Science, Technology, and Culture

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Science, Technology, And Culture

Technology is the
application of scientific Technology is a result
knowledge for practical of advance science.
purposes, especially in
According to Georg Simmel : “Objective
culture is seen as a ‘thing’ and subjective
culture as its ‘unique experience’. (Jackson,
J.D., Neilsen, G, and Hsu, Yon, 2011, p. 10”

So culture is, experienced,

shared, and adopted
As the time goes by, the
standard of life has been
increasing. Somehow, our
intelligence creates various
technologies, and it will
not stop developing.
The relation of technology,
science and culture is that all of
them cannot be separated from
each other, they have complex
relation which somehow
influencing each other.
The influence of technology and
science to culture is that they
creating new lifestyle, adding new
words, and changing the terms of
law that is no longer relevant after
hard evaluation and discussion.
Thus the contribution of culture to
them is to prevent whatsoever that
violated the elements of culture.
No New words Meaning
1 Selfie A photograph that one has taken of
oneself, with smartphone or webcam
and uploaded to a social media
2 Laptop Small computer that can work with a
battery and be easily carried
3 Smartphone A mobile phone that performs many
function of computer
4 Internet A global computer network providing a
variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of
interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols.
5 Video Game A game played by electronically
manipulating images produced by a
computer program on a monitor or
other display
Some of the technology may enhance
something a lot more effective than
before, thus some technology that we
are having right now, has been banned
in some country. Those technologies
are : of Technology
Name Country
Facebook Social Media Pakistan
Laser Pointer Most Country in Europe
Google Street View Greece and Austria
Video Games South Korea
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