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“Career development is a
process in which
personnel experience,
concept and publicity
observable aspect of
career interact to
precipitate each
successive stage of
occupational statues”
- Mansfield
“Career development is an
ongoing process that
occurs over the life span;
include home, school and
-Pietrofesa and Spleta
Objectives of Career
• To understand career development from a
developmental and multicultural perspective
• To devise intervention strategies for
developing, engaging, rewarding, and
retaining talented personnel.
• To be able to discuss and apply models of
career counselling that is appropriate for use
in an organization
• To facilitate understanding of personal,
social, economic, and other factors related
to the world of work for employees
throughout their organizational lifespan.

Ongoing process

Develops and shares transferability skills and competencies.

Aligns individual goals with organizational goals or increased
satisfaction of employees.
Helps individual to develops skills and competencies required to fulfill
present and future leadership roles with an organization.
Strengthen professional work culture in the organization.
5 Steps of
• Career development provides
the framework with skills,
goals, awareness, assessment
and performance which helps
Importance of an individual to move in the
right direction and achieve
Career Development the goals one has in one's
• To develop and create a pool
of talented people to
successfully execute the
business strategies of the
Strategies to improve someone's career can be
driven either by the company through organization
development or by the individual himself or herself.
Some strategies of career development are as
By Companies
Training and development by companies can help
in employees learn new skills. Companies help in
providing leadership development, management
development etc.
By Employees
This is done through constant evaluation of their
skills using techniques like continuing
professional development.
Thank you!!

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