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Presented by: Ma. Cristina Garcia

Prototypes refer to the mental representations or ideas we have about
certain objects, concepts, or events. These mental representations
help us to understand and classify things in the world around us.
For example, when we think about a “chair,” we might have a
specific prototype in our mind that includes the typical features of a
chair, such as four legs, a backrest, and a seat. Prototypes are
essential for efficient communication and decision-making
processes, as they allow us to categorize and interpret information
Example: When you think of a "bird," the mental image
that comes to mind might be a sparrow or a robin.
These are prototypical birds with common features like
feathers, wings, and the ability to fly. However,
penguins and ostriches are also birds, but they don't
possess all the typical features, making them less
Imagine Schemas
Imagine schemas, on the other hand, are cognitive structures that
help us organize and interpret our experiences, particularly when
it comes to imagining or visualizing events, situations, or
scenarios. Imagine schemas are closely related to mental imagery,
which is the ability to create and manipulate visual, auditory, or
sensory images in our minds. These schemas enable us to
mentally simulate various possibilities and outcomes, which can
be useful for problem-solving, planning, and creative thinking.
Example: When you visit a new city, you might
use an "urban explore" schema to navigate
through it. This schema includes elements like
streets, buildings, public transportation, and
landmarks. By organizing your experiences using
this schema, you can better understand and
interact with the city.
Imagine schemas can be observed in the way we plan our
daily routines.
For example, when you imagine waking up in the morning,
you might mentally visualize yourself getting out of bed,
brushing your teeth, having breakfast, and getting ready for
work. This mental simulation, or schema, helps you prepare
for the day and anticipate the sequence of events.
Prototypes and imagine schemas are essential cognitive
tools that help us understand, classify, and navigate the
world around us. They play a crucial role in our ability to
communicate, learn, and adapt to new experiences. By
studying these concepts, researchers and professionals can
gain valuable insights into human cognition, perception,
and behavior.

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