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Varun Beverages Limited

By: Rashi
MSc. Food Technology
4th Semester
Mid Semester Exam
• It is a key player in beverages industry and one of the largest
franchisee of PepsiCo in the world.
• The Company manufactures, distributes and sells a wide range of
carbonated soft drinks, as well as a large selection of non carbonated
beverages, including packaged drinking water sold under trademarks
owned by PepsiCo.
• VBL has been granted franchisees for various PepsiCo products across
27 states and 7 Union Territories in India.
There are various process under production of beverages. In quality
department, checking of water, raw materials, bottle in done.
• Water Treatment Process
• Sugar Testing
• Syruping
• Bottle Testing
• Pet line Test
• Raw Material Packaging Material
• Microbiology
Water Treatment Process
• In the food and beverage sector, water is an essential component in every aspect.
Good water is necessary for effective processing and production, from washing
process equipment to adding it to food and drink goods.
• The importance of water treatment in the food and beverage industry comes from
the need to remove any presence of microorganisms.
• In order to comply with environmental requirements, used water that exits food
and beverage processing industries must also be treated before being released.
• The way that water is treated in the food and beverage sector varies greatly
according on the application.
Few effective water treatment techniques are:
1. Reverse Osmosis: It is a water purification method that employs a
semi-permeable membrane to eliminate a range of chemical and
microbiological impurities.
2. Ultraviolet Water Purification: Water treated with ultraviolet light
becomes pure because pathogens including bacteria, viruses, and
protozoa are eliminated.
3. Filtration Method: Prior to reverse osmosis, UV treatment, or
deionization, filtration is a basic water treatment technique that uses
a range of media to remove certain chemicals and solids from water.
4. Deionization: It is a popular method for getting rid of calcium, iron,
and other minerals to create high-purity drinking and food processing
5. Settling: A settling system clears water of suspended particles using a
tank. Fats and greases, hair, sand, grit, wood, bottles, and sludge are
among the common pollutants that are eliminated by settling.

Raw Water Storage Tank

Sand filter Tank

A Carbon Filter

Micron Cartridge Filter

Reverse Osmosis

RO Product Storage Tank

Micron Cartridge Filter

UV System

Treated Water
Manufacture Control Point
1. Chlorine Testing: It is done in raw water and soft water. In raw water chlorine powder of 2 to
4ppm is added and in soft water 0.5 to 1ppm chlorine is added.
2. Total Dissolved Solids: Total dissolved solids refer to the total concentration of dissolved
substances in drinking water (organic and inorganic materials). It is checked by conductivity meter.
Standard TDS of RO water is 28.4 mg/L.
3. pH: The pH value of a water source is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. The pH level is a
measurement of the activity of the hydrogen atom, because the hydrogen activity is a good
representation of the acidity or alkalinity of the water. Standard pH of water is 6.5 – 7. It is checked
by pH meter.
4. M alkalinity: Alkalinity is a measure of water’s ability to neutralize acids or resist changes that
cause acidity, maintaining stable pH. M is pH indicator methyl orange.
5. Total Hardness: Total hardness refers to sum of calcium and magnesium concentration in water.
6. Turbidity: Turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid. It is an optical characteristic of
water and is a measurement of the amount of light that is scattered by material in the water when a
light is shined through the water sample. Turbidity is commonly measured in Nephelometric
Turbidity Units (NTU). Turbidimeters is used to measure turbidity of water.
Sugar Testing
• Sugar is used in soft drinks for far more than adding a sweet flavor. It is often the
second most abundant ingredient in beverages. Alongside this, the presence of
sugar balances the acidity of the final drink.
• Invert sugar, produced by heating sucrose in an inversion pan to break the bonds
between its glucose and fructose molecules, is often the sugar of choice for
commercial manufacturers. Its liquid form means it dissolves far more efficiently
in cold liquid than crystalline sugar and it helps to develop flavor. Furthermore,
invert sugar also makes products more resistant to microbial spoilage, ensuring
they have the best possible shelf life.
Sugar checking for color and turbidity

• The term color refers to a wide range of complex and molecular components that
contribute to the overall appearance of sugar.
• The processing of cane or beet can produce different scopes in terms of color. In
fact, this was seen as so important that in 1897, ICUMSA (IU) was officially
formed, also known as The International Commission for Uniform Methods
of Sugar Analysis.
• Maximum range of color is 150 ICUMSA.
• Turbidity test is done to check how the sugar molecules break.
• Turbidity standard of sugar is 125 NTU.
• NTU stands for Neptometric Turbidity.
Weigh 50gm sugar

Then 50ml water is added

Stir in magnetic stirrer

50% sample is filtered with 0.45μ filter paper

Filtered sample is used to check colour and unfiltered sample is used to check turbidity

Set zero in reference with water in spectrophotometer

Put filter sample in cuboid and read the result at 420nm

For turbidity set zero with filtered sample and put the unfiltered sample in the cuboid
Conductivity Test of Sugar
• It is used to determine if there is any inorganic particles present in the sugar
• Its standard value is 0.050% max.
Weighs 28g sugar sample

Then add 72ml water

Stir in magnetic stirrer

Read conductivity of distilled water

Read conductivity of sugar sample
[CS ̵ (CW ̵ 0.035) ] × 6 × 10 ˉ⁴, this formula is used to calculate conductivity.
Floc Test of Sugar
• A floc or floccule is a small portion of matter resembling a tuft of wool or a wispy
cloud. In soft drink or acidic beverage manufacture the term is used to describe a
visible defect in the product.
• This visible defect may be particulate and sedimentary or tuft-like and suspended
in the beverage, and may be attributed to microbial contamination or to water and
sugar ingredients that are of unsuitable quality for beverage manufacture.
• Floc test is used to check any foreign particles in sugar.
• Phosphoric acid is added to determine if yeast or fermentation is not growing in
the sugar solution.
Weigh 600g sugar

Add 500ml water

Mix the solution in magnetic stirrer

Add ortho phosphoric acid till pH reading 1.50 with continuously mixing.

Heat the solution in hot plate till boiling start

Then store it in the Duran bottle

After 2 or 10 days observe if there is presence of floc or not.

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