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How does population affect energy

production and consumption?

By Ahmad A, Liban & Sami
Definition of Population

• Population is known to be a inhabitants of a

particular area as cities and countries, this term
can also be acknowledged towards animals and
plants within a habitat.
What ways do population
increase the energy
As the population grows, so does the demand for energy grows as well as each unique,
individualized human prioritizes energy for various activities, which overall, increases
the energy production as well as the consumption throughout many diverse vicinities.
Population growth tend to increase urbanization and industrialization, especially in
developing countries. As a person increases their prosperity, so does their lifestyle
change, often acquiring products that increases the lavishness of a person's
Examples of this could be:

Increase of fossil fuel extractions

Increasing the burning of Fossil Fuels

Increase in freshwater usage

Increasing ecological impacts towards the environment (deforestation, forest mining,


Increasing of Fishing and Hunting

Increasing the transport of invasive species (as people import and export, often
progressing urbanization, this affects the environment, which causes invasive species
to thrive and outcompete native species)
Population-effect on
China (Energy)

• Large population
• Older people – less consumption

• Industrialization and Urbanization

has caused increase in energy needs

• The country is trying to find a

balance between the evolution
needs of older people, economic
growth, advancements in technology
and sustainable environment.
Population-effect on
USA (Energy)

o America has a higher energy

production than consumption

o Its main energy sources are

nuclear energy, fossil fuels
and renewable energy
o Energy consumption has
dropped yet the substantial
population America contains

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

effect on India
• Large population This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

• Energy demand rises as

corporations expand
• India is making progress in terms
of renewable energy, however
issues yet to be resolved

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

Graph of factors
affecting energy
production and
•In Graph A, it speculates energy access
throughout the global perspective, as you
can see majority of the population with
limited access of energy, is in Central
Africa. In Graph B it shows the share of
energy against rural populations versus
urban populations as this graph also
similarly shows the same result as Graph A
indicating most of the African Countries
have lower resources compared to other
continents. In Graph C it shows the annual
growth of the population by reaching its
peak of 2.1% in 1960-1980 however it
gradually decreases to 0.1% in 2100 with a
total population predicament of 11.8 billion
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