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National Security

“One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose
-Agatha Christie-

Learning Objectives
1. explain the idea of national security and peace in the furtherance of the country’s
2. recognize the values to be enhanced and practiced by students to promote
national security and peace building; and
3. demonstrate the specific role of the youth in achieving peace and national
security in the country.
Sec. 5, 1987 Constitution

The maintenance of peace and order, the

protection of life, liberty, and property,
and the promotion of the general welfare
are essential for the enjoyment by all the
people of the blessings of democracy
(Section 5, 1987 Philippine Constitution).
Concepts of National Security
For the Philippines and the Filipino
people, national security is defined as the
state or condition wherein the nation's
sovereignty and territorial integrity, the
people's well-being, core values, and way
of life, and the State and its institutions,
are protected and enhanced.“
The ability to preserve the nation's
physical integrity and territory; to
maintain its economic relations with the
rest of the world on reasonable terms; to
preserve its nature, institution, and
governance from disruption from outside;
and to control its borders." (Brown,
Concepts of National Security
This is similar to a family wherein the parents
do everything to make their children, house
and other belongings in their property safe
from outside threat such as burglars,
trespassers, and other unwelcome guests.
While maintaining good relationships with
neighbors, the integrity of the house and its
boundaries must be kept intact to be
respected and acknowledged by the
Concepts of National Security
1.Security of people, not just territory;
2.Security of individuals, not just of nations;
3.Security through development, not
through arms.
What are the Threats to National
1.Any action or sequence of events that
threatens to drastically and quickly degrade
the quality of life of people; or
2.Any development that has the potential to
greatly narrow the range of policy choices
available to the government or to non-
governmental entities within the state.
Definition of Terms
1. Subversion. It is a group of
conspiracy seeking to alter an
existing system or government
though deceit and other unlawful
means, or it is an act of an
individual or group who seek to
alter an existing system through
deceitful means.
Definition of Terms
2. Communism. It is a theory
which advocates elimination of
private ownership. It tends to
make the society stateless and
Definition of Terms
3. Agitation. It is a
subversive technique to
arouse hatred and anger
among the people.

Ex. NATO vs. Russia

Definition of Terms
4. Propaganda. It is a line of
persuasion to influence the
belief, emotion, behavior,
attitude and opinion of the
target audience.
Ex. Black Propaganda against
Definition of Terms
5.Infiltration. Deception used of legal
activities. This is used to exert influence and
if possible, seize control of target audience.
For example, organized criminal groups
might run protection rackets, i.e. systems of
illegal "taxation" imposed on persons or
business in exchange for freedom from
molestation, protection from damage or
harm to its employees and customers.
..use violence and threats to gain some form
of monopolistic control (e.g., of territory,
land, subsidies, garbage collection, or
delivery services).
Concept of National and Human Security
(UNDP, Human Development Report 1994)
1.Economic Security 1. Safety from chronic threats as hunger,
disease and repression;
2.Food Security
2. It means protection from sudden and
3.Health Security hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily
life- whether in homes, in jobs, or in
4.Environmental Security communities.
5.Personal Security
6.Community Security
7.Political Security
National Security Council
Executive Order No. 292 S. 1987 was issued
Administrative Code of 1987 where it instituted administrative functions, structures and
procedures of all government agencies;
This EO lies on the Premise that “the national interest requires an agency to formulate and
adopt policies, programs, and procedures on all matters pertaining to or affecting the national
security so that judgments and actions thereon by the President may rest on sound advice
and accurate information”(Par. 2, Section 2, BOOK IV, Chapter 2-National Security Council).
The National Security Council shall serve as the lead agency of the government for coordinating
the formulation of policies, relating to or with implications on the national security (Sec. 3).
The Council shall have an Executive Committee composed of the:
◦ President as Chairman;
◦ the Vice-President;
◦ Secretary of Foreign Affairs;
◦ the Executive Secretary;
◦ the Secretary of National Defense;
◦ the National Security Director;
◦ the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines; and
◦ other members or advisers as the President may appoint from time to time.
Fundamental Elements of National
There are seven fundamental elements that lie at the core of, and therefore further amplify our
definition of national security. At the same time, they constitute the most important challenges
we face as a nation and people.
1.Socio-Political Stability
2.Territorial Integrity
3.Economic Solidarity and Strength
4.Ecological Balance
5.Cultural Cohesiveness
6.Moral-Spiritual Consensus
7.External Peace or International Harmony
national security relates to the defense of the  National security is concerned with
nation’s government against hostile local safeguarding the state against outside or
elements seeking replacement with their own foreign forces or influence designed to
government. undermine its sovereignty or placing
national security in this sense refers to the under the dominant control of some
measures aimed at countering foreign state or states.
domestic or internal challenges to the existing
political and socio-economic order.
Ex. Scarborough Shoal and Spratly issues in
the West Philippine Sea
1.Presence of Extremist and Terrorist Group
2.Communist Party of the Philippines
3.Organized Crime – Ex. Illegal Drug Trade, Human Trafficking, Organ Trafficking, Cybercrime, etc.
4.Grave incidence of poverty
5.Economic Sabotage
6.Graft and Corruption
7.Severe Calamities
8.Persistent Environment Degradation
1.Smuggling of firearms and contraband, illegal migration and the occasional movement of
foreign terrorists through the porous borders of our south-western frontier
2.Lingering effects of the currency crisis affecting the countries within the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
3.Serious economic disparity between rich and poor nations.
4.Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
5.Transnational organized crimes
Let’s Reflect!
1. Aside from the mentioned threats in the previous slides, what other threats that you think
undermines the following:
◦ Your Personal Security
◦ Family Security
◦ Country’s Security

2. List down the threats that you think are lingering around our country today during the term of BBM.
Identify if it is Internal or External Security.

3. Read a news article about certain security issue. Identify the threats that are associated to the said issue.
Create a problem Tree Analysis.
Understanding Value of Peace
UN General Assembly proclaimed the year 2000 as the “International Year for the Culture of
The same Assembly declared the period of 2001-2010 the “International Decade for a Culture of
Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World.
This is how the notion of a Culture of Peace conquered the world.
Mindful of the responsibility for the promotion of peace in society, the school system is
expected to contribute to the development of understanding solidarity, tolerance and harmony
among people.
This rationalizes the issuance of CMO No. 1 s. 2019 on the integration of peace education in the
Higher Education Curriculum
Peace Defined
“Peace is not just the absence of war. It is the wholeness of life where every person can live
with dignity”. (Mindanao Church Peace Congress, 1996)
As positively defined, peace means the presence of harmony, understanding, tranquility , social
justice, respect, and tolerance – meaning the enhancement of life.
Peace should be viewed in different
1.Personal Level – refers to the development of inner harmony or inner integration characterized
by such qualities as self-respect, self-confidence, ability to cope with negative feelings (fear,
anger, insecurity, and shame) and developing positive attitudes such as cheerfulness and
2.Interpersonal Level – is manifested by the relationship of an individual with one another. The
interpersonal level peace can be shown in terms of:
a) Assertiveness. The capacity of the individual to express one’s views or exercise one’s rights without
being aggressive .
b) Respect. To recognize the worth of others regardless of differences in social position, culture,
origin, ethnic grouping or gender.
c) Concern for Others. An awareness and understanding of their needs, feelings, and condition and
extending appropriate consideration for such.
Peace should be viewed in different
d. Cooperation. The capacity and willingness to work with others to achieve a common goal.
e. Open-mindedness. The willingness to approach difficult sources of information, people, and events
with a critical but open mind.
f. Humility. The virtue to accept and recognize that others may have the ability similar or maybe
more than you have and that recognition enables you to accept your own limitations.
3. Social/ National Level – is concerned with addressing issues that affect society and its social, political,
and economic components.
Ex. Addressing the issue of social injustice such as land grabbing, forest degradation,
water pollution, and other that have societal impact.
Peace should be viewed in different
a)Social Responsibility. An awareness of one’s responsibility for the common welfare and the willingness
as well as the readiness to work for it.
b)Interdependence. An awareness of the impact of the decisions and actions of individuals and groups on
one another.
c)Social Justice. Requires an awareness and recognition of the civil, political, economic, social, and
cultural rights, especially of the more marginalized sectors of society and the willingness to promote and
defend them.
4. Global Level – is concerned with attaining related issues that have global impact or scale such as the
issue of unfair trade relations, racial discrimination, terrorism, xenophobia, and others.
Peace should be viewed in different
a)Respect for the Environment. The value of recognizing the importance of the resources in the
environment as indicated by the act of preserving and conserving them. Also, the efforts initiated to
protect the resources of the environment.
b)Unity in the oneness of Humankind. The value of recognizing the importance of being one with other
humans as the semblance of God’s power and love. It is a recognition that everyone is as important as
the other.
c)Religious Appreciation. The ability to respect and appreciate the presence of people with religious
beliefs other than his own. This recognition brings us into realization that we have different ways of
expressing our faith but we have common aspiration to be pleasing to the creator.
d)Cultural Appreciation. A recognition of the presence of different cultures and such differences give us
the opportunity to learn from one another.
In an article entitle “10 Ways Youth Can Make an Impact”, it provided the youth means to
contribute to the country’s national security.
Know your rights. Read up, get informed and practice your right!! The youth can maximize their
rights if they are well-informed.
Learn about local issues. What are the concerns plaguing your community? How are the
concerns affecting you and your immediate environment? Knowing the problem can lead to
possible solutions and the youth’s role in the grand scheme of things.
Speak out. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind either online, through social media, and offline,
gatherings and meetings. Be assertive and express your interests. Someone is bound to read or
to listen to it. However, be responsible of what you aired and support it with facts. Also, respect
the views of others regardless if it agrees or disagrees with you.
Network. There is strength in numbers. Reach out to them and learn their efforts and initiatives.
It could pave way to bigger things for you.
Spread the word. Talk to your friends and family about the concerns and issues you see as
important. You can provide a voice to unaddressed issues, educate and influence the people
around you.
Join campaigns. Be one with the people having the same vision and initiative as you. Create
solutions and actions that can be done in your community.
Host a youth summit. Learn and share your perspectives and views with peers as well as
decision makers. Schools and local organizations can be of great support to you in trying to
create a forum for the exchange of ideas.
Use your creativity. Use your passion for the arts and your hobbies into a productive action
towards your ideals.
Join/create a youth organization. Local youth organizations are great places to expand your
knowledge and become an active member of your society. If your community doesn’t have an
organization representing youth, create one. Be the trendsetter!
Be an inspiration. Believe in yourself, and follow your passion. Passionate youth will change the

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