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Stories of Success Against The Odd!!
What is Success?

“Achievement of goals, objectives,

personal fulfillment, happiness,
Continuous growth and
Improvement. The Positive impact
on others and the world.”

“Success in life largely depends on how well

you manage your failures.”

African Proverb
From Nothing to Everything:
Stories of Victory.

In this collection, we embark on a journey through the lives of

such individuals who turned adversity into opportunity to
visionaries who shattered barriers in their respective fields,
these tales offer insights, inspiration, and invaluable lessons
for all who dare to dream.

We have covered two success stories on

Fatih Sultan Mehmet II and Abdur Rahman
bin Auf (RA).

Come along with us as we discover the inspiring stories of

people who started with very little and ended up achieving
incredible success.
Abdur Rahman bin Auf(RA)

“Championing Success Through Faith and Fortitude.”

“Success and achievements, in business come to those who

have a clear vision of their dreams, those make every effort
towards it and do what it takes to next level or heights of
success. Here we are going to discuss the story of a
successful business, wealth, and charity of Abdul Rahman
Bin ‘Auf (R.A).”

Abdur Rahman bin Auf stands as a excellent figure in

Islamic history, revered for his remarkable achievements,
unwavering faith, and profound contributions to society. His
journey is a testament to the transformative power of
determination, generosity and inspiring generations with his
legacy of success and compassion.
Early Life and Challenges

Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf (RA) was born around 580 CE and

lived for about 75 years. He was born into a family in the
Banu Zuhura clan, part of the tribe of Quraish. He was born
approximately ten years after Prophet Muhammad, and we
know that his family was not poor.

Conversion to Islam and union with Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him).

His name in Jaliyah days (days before Islam) was Abu Amr.
But when he accepted Islam, the noble Prophet (S.A.W.W)
called him Abdur-Rahman (the servant of the Beneficent
Allah). He was born approximately ten years after Prophet
Mohammad (S.A.W.), and we know that his family was not
poor. At the time of his conversion to Islam he was a trader,
travelling regularly to Yemen. Than he became one of the
closet companion of our beloved Prophet (S.A.W).
Early Life and Challenges
Abdur-Rahman (RA) was one of the close companions of
Prophet Muhammad and his life story is certainly one worth
studying and emulating. He was one of the first eight people
to accept Islam. He was one of the first five people to embrace
Islam at the urging of Abu Bakr, only two days after Abu Bakr
himself accepted Islam. Abdur-Rahman (RA) is one of the
ten men given the glad tidings of Paradise from Prophet
Muhammad himself and his remarkable character continued to
inspire those around him even after Prophet Muhammad’s
death. He was one of the first three people to pledge
allegiance to Abu Bakr when he became the leader of the
Muslim nation and one of six people chosen by Umar(RA) to
be in the shura council to choose the leader after his death.
The story of Abdur Rahman bin Auf's rise to wealth begins,
where he was known for his exceptional business
understandings and integrity. Born into a modest family, he
exhibited determination that would shape his future. As a
young man, he managed to establish himself as a successful
merchant through hard work and dedication.
A man must be willing to
sacrifice his comforts
and start over in a new
—Abdur Rahman Bin Auf (RA)
Abdur Rahman bin Auf's Entrepreneurial

When Abdul Rahman (RA) arrived in Medina after migration,

he had left all his wealth back in Makah and he had no money
at all, so He had to start from the beginning. It was a summer
season. In Medina, they stayed with the Ansar in their houses,
until they could arrange for their own homes. Abdul Rahman
(RA) was paired up with Sa’ad Bin Ar-Rabi’ah (RA). He was
one of the well-off men of Medina. At that time, Sa’ad (RA),
with big-heartedness and kindness towards his new brother,
told Abdul Rahman (RA),
“Dear brother, I have the most money among the people of
Medina. I have two farms and two wives. See which farm you
like, I shall empty it for you, and I shall divorce the wife out
of two who is attractive for you.”
Abdur Rahman bin Auf's Entrepreneurial
It is the generous example of love that Muslims had for each
other. Sa’ad Bin Ar-Rabi’ah was ready to give his wealth and
family for the happiness of Allah and offer it to his Muslim
brother, the response of Abdul Rahman’s (RA) was quite
\It is going to give you goose bumps and you will truly
appreciate the will of a Muslim. Abdul Rahman (RA)
answered to Sa’ad Bin Ar-Rabi’ah (RA) by showing great
gratitude, “May Allah bless you with your family and money
but show me the way where the market is.”
He was talking about “The
market of Qainuqa”. He did not
wish to become a burden on
anyone. He always followed the
principle to not to take a loan or
gift from anyone because he had
a firm belief that Allah (SWT)
would provide him.
Abdur Rahman bin Auf's Entrepreneurial

He started his trading in a very modest and self-effacing way

but he was sharp in scaling the chances he found to convert
them into an excellent career of trade progress. Abdul
Rahman(RA) had started his business by selling some yogurt
(dried buttermilk), Oil and butter. The initial capital of his
business was 2 or 4 dinars. Soon he quickly found that horse
trading had a good scope in the market. So he started to trade
the horses, he realized that profit ratio in this business very
small due to great and increasing supply and demand.
He expanded his business soon so he started to sell the saddles
also for the horses, which was very much money-making
business as compared to sell horses. As he bought and traded
different commodities, saddles, and horses, due to the volume
he turned over, his
raised rapidly.
Abdur Rahman bin Auf's Entrepreneurial

The brighter future turns into a reality when there are

cleanliness and purity in your heart, you are doing your trade
with honesty and you know how to measure or scale rightly.
From day one when Abdul Rahman (RA) began his own
business in the market of Qainuqa in Medina, Allah (SWT)
blessed him with reward beyond his expectations. Later
Abdul Rahman became so familiar to business success that
he said if he picked up a stone he probably expected to find
ornament gold or silver under it! Trade was his profession but
he also had agricultural farms besides his business.

Camels were the main source

for transportation at that time,
and for import and export,
Initially, he took camels from
others. Then he bought his
own camels to save the
expense of transportation.
Essential business principles of
Hazrat Abdul Rahman Bin Auf
(R.A) were very simple.

1. The first principle of his business is cash.

He always bought goods on cash and
sold on cash. (So no credit deals)

2. Never wait for the higher profit or never

stock things. He always tried to avoid
storage of goods, he sold goods even if he
was offered with one penny of profit. It
derived a High level of flow of money, so
the main emphasis was on making earnings
by increasing profits.

3. He always made fair deals. He never

used to hide any fault in his products. If
his product was not up to the mark or if
there was even a slight fault in his
product, He mentioned it in front of his
“The Legacy of Abdur Rahman bin
Most of us consider that a huge amount of money, as well as best
team of experts or professionals, is necessary to start a business.
But according to historiographer and modern scholars to start any
business the only thing required is passion and skills.
When Abdur Rahman Bin Auf (RA) died, his wealth valued in
Gold Coins was three billion one hundred three million
Islamic Dinars (3,103,000,000 – 4.25 gms gold per coin).

If the whole wealth is converted into USD then the calculation is

approximately :
4.25 X 3,103,000,000 X 38 = USD 501,134,500,000. So, it is
more than $501 billion dollars.

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf was 6 times richer than the
Bill Gates.
The moral of Abdur Rahman bin Auf's story revolves
around the values of integrity, perseverance, generosity,
and faith. Despite facing early challenges and
hardships, Abdur Rahman remained steadfast in his
commitment to ethical business practices,
demonstrating honesty, fairness, and reliability in all
his dealings. His journey highlights the importance of
resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles
and achieving success.
The entrepreneurial venture of Hazrat Abdur
Rahman ibn Auf serve as a guiding light for
contemporary business leaders. In an era where profit
often eclipses principles, his life story underscores the
potential of a business model rooted in ethics, fairness,
and community service. Today's entrepreneurs can
draw inspiration from his practices, realizing that
sustainable success is built not just on financial gains
but on a foundation of trust and social responsibility.
Fatih Sultan Mehmed II
“The Conqueror of Constantinople and Architect of the
Ottoman Empire”

"In the history, few figures loom as large or leave as

profound a legacy as Sultan Mehmed II, the Conqueror of
Constantinople. Born into a world of political interest and
military ambition, Mehmed emerged as a figure whose
deeds would shape the course of empires and define an era.
Sultan Mehmed II achieved what many thought was
impossible. Despite facing immense challenges and
formidable obstacles, he persevered and accomplished feats
that seemed beyond reach.”

Embark with us on the remarkable journey of

Sultan Mehmed II as we unveil our second
success story.
“Constantinople would
fall into the hands of
Islam. Leaders who
conquer it, is the best of
leaders and the troops
under his command is
the best of troops.”
—Narrated by Ahmad bin Hanbal

Inspired by this saying, many Ottoman sultans

attempted to take the city, but no leader
succeeded until Fatih, Sultan Mehmed II.
The Early Years
Muhammad Al Fatih (1431 – 1481 AD), the son of Sultan
Murad II, sultan who ruled the Ottoman Empire since the
year 1451 AD. As a child, Muhammad Al Fatih was
spoiled and lazy learning. But Muhammad Al Fatih began
seriously studied after his father brought some teachers.
From them, Muhammad Al Fatih studied religion, language,
skills, physical geography, astronomy, and history.
Muhammad Al Fatih grew as who was an expert at war
and smart riding, an expert in the field of science and master
6 languages ​since the age of 21.

Muhammad Al-Fatih was

intelligent young man who
had the willpower to reach
his goal, especially for
conquering Constantinople
( Istanbul) as the words of
the Prophet Muhammad
since he was 12 years old.
The Rise to Power
In 1444, Mehmed's father, Sultan Murad II, step-down
the throne in favor of his son due to internal strife within
the empire. Mehmed's reign was initially challenged by
powerful rivals. Mehmed found himself thrust into the
center of a power struggle that would shape the fate of
the empire. Despite facing opposition from rival
claimants to the throne, Mehmed remained resolute in
his determination to assert his authority and establish his
reign. With the support of loyal advisors, Mehmed
embarked on a campaign to consolidate his rule.
Through a combination of sharp diplomacy and military
prowess, he secured the allegiance of key combine the
provinces, strengthening his grip on power and laying
the foundation for his future conquests. His rise to
power was marked by audacity, determination, and
unwavering resolve
The Conquest of Constantinople
● In the year 1453, the great city of Constantinople stood as an
dense fortress, the jewel of the Byzantine Empire. Surrounded
by tall walls and protected by a chain across the Golden Horn,
it seemed unconquerable. As the spring sun rose over the city,
Mehmed's vast army descended upon its walls, their
determination matched only by their leader's unwavering
resolve. For fifty-three days, the siege raged on, with the
defenders fearlessness holding their ground against continuing
strike and bombardments, But Mehmed was not to be deterred.
he devised a plan to breach the seemingly impregnable walls

On the fateful day of May

29th, as the sun dipped
below the horizon,
Mehmed's forces launched a
final, decisive assault.
The Conquest of Constantinople
The walls were breached, the chain across the Golden Horn
broken, and Mehmed's army surged into the heart of the city.
In a matter of hours, Constantinople, once thought invincible,
fell to the relentless onslaught.
The fall of Constantinople marked the end of an era and the
dawn of a new age. Mehmed's conquest vibrate throughout
the world, reshaping the geopolitical landscape and the rise of
the Ottoman Empire.
But amidst the triumph and glory, Mehmed remained humble,
recognizing the sacrifices made and the lives lost in the
pursuit of victory. He vowed to honor the city's heritage and
protect its inhabitants, ushering in an era of tolerance.
And so, as the sun set on Constantinople and rose on the
Ottoman Empire, Mehmed the Conqueror emerged as a
legend, his name etched forever in the annals of history as
the man who achieved the impossible.
Later Years and Legacy
In his later years, Mehmed continued to rule over the
Ottoman Empire, further strengthening its
administration and military capabilities. The fall of
Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire under the reign
of Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih marked the end of the
Byzantine Empire and gave a blow to the West
Christian kingdom, while the Turks strengthened their
position in Europe and expanded their dominance in
the Balkans and the Mediterranean. The greatest legacy
of Sultan is that After 800 years of the hadiths of the
Prophet S.A.W to that effect, it came to reality In the
reign of Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih, besides being
the leader of the state, he also set himself as the head of
a wise and full-fledged military force.
Unlocking the Secrets of Success
The secret of Sultan Mehmed’s legacy is never leaving
tahajud since baligh until his death. Maybe that’s the
secret of success of Muhammad Al Fatih in realizing its
goals and ideals of Islam, not physical strength, but the
closeness to Allah SWT.

“The main reason for

Mehmed's success was his
unwavering determination, his
refusal to accept defeat, and
his unyielding belief in his
ability to achieve the
impossible. It was this
indomitable spirit that
propelled, Mehmed

to greatness and secured his place in history as Mehmed the

Conqueror, the man who achieved the impossible and reshaped
the world forever.”
Many comrades even opponents admired the
leadership of Muhammad Al Fatih and strategies
wars that preceded that era. He played a major
role in the expansion of Islamic territory, setting
the lands, making improvements in the economic,
educational, and very concerned about the
welfare of its people. In his leadership, the center
of government Istanbul was being very beautiful,
advanced, and economically successful.
Muhammad Al Fatih, the person who had
energy and became a noble.

So what about us? What achievements that we are

already obtained in our growing age?
Bibliographical references

For Abdur Rahman Bin Auf (RA).

"Abdur Rahman bin Auf." Islamic Studies, vol. 5,
no. 2, 1966, pp. 189-204.
"Abdur Rahman bin Auf." Companions of the
Prophet. Accessed February 8, 2024.
“Ibn Sa'd. (1997). "The Men of Madina" (Vol. 3).
Translated by Aisha Bewley. London: Ta-Ha

For Sultan Fatih Bin Mehmet.

“Kritovoulos, M. (1969). History of Mehmed the
Conqueror. Journal of Turkish Studies, 13(2), 123-
“Encyclopedia Britannica. (2021, March 18).
Mehmed II. Encyclopedia Britannica. “
“Mansel, P. (1995). Constantinople: City of the
World's Desire, 1453-1924. St. Martin's Press.”
Department Of Islamic Learning
Assignment of Civics and Community
Engagement (Batch no 1011).

As we come to the conclusion of this success

story assignment, I want to take a moment to
express my sincere gratitude to each and every
one of group members.

Group Members:

Anusha Fatima JUW47201

Kainat Mujeeb (JUW45494)

Warda Sabir (JUW49006)

Ayesha Fazal (JUW45988)

Javeria Warsi (JUW45362)

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