Pedagogical Competencies

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Now that you have the basic concepts pertinent to MTB-MLE,
you will now acquire the pedagogical competencies that you
need to successfully teach Mother Tongue to your future
The pedagogical competencies emphasized in this Module are
Now that you have the basic concepts pertinent to MTB-MLE, you will now acquire the pedagogical competencies that you need
as follows:
to successfully your
teach Mother ability
Tongue to yourto understand
future students. The deeper
pedagogicalthe target emphasized in this Module are as
follows: your ability to understand deeper the target language and the culture in which the language is situated; your ability to
language and the culture in which the language is situated;
design and execute instructional plans in teaching mothertongue; and your ability to create assessments to ensure that learning is
your ability to design and execute instructional
genuinely taking place. plans in

teaching mothertongue; and your ability to create assessments

to ensure that learning is genuinely taking place.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected
to: •
State their own definition of culture and list
other related concepts;
•Explain the various definitions of culturally- Insert title here

responsive education a Principles;

and • List some examples of the elements of
culture from observing their local
Communities’ culture
The pedagolical competencies emphasized in
this module are as follows.
• Your ability to understand deeper the target language and the culture in
which the language is suited.
• your ability to design and execute instructuional plas in teaching
mother tongue.
• Your abilty to create assessment to ensure that learning is genuinely
taking place.
What is Pedagogy?
• Pedagogycan be defined as the art of
• Pedagogy involves being able to
convey knowledge and skills in ways
that students can understand, remember
and apply.
Pedagogical skills can generally be
divided into classroom managementskills
Learning Activities: “For indigenous
communities… worldwide that are still
grappling with the legacy of colonization,
being able to speak their ancestral language is
about empowerment And reclainming their
identity. It may even cary significant
consequences for their Mental health” 20XX

Title here
A student’s beliefs, attitudes, and subjective norms are all circumscribed
in culture. Most of the time, culture affects, in a variety of ways, how
different students prefer to learn. Teachers should consider a diverse
method of teaching to suit varied aspects of students different cultures.
Even though people are not aware of it, culture governs their thoughts,
beliefs, and behavior (Gay, 2010b).
Pedagogical competencies in teaching the mother tongue are essential
skills that educators need to effectively teach students in their native

These competencies include:

Understanding the Target Language and Culture:

Teachers must have a deep understanding of the

language they are teaching, including its grammar,
vocabulary, and usage. Additionally, they should be
knowledgeable about the culture associated with
the language, as language and culture are deeply
Instructional Planning:

Educators should be able to design

comprehensive lesson plans that incorporate
the mother tongue in a way that is engaging
and effective for students. This involves
selecting appropriate materials, activities, and
assessments that cater to the linguistic needs
of the learners.
Creating Assessments:

To ensure that learning is taking place, teachers need to develop assessments that accurately measure students’
language proficiency and comprehension.
These assessments should be aligned with the learning
objectives and should provide feedback that
can guide further instruction1.
Culturally Responsive Education:

Teachers should be able to implement culturally responsive

teaching strategies that recognize and honor the cultural
backgrounds of students. This approach helps in creating an
inclusive classroom environment where students feel valued
and motivated to learn1.
Language Teaching Strategies: Competent educators employ
various language teaching strategies that address the
different macro skills of communication: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. They adapt their teaching methods to
suit the diverse learning styles of their students2.
By mastering these pedagogical competencies, teachers can
provide a rich learning experience that promotes language
development and cultural appreciation among students. It’s
important for educators to continuously develop these skills
through professional development and reflective practice.
Certainly! Culturally responsive teaching strategies
are designed to acknowledge and embrace the
diverse backgrounds of students, creating an
inclusive and supportive learning environment.
Here are some examples:
Incorporate Students’ Cultural

Use examples, stories, and references from a variety of cultures to make the content more relatable and engaging for
all students1.
Empower Student Voice: Encourage students to express their thoughts and opinions, and incorporate their experiences
into classroom discussions and activities2.
Use Multicultural Learning Materials:
Select texts, images, and other learning materials that reflect the diversity of
the classroom and the wider world

Adapt Teaching Method

teaching traditional
to include
instruction styles,
such as oral
storytelling or
Promote Educational Equity

Ensure that all students have access to

the same learning opportunities and
resources, and address any barriers that
might prevent full participation
Reflect on Personal Biases
• Teachers should be aware of their own cultural biases and work to
overcome them to create a fair and unbiased learning environment
Involve Families and Communities
Engage with students’ families and local communities to bring a richer
cultural context to the classroom
Assessments that Reflect Diversity
• Design assessments that are fair and considerate of the diverse cultural
backgrounds of the students
Establish Inclusion
Regularly group students with different classmates to encourage sharing
of diverse perspectives and background knowledge
Foster a Positive Identity-Safe Environment
Create a classroom atmosphere where all students feel safe, respected,
and valued for their unique cultural identities
These strategies help educators to not only teach academic content but also to nurture students’ sense of belonging and identity,

which is crucial for their overall success and well-being .


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