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Importance of Antenatal
Antenatal classes (sometimes
called parentcraft classes) can
help you to prepare for your
baby’s birth and give you
confidence and information.
 Antenatal classes help to understand the process of labour and
 About pain relieving techniques.
 Once you are aware of these you can either pre-plan a painless
delivery or demand it
 Information about different kinds of birth techniques and
interventions like forceps delivery is also given during these
Information about exercise & fitness:

Learning to exercise is important during pregnancy. In the

antenatal classes you will be told about the exercises to be
done during each trimester. Light exercises initially and later
you get to do exercises will work towards a normal delivery.
Exercises keep you fit and active .You will not gain
unnecessary fat and you will be able to cope with labour in a
better way .Breathing exercises you learn during these
sessions are helpful during labour.
Birth of a baby brings
about many changes
in a womens life and
an antenatal class
helps to cope better
with the physical,
emotional and
lifestyle changes
 According to National health services involved in care of pregnant
women antenatal classes are held in many hospitals and
 There will be wide variations is found around the country in
content, presenting personnel and style of teaching.
 Ideally midwifes, obstetric physiotherapist, health visitors are
work together to provide a comprehensive programme at a time
in a place
 RCM et al., 1987

 Promote and maintain optimal physical and emotional health

 Recognize and treat obstetrical and medical complications
 Detect fetal abnormalities
 Increase the knowledge of pregnancy to couples
 Cope with physical changes and emotional changes of pregnancy,
labour and puerperium
 To provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas
Benefits of antenatal classes

 Ability to design a exercise which strengthen or stretch

muscle group affected by biomechanical changes
 Pelvic floor exercises helps to avoidance of strain on PFM
 Ability to modify exercises for each woman’s individual
 Reinforcement of principles of physiotherapy antenatal
education ( relaxation, breath awareness and back care)
 Familiarization of hospitals, if a classes are conducted
where a woman is delivering
Pre-class Assessment

 Detailed subjective and objective examination should be

 Doctor’s permission to exercise should be noticed
 From a safety perspective all women attending a
pregnancy exercises class should inform there medical
practitioner of their participation. This is important if a
condition developing during the pregnancy requires the
modification or cessation of exercise( Artal, 1992)

 Small groups
 Well ventilated
 Low impact movements
 Slow music with a strong beat
 Carpeted supportive floor
 Mirrors for visual feedback
 Participants should wear comfortable loose clothing,
supportive shoes and inner garments
 Water available
 Emergency equipments available
Structure of pregnancy exercise class
 Encourage fluid intake
 Introduction- emphasize safety and correct posture
 Monitor resting pulse
 Warm up-10 minutes
 Modified cardiovascular component-20mins
 Monitor pulse and water break
 Gentle cool down
 Specific strengthening, stability, toning and balance work.
 Stretches
 Relaxation
 Encourage fluid intake
 Question or discussion time
SCHEDULE- 6 weeks
1st week:
 Explanation of physical and physiological changes
of pregnancy
 Breathing control
 Pelvic floor exercise, pelvic tilting, kegel’s exercise
 Ankle toe movements
 Back care and postural advice
2nd week:
 Review of 1st week program
 Benefits of breast feeding
 Shoulder bracing exercises
 Relaxation and coping techniques
3rd week:
 Review of 1st and 2nd week program
 1st stage of labour- Explanation
 Position of comfort during first stage
 Breathing during labour
 Abdominal and back massage
4th week:
 Discussion of end of first stage and beginning of
2nd stage
 Assistive mode of delivery- discussion
 Bearing down urge- discussion
5th week:
 Discussion of 2nd and 3rd stage of labour
 Immediate postnatal exercises
 First feed
6th week:
 Discussion along with recently delivered mother with
her baby about her experience of labour including
postnatal problems
 Comfortable feeding positions.

 Between 14 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, 2-3 classes

should be planned
 Classes regarding – physiology and psychology,
emotional lability, needs of fathers
 Coping with minor discomforts
 Warning signs
 Fetal development
 Nutrition
 Postural awareness and back care
 Ergonomics- workplace, home, nursey
 Relaxation
 Fitness and safe exercise
Later labour classes

 Commencing around 28 to 35 weeks 3 to 4 classes

will be needed to cover labour and puerperium
 This classes covers the process of labour and how to
cope with it
 A good way to structure the presentation is to
respond to the mother’s questions
 Classes regarding- onset of labour( true/false pain),
when to come to hospital and brief explanation about
stages and interventions of labour and coping
stratergies and breast feeding techniques

1 Exercises during pregnancy

2 Relaxation techniques

3 Labour coping techniques


Warm up Flexibility Strengthening

exercise exercise exercise
Labour coping techniques

Signs of Stages of Breathing

labour labour during labour

Position's Pain relief in

during labour labour
Stress management

In pregnancy lots of hormonal changes occur

that might lead to varied emotions, feelings,
depression and stress in some ladies. During
these classes relaxation techniques and
stress management is also discussed.
D o a Snp tein n ea liAta,e lcta la l.Js Msa ete s rnb F ee nta e lNfith ee o mn oa th tae lMrae nd d .2h 0 e0 rb3 a . b y ?
To examine the characteristics of women attending antenatal
classes and evaluate the effects of these classes on mothers' and
babies' health.

Antenatal classes seem to improve women's knowledge and
competence. This may provide a defence against the tendency to
overmedicalize pregnancy and childbirth.
Physical Activity During Pregnancy is Associated with Improved
Breastfeeding Outcomes: A Prospective Cohort Study

Int J Environ Res Public Health.

Published online 2019 May 16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16101740
PMCID: PMC6571814; PMID: 31100948
Phung Thi Hoang Nguyen,1,2 Colin W. Binns,2,* Cong Luat
Nguyen,2,3 Anh Vo Van Ha,2,4 Khac Tan Chu,2,5 Dat Van
Duong,2 Dung Van Do,1 and Andy H. Lee2
The aim of this study was to investigate any association between
antenatal physical activity and breastfeeding duration.

Women who are physically active during the lactation period are
known to have better breastfeeding outcomes. In this prospective cohort
study of Vietnamese women, it was found that higher levels of physical
activity during pregnancy are associated with an increased likelihood of
breastfeeding at 12 months postpartum.

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