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Case presentation

Ca Larynx
• 72 yr male retired teacher from Chembur

• Chief complaints- change in voice since 5 months

• He was apparently normal 5 months back, when he developed hoarseness which
was progressively worsening. Initially started as rough voice which later
progressed and attained present state.
• Voice change has worsened for past two months.

• H/o cough associated with swallowing

• No h/o difficulty in swallowing

• No h/o any neck swelling

• No h/o loss of weight

• No h/o hemoptysis
• Past history-

Diabetic and IHD

• Personal history

Tobacco chewer
General examination
• Patient is conscious, cooperative, and well oriented in time place and person.

• ECOG 1

• BP- 130/80mm, Pulse rate- 74/min, Afebrile

• No Pallor, Icterus, Cyanosis, Clubbing, lymphadenopathy, pedal edema

• Systemic examination of chest, CVS & Per abdomen- Normal

Oral cavity examination

• Mouth opening – Adequate:

• No loose tooth
• No suspicious lesions in oral cavity
• Normal Movements of the tongue and no deviation on protrusion of
Examination of neck

•No obvious swelling, scar marks, sinus or fistula

•Neck extension is not restricted
•No widening of larynx is noted
•Laryngeal crepitus present
•No palpable lymphadenopathy

• BOT & Vallecula- Normal

• Growth involving left false vocal cord and false vocal cord, growth extends

into subglottis

• Left vocal cord is fixed

• PFS free
• CECT Neck + thorax

• DL scopy-

lesion involving the left TVC, FVC,

extending to left subglottis less than 1cm –

laryngeal surface of epiglottis

B/L AEF, PFS, post cricoid free

• Biopsy- SCC

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