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Why study Rizal?
1. Because it is mandated by law. R.A. 1425 (The Rizal Law)
 An act to include in the curricula of
all public and private schools, colleges,
2. Because of the lessons contained and universities courses on the life,
within the course. works, and writings of Jose Rizal,
particularly his novels, Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo,
authorizing the printing and
distribution thereof, and for purposes.

To develop an appreciation and

deeper understanding of all that Rizal
fought and died for.
 To foster the development of the Filipino
youth in all aspects of citizenship.
Issues and Controversies
1.1Fr. JESUS CAVANNA  argued that the novels belonged to the past
and that teaching them would mispresent
current conditions.
2. JESUS PAREDES radio commentator who said that
Catholics had the right to refuse to read
them as it would “endanger their salvation”.

3. RELIGIOUS GROUPS  they organized opposition to the

 Catholic Action of the Philippines bill.
 Congregation of the Mission
 Knights of Columbus
 Catholic Teachers Guild
Issues and Controversies
4. COUNTER ATTACKERS  groups that counterattacked the opposition.
 Veteranos de la Revolucion
 Alagad ni Rizal
 Freemasons
 Knight of Rizal

5. SENATE COMMITTEE sponsored a bill co-written by both Jose

ON EDUCATION P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto.

3. RUFINO SANTOS the Archbishop of Manila who protested

in a pastoral letter that Catholic students
would be affected if compulsory reading
of the unexpurgated version were pushed
Issues and Controversies
5. ARSENIO LACSON Manila’s mayor who supported the
bill, walked out of Mass when the priest
read a circula from the archbishop
denouncing the bill.
5. MAY 12, 1956 a compromise inserted by Committee
on Education chairman Laurel
that accommodated the objections of the
Catholic Church was approved unanimously.
the bill specified that only
college (university) students would have
the option of reading unexpurgated
versions of clerically-contested reading
Development of Filipino Nationalism

It is characterized by an attachment of superiority to one’s country, an aspiration for

its continuity, prosperity, and maintaining a high regard and respect for the laws,
principles and policies of that country.

Primordialist Modernist
Perspective Perspective

a reflection of the ancient and a recent phenomenon that requires

perceived evolutionary tendency of the structural condition of modern
humans to organize into distinct society.
grouping based on an affinity of
Factors that Gave
Rise to Filipino
1. When the Philippines was opened to the world market.

2. When the ilustrado came out as a second class society.

3. The spread of liberalism.

4. The secularization of the church.
5. The execution of GomBurZa.
Fall of Filipino Nationalism

The process of international integration arising from the interchange
of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.

 International integration.
 Advances in transportation.
 Telecommunications infrastructure such as the rise of the internet

institutionalized or systematic feelings of inferiority within
some societies or people who have been subjected to colonialism, relative
to the values of the foreign powers which had previously subjugated
them through colonization.
Filipino Nationalism Today1
1. Educating for nationalism means consciously educating
Filipinos to be Filipinos – who will work for the
Philippines and Filipino people.
2.To be pro-Philippines and pro-Filipino one must
have national pride and a sense of national identity which
some of us Filipinos lack.
3.Our present educational system promotes pride in
our beautiful land. It promotes national identity or
Why study Rizal?

Do you agree with the law?

Why or why not?

Group Dynamics

1. How did you learn from the story? Apply

this experience to Rizal’s writings.
2. How would reading Rizal’s novels
impart patriotism?

1. Compare and contrast the views of those in favor

and against RA 1425, considering the context of the
1950s; Would similar arguments still have force
2. Reflect on your secondary education. Did your
school comply with RA 1425? How effective is
the Rizal Law in instilling patriotism among
secondary school students?

1. Prepare a portfolio.
2. Answer and compile all the activities/reflections to be given .
3. Indicate the title of the activity /reflection and the date of submission.
4. Your works will be submitted and checked on the specific deadline to be
given after every activity.

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