Ayush Meena

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sustainable supply chain management

Sustainable supply chain management is the practice of integrating environmental, social and
financial considerations into the sourcing , production and distribution of goods and services.

Over the past decades, the term “supply chain (SC)” has been discussed in countless studies. Before raising concerns about the environment,
supply chain management (SCM) merely considered the effectiveness and responsiveness of a system from receiving raw materials and production
procedures to delivering products to end-users

The next generation of researchers stated that SCM needed to be updated; considering sustainability and the concept of closed-loop production and
consumption was unavoidable due to the environmental impact of supply chains and the limitations on resources and raw materials

This led to an ever-increasing number of studies with a particular focus on sustainability in different industries, and consequently added the
“sustainable supply chain (SSC)” to the field terminology
Three components of
sustainable supply chains
Green sustainable supply chain

Green Supply Chain Management (Green SCM) is a strat

egic framework that integrates environmentally sustainabl
e practices across the entire supply chain
It's sometimes also referred to as sustainable supply chai
n management
or green logistics1.
Transparent sustainable supply chain
Supply chain transparency allows businesses and consumers to understand how goods are
produced and distributed. This includes knowing where and how products are made, the
labor practices that are involved, the journey of products from source to consumer and any
environmental impacts that occur along the way.
Circular Supply Chain

 A circular supply chain is one that uses materials and goods as long as possible, instead of letting them go
immediately to waste. In a circular supply chain, manufacturers reuse raw materials such as plastic, metal,
cardboard, paper, steel, and glass. They refurbish and resell previously owned goods. They and their retailers
rent products instead of selling them. And they choose recycled pallets and other green storage and packaging
solutions. As in all supply chains, materials and finished goods make their way from suppliers to
manufacturers, retailers, and consumers.

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