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Introduction to

Property Rights
1. Introduction
2. Need of IPR
3. Different forms of IP and its classifications
4. IP Administration in India
5. Filing of IPR Applications
6. Schemes for facilitating Start-ups IP Protection
7. Interesting Keywords
Intellectual Property
Property-‘Anything which is useful and found in limited quantity’.

Intellectual Property- Type of property that results from creations of

human mind, the intellect.

Intellectual Property rights- Right of an inventor to derive economic

benefits from his intellectual property is referred to Intellectual Property
IPR- Broad Classifications
Types of IPR
Why Protect IP? (Philosophy)
1. Society has an interest in knowledge creation and
dissemination. (as well as preservation)
2. Inventors and Authors need recognition & rewards
for creativity.
3. Markets for knowledge and information are subject
to failure.
Significance of IPR
1. Development of Global Technological capability
2. Reverse Engineering feasible in developing countries
3. Rise of Information and Communication Technologies
4. Reduced copying and imitation costs
5. Technical changes make traditional concepts of IPRs
Importance of IP (Action)
1. Follow-up of General Agreement on Trade and
Tariff (GATT) as World Trade Organization (WTO)
2. Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)
3. Strategic trade and industrial policy
Objectives of IPR
1. To provide rewards and recognitions, and financial benefits to the efforts for
the creativity.
2. To create competition among the researchers and institutions for quality of
3. To enhance the performance levels of institutions.
4. To fasten the technology transfer through licensing and other means.
5. To derive return on investment in research.
6. Society reap long term benefits as new knowledge and innovation becomes
available to the society at the earliest and when the term of protection expires the
society can realize the benefits at low costs.

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