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Chapter -2 SOLUTIONS

o Homogeneous mixtures of two or more than two
o Uniform composition and properties.
o SOLVENT: the component present in large quantity. It also
determines the physical state of solution.
o SOLUTE: One or more components present in the solution
other than solvent.
o BINARY SOLUTION: A solution containing two
components. Eg: salt solution containing salt in water.
Ways to describe the concentration of
solutions quantitatively
 Mass percentage(w/w)
 Volume percentage (V/V)
 Mass by volume percentage (w/V)
 Parts per million(ppm)
 Mole fraction
 Molality
 molarity
Mass percentage(w/w) (mass of solute per 100g of solution)

• Mass% of a component = mass of component in solution x 100

• total mass of solution
 Find the mass% of 20g KCl dissolved in 30g of water to form aqueous solution.
• Mass of solute=20g
• Mass of solvent= 30g
• Mass of solution=20+30 = 50g
• Mass% of KCl=

Volume %(volume of solute present in 100ml of solution)

• Volume % of a component = volume of component in solution x 100

• total volume of solution
• Find volume% of KOH solution formed by mixing 15ml KOH with 35ml of water.
Volume of solute = 15ml
• Volume of solvent= 35ml
• Total vol of solution= 15+35= 50ml
• Volume % of KOH=
(it is the mass of solute dissolved in 100ml of solution)

• (m/v)% = Mass of solute (gm) x100

• volume of solution(ml)
• 30% m/v of aq NaOH means 30 g of NaOH present in 100ml of solution.
Parts per million (ppm) : used when solute is present in trace quantities

• ppm= no of parts of component x 106

ttl no of parts of all components
• ppm = mass of solute(gm) x106
mass of solution (gm)
 In case of percentage ppm is expresses as mass to mass, volume to volume, and mass to volume.
MOLARITY[M]: no of moles of solute dissolved in one litre of solution.

No of moles = given mass

molar mass
• [M]= no of moles of solute
• vol of solution(litres)
• Unit- mol/litre or M
• 0.25M NaOH means----
 Calculate molarity of solution containing 5g NaOH in 450ml solution.

Moles of NaOH=
• Vol of solution in litre=
• Molarity=
MOLALITY[m]: no of moles of solute per one kg of solvent

• [m]= moles of solute

• mass of solvent
• Unit = mol/kg or m
• 1molal solution of KCl is defined as one mol of KCl dissolved in 1kg of solvent.
Calculate molality Of 2.5 g ethanoic acid in 75g benzene.

• Molar mass of ethanoic acid(CH₃COOH)=

No of moles of CH₃COOH=
 Mass of benzene=
 Molality of CH₃COOH=
A solution of glucose in water is labelled as 10% by weight. What is the molality of the solution?molar mass of glucose is 120g/mol

• 10% of glucose by weight means 10 g of glucose present in 100g of solution.

• Therefore weight of water is 100g -10g =
• Moles of solute( glucose) =
• Mass of solvent ie 90g water =
• Molality of glucose =
Mole fraction
 Mole fraction of a component = Number of moles of the component
Total number of moles of all the components
 Calculate the mole fraction of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2 ) in a solution containing
20% of C2H6O2 by mass.

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