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Engineering Waste Management

Engineering Sustainable Development (ENEN2000) 05/22/2024

This unit is taught by the Sustainable Engineering Group:

A/Prof Wahidul Biswas

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Engineering for Sustainable Development 05/22/2024

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 L7: Engineering Waste Management

 Zero Waste
 Industrial Ecology for achieving Zero Waste
- Industrial symbiosis/synergies
- Eco-industrial park
- Industrial symbiosis in the Kwinana Industrial Area (WA)

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Zero waste
Industrial symbiosis/synergies
Eco-industrial parks
Industrial symbiosis in the Kwinana Industrial Area (WA)

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 Increasing population, booming economy, rapid urbanization and the rise in
community living standards have significantly accelerated the solid waste
generation in the world.
 Solid waste has become one of the global environmental issues.
 Continuous depletion of natural finite resources is leading the globe to an
uncertain future.
 With industrial revolution, civilization has actually become synonymous with
wasteful habits.
 At present, the most-practiced energy and mass consumption options are
possibly the most inefficient that the mankind has ever experienced.
 There are some possibilities to expand our production and consumption on the
basis of net zero waste basis
- Either at the input of any process
- Or at the output level of any process

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Waste diversion rate
 The waste diversion rate is simply the percentage of waste that you divert
away from landfills or incinerators. One of the important goals of the zero
waste concept is zero depletion of natural resources.

Recyclables = waste that is reused, recycled, composted or digested

Garbage = waste that is landfilled or incinerated

C&D waste of a town is 1000 tonnes/year
40% of this waste is concrete
Recycle concrete aggregate is used in pavement.
Diversion rate is 40%

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3cii) Zero Waste Index (ZWI)

The zero waste index is a tool to measure the potentiality of virgin materials to be
offset by zero waste management systems.

WMSi = amount of waste managed by system i (i.e. i = 1, 2, 3….n = amount of

waste avoided, recycled, treated, etc.) Recycling, composting, incinerated, landfill
SFi = Substitution factor/efficiency for different waste management systems based
on their virgin material replacement efficiency
GWS = Total amount of waste generated (tonnes of all waste streams)

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ZWI contd.

Suppose a small complex generates two types of wastes: paper and organics
Waste category = Paper
Waste management systems = recycling
Paper waste = 1000 tonne; SFrecycling = 80%
Waste category = Organic
Waste management systems = composting
Organic waste = 500 tonne; SFcomposting = 50%
GWS = 1500 tonne
ZWI = (1000*0.8+500*0.5)/1500 = 0.7 (Using the equation)

Home work
Use Table 1 of the following article for working out ZWI for energy, GHG and
water saving
The zero waste index: a performance measurement tool for waste management
systems in a `zero waste city' . Zaman, A.U. / Lehmann

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Zero Waste

 In a zero waste system, material

flow is circular, which means the
same materials are used again
and again until the optimum level
of consumption. No materials are
wasted or underused in circular
 Zero waste represents a shift from
the traditional industrial model in
which wastes are considered the
norm, to integrated systems in
which everything has its use.
 Application of 6Rs
 Reduce
 Recycle
 Recovery
 Remanufacturing
 Redesign
 Reuse

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Waste to Energy (W2E)
SNCR reduces NOx by injecting
ammonia or urea into the furnace
via jets positioned at the location
where temperatures are about
Dioxins and furans are removed
along with mercury by injection of
powdered activated carbon in a
number of municipal-waste
Acid gas (HCl, SO2) Single stage
dry injection of sodium bicarbonate
Air pollution control device (APCD)
including scrubbers and particulate
control devices, achieve the
highest degree of reduction of
mercury, dioxins and furans,
particulates and acid gases
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Implications of ‘R’ strategies

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Industrial Ecology for achieving Zero Waste
 Industrial symbiosis/synergies
 Eco-industrial parks
 Industrial symbiosis in the Kwinana Industrial Area (WA)

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Industrial Ecology:
Unravelling the Terminology

 Industrial:
Focus on product design and manufacturing processes
Industry is a portion of society that produces most goods and services
Industry has the means (technology) for environmental improvement

 Ecology:
Non-human ‘natural’ systems act as models for industrial activity
Technological activity is placed in context with larger ecosystems which
act as sources and sinks for this activity

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A Parallel

Natural Ecosystem Industrial Ecosystem

Nutrient extraction
Inorganic mobilisation
(Uranium, Carbon, Raw Materials,
(sedimentary rock, ferric Natural Environment production wastes
sequestration Nitrogen, Phosphorous,
iron, carbonate, sulphate,
in air or soluable in water
waste production by-products
consumption wastes processes
recycling scrap
mobilisation sequestration regeneration (photosynthesis) regeneration
Productive Capital
Final Products machines, structures, land,
distribution inventory
of final goods
(non living) Biomass
death, excretion
organic carbon (humus), (living)
detritus, CH4, O2 accumulation of
capital goods

Ayres, 1994

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Regional Synergies / Industrial Symbiosis

 Definition:
 Industrial Symbiosis is the “Capture, recovery and reuse of previously
discarded or unrequired resources from one industrial operation by other,
traditionally separate, industries operating in their close proximity”.
 Characteristics:
 Engages traditionally separate industries in a collective approach to
competitive advantage involving physical exchange of materials, energy,
water and/or by-products.

(Chertow, Marian R. "Industrial symbiosis: literature and taxonomy." Annual review of energy and the
environment 25, no. 1 (2000): 313-337.)

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Industrial symbiosis in the world

 Kalundborg in Denmark is often considered as the first comprehensive

IS network for business development
 National Industrial Symbiosis Programme in UK
 Guangxi Guitang Group in China is a state-owned conglomerate
operating China's largest sugar refinery

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Planning map for Industrial Symbiosis
 Inorganic By-Products synergy:
 Focus on high volume residues (bauxite and gypsum)
 Link into local construction developments
 Utility synergy - Water:
 Mapping of company water inputs and outputs
 Water synergy scoping study and workshop
 Industrial wastewater reuse
 Utility synergy - Energy:
 Industry energy survey (uses and losses)
 Energy scoping study and workshop
 Waste heat recovery (use for desalination)
 Gaseous synergy

(Chertow, Marian R. "Industrial symbiosis: literature and taxonomy." Annual review of energy and the
environment 25, no. 1 (2000): 313-337.)

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Industrial symbiosis/synergies
Eco-industrial park
Industrial symbiosis in the Kwinana Industrial Area (WA)

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Inorganic By-Products Reuse - Australia Vs World
Inorganic By-Product Reuse - Australia Reuse - World
Iron and steelmaking slags Accepted and used as a USA & EU: 85-100%
cement replacement

Fly and bottom ash Cement blending, concrete USA & EU: 25-100% (FA)
addition, CSIRO advanced EU: 55.6% of all coal combustion
construction material products are utilised in
technology (with BF slag and construction and underground
silica fume) mining

Sand (foundry) No data USA: high utilisation rates, vary

between states

Lime kiln dust Asphalt filler in pavement USA: 100% (LKD)

(Curtin 2018)
Chemical gypsum Pasminco Hobart Smelter USA: 93% (FGD), PG banned
• (Flue Gas EU: 87% (FGD), PG in 2 pilot roads,
Desulphurisation and Finland

Construction and demolition Some in NSW and VIC USA: 75% (recycled asphalt
waste & recycled concrete Limited in WA pavement)
aggregate EU: 50-100%

Boiler slag No data USA: 80%, EU; 100%

Bossilkov, A. and C. Lund. 2008. Market Assessment for the Reuse of Inorganic Industrial By-products in
the Kwinana Industrial Area. Perth, Western Australia: Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing
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Development of IS in Kwinana Industrial Area

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Examples of By-Products Synergies

• Cockburn Cement supplying lime kiln

dust to HIsmelt Pig Iron Plant and Tiwest
Pigment Plant

• CSBP Chemical Plant supplying gypsum to

residue area of Alcoa Alumina Refinery to assist
in plant growth and soil stability
Sourced from CECP, Curtin

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Examples of Utility Synergies

 Artificial wetland treatment at CSBP

Chemical Plant
– On BP Refinery land
– Some of BP effluent going into wetland
cells as well

 2 Cogeneration facilities
– BP Refinery (116 MW)
– Tiwest Pigment Plant (40 MW)

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Gaseous synergy

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Icon Synergy Project - KWRP


17 ML/d

6 ML/d

110 ML/d 24 ML/d 7 ML/d



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Location of Companies and Defined Clusters in the Kwinana
Industrial Area
Alumina refinery

 Distance between the point of Gas fired power station

Cluster 1
Coal fired power station

emission and the energy

desalination plant Cement mill

Patio tubing company

recovery is the main factor Steel pipe producer Thermal ceramics producer

Cluster 2

Pig iron plant

Collaborative energy recovery

Specialty chemical producer

Cluster 3
Industrial gas producer

located among industries in less

Cogeneration plant

Water reclmation plant Producer of LPG

Cluster 4

than 1 km
Oil refinery
Agricultural chemical producer

10.5 km
Titanium dioxide
pigment producer Industrial gas producer

 KIA was divided into seven Chlor alkali plant

Shipping & bulk

Cluster 5
Fertiliser producer

clusters of industries
transport facility

Industrial chemical producer

Industrial chemical
& fertiliser producer

 Collaborative opportunities were Nickel refinery

Cluster 6
Fertiliser producer

assessed within clusters not out Grain storage &

handling facility Cluster 7 Zirconia powder producer

of them

Fused alumina & zirconia producer

4 km

D. van Beers and W.K. Biswas (2008) A Regional Synergy Approach to Energy Recovery: The Case of
the Kwinana Industrial Area, Western Australia, Journal of Energy Conservation and Management, Vol.
49, pp. 3051 - 3062

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Location of Companies and Defined Clusters in the Kwinana
Industrial Area
“The available flue gases and the distances between the companies in each
cluster were mapped using a standardised framework”

Stack 1 Stack 2
? oC ? oC
? TJ/yr ? TJ/yr
Cluster X
Fossil fuels
energy releases S
H tea
in cluster X: wa ot m

Ho icity
? TJ/yr r



Stack 1 Stack 1 Stack 2 Stack 3
? oC ? oC ? oC ? oC
? TJ/yr ? TJ/yr ? TJ/yr ? TJ/yr


Fossil fuels Fossil fuels
ea y
m icit
Ho ter

wa ty



1.0 k 0.2 k



Fossil fuels

D. van Beers and W.K. Biswas (2008) A Regional Synergy Approach to Energy Recovery: The Case of the Kwinana Industrial Area,
Western Australia, Journal of Energy Conservation and Management, Vol. 49, pp. 3051 - 3062

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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Framework of technology assessment

Hot air Energy recovery Working liquid Energy transportation Working liquid
Distance ? km
Company A ? o
C Capacity ? MW Best-case Best-case Company C
Flue gas stack 1 ? oC Transport loss ? oC
? TJ/yr Heat transfer area ? TJ/yr Best-case ? loss/100m ? TJ/yr
Total ? m
2 Worst-case ? loss/100m
# units ? Worst-case Worst-case
Company A ? o
C Per unit ? m
2 ? oC ? oC
Flue gas stack 2 ? TJ/yr ? TJ/yr
? TJ/yr Flow rate working liquid
Estimated ? kg/s

Company B ? o
C Recovery efficiency
Flue gas stack 1 Best-case ?
? TJ/yr Worst-case ?

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Heat Recovery Technologies


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Case study : Cluster 4
Option# Technology Energy [TJ/yr or Net Present Value CO2 mitigation
savings MWh/yr] [Aus$ 103] [tonnes/yr]
Best-case Worst- Best-case Worst-case Best- Worst-
case case case
Option 1 HEX 6 15 445 22,700 15,800 33,900 24,400
Option 2 WHB 4 30 175 13,500 2,70 0 23,700 9 ,6 0 0

Option 3 HEX 6 20 515 23,300 19,200 34,200 28,500

Option 4 WHB 6 45 410 21,400 11,300 35,500 22,500

Option 5 HEX 4 90 345 17,800 12,100 26,800 18,900

Option 6 WHB 4 75 155 14,600 1,10 0 26,200 8 ,5 0 0

HEX + KC -5,800 -8,200 93,900 71,000
Option 7 1 ,4 2 0 1 ,0 7 0
Option 8 HEX + ORC 1 ,2 8 5 990 19,000 13,100 85,200 65,700
HEX + 12,800 -3,000 74,000 54,600
Option 9 CCC 1 ,1 2 0 825
Option 10 HEX +KC 9 00 720 -3,800 -5,700 59,700 47,700
Option 11 HEX + ORC 8 20 665 12,000 8,70 0 54,200 44,200
HEX + CCC 10,100 -1,100 58,400 46,600
Option 12 8 80 705
Option 13 HEX + KC 1 ,3 3 0 840 -36,900 -30,200 88,100 55,800

Option 14 HEX + ORC 5 75 360 -22,500 -18,300 38,000 23,700

Option 15 HEX + CCC 2 ,6 5 0 1 ,6 5 5 -6,400 -59,300 175,400 109,700
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Option Development and Analysis in the Kwinana Industrial
CO2 mitigation [tonnes/yr]
Best-case Worse-case
Option # Technology A$5 / A$25 / A$50 / A$5 / A$25 / A$50 /
t o nn e t o n ne t o n ne t o nn e t o nn e t o n ne
CCC = Conventional
Option 1 HEX 3 3 ,9 0 0 3 3 ,9 0 0 3 3 ,9 0 0 2 4 ,4 0 0 2 4 ,4 0 0 24,400 combined cycle
Option 2 WHB 2 3 ,7 0 0 2 3 ,7 0 0 2 3 ,7 0 0 9,600 9,600 9,600
HEX = Heat
Option 3 HEX 3 4 ,2 0 0 3 4 ,2 0 0 3 4 ,2 0 0 2 8 ,5 0 0 2 8 ,5 0 0 28,500
Option 4 WHB 3 5 ,5 0 0 3 5 ,5 0 0 3 5 ,5 0 0 2 2 ,5 0 0 2 2 ,5 0 0 22,500
Option 5 HEX 2 6 ,8 0 0 2 6 ,8 0 0 2 6 ,8 0 0 1 8 ,9 0 0 1 8 ,9 0 0 18,900 KC = Kalina cycle
Option 6 WHB 2 6 ,2 0 0 2 6 ,2 0 0 2 6 ,2 0 0 8,500 8,500 8,500
ORC =Organic
Option 7 HEX + KC - 9 3 ,9 0 0 9 3 ,9 0 0 - 7 1 ,0 0 0 71,000 Rankine cycle
Option 8 HEX + ORC 8 5 ,2 0 0 8 5 ,2 0 0 8 5 ,2 0 0 6 5 ,7 0 0 6 5 ,7 0 0 65,700
Option 9 HEX + CCC 7 4 ,0 0 0 7 4 ,0 0 0 7 4 ,0 0 0 - 5 4 ,6 0 0 54,600 WHB = Waste heat
Option 10 HEX + KC - 5 9 ,7 0 0 5 9 ,7 0 0 - 4 7 ,7 0 0 47,700
Option 11 HEX + ORC 5 4 ,2 0 0 5 4 ,2 0 0 5 4 ,2 0 0 4 4 ,2 0 0 4 4 ,2 0 0 44,200
Option 12 HEX + CCC 5 8 ,4 0 0 5 8 ,4 0 0 5 8 ,4 0 0 4 6 ,7 0 0 4 6 ,7 0 0 46,700
Option 13 HEX + KC - - - - - -
Option 14 HEX + ORC - - - - - -
Option 15 HEX + CCC - 175,400 175,400 - - -

Note: Blank space indicates that CO2 can not be economically mitigated (with current economical model).

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Evaluation of the Best CO2 Mitigation Options across the 7
Technologya Appli- CO2 mitigation
cationb [tonnes/yr]
Best- Worse-
case case CCC = Conventional
Clusters combined cycle
Cluster 1 HEX T 35,800 26,800 HEX = Heat
Cluster 2 HEX T 60,900 46,600 exchanger
Cluster 3 HEX T 7,100 5,100
T = Thermal
Cluster 4 HEX + CCC E+T 175,400 109,700
E = Electric
Cluster 5 HEX + CCC E+T 58,000 35,500
Cluster 6 HEX T 6,600 5,100
Cluster 7 HEX T 25,200 18,100
369,000 246,900

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Benefits and Success Factors
 Illustrative benefits
 Less “waste” and emissions to environment (all synergies)
 Reduced operational costs (gypsum)
 Increase company income (lime kiln dust)
 Increased water efficiency (KWRP*) Technology
 Increased energy efficiency (co-gen facilities)
 Water and energy security (KWRP + co-gen)
 Favourable features in Kwinana synergy
 Kwinana Industries Council
 Diversity of industries Business Licence
Case to Operate
 Non-competitive
 Close proximity of industries
Van Berkel, 2006
* KWRP: Kwinana Water Reclamation Plant

Corder, G., van Beers, D., Lay, J. and van Berkel, R.: Benefits and Success Factors of regional Resource
Synergies in Gladstone and Kwinana, Green Processing Conference, pp 83-92, Newcastle, NSW,
Australia, 2006.

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Further readings

Chapter 6 and Chapter 8

Engineering for Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice

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