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‬بسم هللا الرحمن الرحیم‬

Mood of verb.
Presented by : Sir. Raza khan.
When we talk about the state of the verb its mean we talk about the
mood of the verb.
Mood is the mode or manner in which the action is denoted by the
verb is presented.
Mood is the manner of the verb it shows how the action is accrued.
Every verb has five mood in English.
 Indicative mood.
 Subjunctive mood.
 Infinitive mood.
 Descriptive mood.
 Imperative mood
When the state of the verb is equal with information is called indicative mood.
Ex: she writes a letter. ( writes ) is equal with information.
Ex2: they work at Kabul. ( work ) is equal with information.

Note : when the state of the verb is equal with information?

1. statement: Ex: she invites the guests.

2. question: Ex: is she writes atopic.
3. negative: Ex: I am not writing a topic.

2. Note: how do we know about the sentence is it statement.

1. s + v 2. full stop 3. low pitch .
When the state of the verb is equal with ( TO+ VERB )its called infinitive mood.

Note : we can find infinitive in the subject of the sentence, after main verb, after noun and after adjective.

Ex: to come on time is necessary. ( in the subject ).

Ex: I want to study English. ( after main verb ).
Ex: I bought a book to study. ( after noun ).
Ex: nice to meet you. ( after adjective ).
When the state of the verb is equal with order its called imperative mood.
Ex: please open the door. Ex: sit down. Ex: if you don’t mind clean the house.
Kinds of command:
1. direct command: are those which is started with ceremonial words.
Ex: please open the door. Ex: would you mind close the door.
2. indirect command: are those commands which are started without ceremonial words.
Ex: open the door, clean the house, write the topic.
Kinds of direct command:
1. polite. Which is started with please. Ex: please write a topic.
2. more polite. Which is started with would you like or would you please and etc.
Ex: would you like open the book , would you please sit-down in the chair.
3. most polite: which is started with would you mind or if you don’t mind.
Ex: would you mind close the door , if you don’t mind come here.

When the state of the verb is equal with unreal action is called subjunctive mood.
Ex: if you were a teacher, I would teach you English language.

Note: where we can find subjunctive mood.

1. are those sentences which are conditional in form. Ex: if he call me, I will tell him the fact.
2. in the prayer form. Ex: may Allah succeed you.
3. in the wishes form . Ex: wish you get first position in the class..
4. supposition form: suppose you are the governor, how do you make Nangarhar.
When the function as a verb and as and adjective this is called descriptive mood.

Note : a verb can be find as an adjective and as a verb in the following two ways.
1. present participial. 2. past participial.

Ex: I am typing a topic. ( as a verb ) Ex: I have typing machine. ( as an adjective ).

Ex: I have completed my HW. ( as V3 ). Ex: this is a complete HW. ( as an adjective )

Thank you so

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