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AGE – Pràctica 1: Model de Negoci Canvas

Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia

Ester Garcia, Professor Associat

Estructura de sessions pràctiques

Estructura de sessions pràctiques

• 9 sessions pràctiques

• 4 activitats lliurables
§ Activitat 1: Canvas inicial --> 0% de la nota final de l’assignatura

§ Activitat 2: Canvas final --> 5% de la nota final de l’assignatura

§ Activitat 3: Presentació --> 15% de la nota final de l’assignatura

§ Activitat 4: Pla d'empresa, dossier --> 20% de la nota final de l’assignatura

§ Total = 40% nota final de l'assignatura

• Les últimes 1 o 2 sessions seran per a la presentació d'empreses

• Grups de 1 o 2 persones

Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia 3

Pràctica 1: Model de negoci Canvas

Pràctica 1: Model de negoci - Canvas

Què caracteritza el model de

negoci Canvas?

Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia 5

Pràctica 1: Model de negoci - Canvas

Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia 6

Pràctica 1: Model de negoci - Canvas

• Com fer un Canvas

• Com elaborar el teu model de negoci:

• Plantilla Canvas:

Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia 7

Pràctica 1: Model de negoci - Canvas – Exemple Spotify

The main aim of Eataly is -fidelty cards (gratis and

-The main -production proposing an enormous
-foreign people
partners are the selection of unique products, who love italian
costumers, people -selling and making them accessible for
-annual rewards, on the
basis of points gained both cousine to italians
everyone and building a
who believe that distributing business sustainable both for
in shops and restaurants
-events, aiming to enhance
leaving abroad
producers and consumers,
the secret of creating value for all. curiosity and create a solid - In general terms
quality of life is a In order to meet every type of community does not exist a
demand, not only is possible to -advertisement
high-standard buy niche products, but also to particular segment
choice of try them cooked by excellent of customers, the
chefs, great experts of italian
products. -Extremely high-quality products and international cousine, in concept is for
-physic shops
-Italian producers play a crucial role in Eataly. From cozy restaurants located inside
-virtual (on-line), people who want
the most common to niche ones, the shop.
and farms the attention to select the best It offers exiting opportunities permitting everyone to an excellent range
the market can offer is
-logistic fundamental. that will challenge the abilities access the whole of products and a
of guests and, expand their
distribution, to -intellectual resourses: traditions, skills and reward their
catalogue from home
preserve the recepies, culture, also from a contributions in an atmosphere -mobile points of sale,
logistic and efficient point of that encourages both personal for example in street attention to the
quality of goods view
and professional growth for food festivals client

-fixed costs: employees, logistic of points of -sells: products (shops and restaurants),
sale courses
-variable costs: products (season, geographical -prices: extremely variable, depending of
area, laws) the product

Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia 8

Activitat 1: Elaboració del model de negoci Canvas

Activitat 1: Elaboració del model de negoci Canvas

• Escollir una empresa real de l'entorn proper

• Elaborar el model de negoci Canvas
• Lliurar al eCampus
§ Format: pdf

§ Termini d'entrega: 9 d'abril

• Plantilla Canvas:
Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia 10
Activitat 1: Elaboració del model de negoci Canvas

Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia 11

AGE – Pràctica 1: Model de Negoci Canvas
Dr. Jordi Ojeda Rodríguez, Departament de Tecnologia

Ester Garcia, Professor Associat

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