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Lesson 4

State, Nation, and

People use the terms "state," "nation,' and
•government" interchangeably, thinking that they
mean the same thing. Although somewhat related,
the words have different meanings in political

• According to De Leon (2009), as stated by Liao (2014) a state

is a community of nations more or less numerous,
permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having
a government of their own to which the great body of
inhabitants render obedience and enjoying freedom from
external control.
• State is a legal or juristic concept.
 The word -state- is a people organized for law within a definite
territory, possessing both internal and external sovereignty It is a
political unit in charge Of the conduct Of its own affairs.
 A state is “an organization composed of numerous agencies led
and coordinated the state's leadership (executive authority) that
has the ability or authority to make and implement binding rules
for all the people, as well as the parameters of rulemaking other
social organizations in a given territory, using force if

Concept of state
Divine Origin right of the state
Necessity or
theory – state is force theory –
of divine state is created Paternalistic theory –
creation and through force, state comes from the
expansion of family,
the ruler is by strong under the authority
ordained by god warriors who of the father. Family
grew into a clan, then
toSocialgovern the imposed their developed into tribe
contract theory
people. will
– states have been formed by upon
deliberate and the which broadened into
a nation, and a nation
voluntary compact among the people to form a became a state
society and organize government for their common
Elements of the state

PEOPLE – is the organization of human beings living together as a community.

Territory - refers to the territorial domains over which the state exercises
control or sovereignty which includes all the land, sea and airspace the state
exercises jurisdiction on. Includes the land, the rivers, the sea, and the air
space which the jurisdiction of the sate extends.
Government - is an agency to which the political ideology of the state is
expressed and carried out.
Sovereignty it is the power of the state to enforce the law over its people
within its jurisdiction and demand obedience from them.
ARTICLE I: National Territory
Art. 1, Section 1: The national territory comprises the Philippine
archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and
all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains,
including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular
shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between,
and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their
breadths and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the
Components of Philippine Territory:
• Terrestrial = land
• Fluvial = internal waters
• Aerial domains = aerospace
• Submarine areas = external waters both surface and sub-aquatic
The territorial and political subdivisions (which shall enjoy a local autonomy)
of the Republic of the Philippines:
1. Provinces 3. Municipalities
2. Cities 4. Barangays
Autonomous Regions:
a. Muslim Mindanao b. The Cordilleras
 The Philippine Archipelago as of 2014 Out of 7, I07 Islands & Islets, 17
Regions, 81 Provinces, 144 Cities: 38 Independent Cities, 106 Component
Cities, 1,490 Municipalities, & 42,028 Barangays/villages (Further to be
discussed in the Local Government)
Modes of acquiring territory
a. Discovery - is the oldest method of acquiring title to territory. However,
discovery alone would not suffice to establish legal title. It is necessary
that the discovered area must be physically occupied
b. Prescription means continued occupation over a long period of time by
one state of territory actually and originally belonging to another state.
c. Cessation is the transfer of territory usually by treaty from one state to
another. Concomitant of transfer of territory is the transfer of
sovereignty from the owner state to another state.
d. Conquest is acquiring territory using force. The practice before was after
conquest, the conqueror annexed the conquered territory to his state.
Thus, conquest first takes place followed by annexation. But with the
establishment of the United Nations, conquest is no longer acceptable in
the international community
e. Accretion it is the process where the land area of a state caused by the
operation of either the forces of nature, or artificially through human
labor, is increased.
Forms of Government

a. Democracy – a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by

the people
b. Monarchy – a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands
of a monarch who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by
hereditary right; a sovereign such as a king, queen or prince with
constitutionally limited authority
c. Presidential – a system of government where the executive branch exists
separately from a legislature (to which it is generally not accountable)
d. Federal (federation) – a form of government in which sovereign power is
formally divided - usually by means of a constitution ~between a central
authority and several constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces).
Forms of Government

e. Aristocracy – a form of government wherein the power is exercised by a limited

few or the so called elite. It is always regarded as the privileged class.
f. Parliamentary – form of government wherein the president serves as nominal or
titular head It is the prime minister that runs the affairs of the state, He is
directly accountable to the people.
g. Military – a form of government established and controlled by military
authorities over a "beleaguered state'
Sovereignty or Independence

Duties of the State:

a. Peace and Order
b. Political Harmony (Good Laws)
c. Social Justice
d. Economic Development

The difference between state and society are:

1. The society is a bigger whole, the state is just a part to it; society comes first
and the state is created from it.
2. The state is a territorial organization. It comprises a definite territory in
which it is supreme. But society has no territorial limits. It may extend from a
village to the whole world.

1. State consists of population, territory, government, and sovereignty.

Government is part of the state.
2. State possesses original power. Powers of the government are derived from
the state.
3. State is permanent and continues forever. Government is temporary, it may
come and go.
4. State is abstract and invisible. Government is concrete and visible.
State vs. Nation

• A state is more of a judicial or legal concept while a nation is more of a racial

or ethnic concept.
• A nation may or may not be independent of external control.
• A state may consist of one or more nations while a nation may consist of one
or more states. A state is political in nature.
• A nation is a community of people.
• A nation is cultural in nature.
• A state relates with the concept of government.
• A nation is bounded by a common interest.
What is Globalization?

The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and

communications integration.
Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives
to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free
transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers.
Globalization describes how different world cultures, populations, and
economies are interdependent from each other. It is a consequence of cross-
border business. Technology, goods, investments, information, and services
along with the labor market are the most popular components of such activity.

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