you have in
your possession. Write them on a 1 half sheet of
yellow paper.

 Opposite each item, write its country of origin

(Made in the Philippines, China, USA, etc)

 Do the same thing for the kitchen (including inside

of the refrigerator), and the living room (these
should include appliances). Write down 5 items
from the kitchen and 5 from the living room.

Question no.1
Determine which country makes the most
household and personal needs you and your
families have. What country is it?

Question no. 2
Discuss why certain products are made in the
Philippines while others are produced abroad.

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