Nutrition For Health

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Nutrition is the process of consuming, absorbing, and using nutrients

needed by the body for growth, development, and maintenance of the life.

What is Nutrients?

Nutrients are substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair
itself, and to supply you with energy.

THE 6 Protein


• Water makes up 45-75% of our
bodies and is important for good
health. Water is used in different
body processes and helps to regulate
our temperature. Blood and other
body fluids are mostly water., which
helps to carry nutrients around the
body and in and out of the cells. The
amount of water we need each day
can vary depending on age, activity
level, etc. but a good rule of thumb is
to drink 8-10 cups of water each day.
Carbohydrates(carbs for short) are the main
sources of energy in our body. In our body,
blood sugar is the fuel that powers cells.
Carbohydrates can be simple (easy to digest)
in the form of starch or fiber. We actually can’t
digest, but it plays an important role in gut
health and cholesterol metabolism.
Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables,
• Protein is made of amino acids, which are the
building blocks of our tissues. Protein in our
diet is used for growth, repair, and
maintenance of body tissue. We can also
convert protein into blood glucose to use as
energy, too if we aren’t getting enough energy
from carbohydrates or fat. Protein is in many
different amounts. Meat, dairy, poultry,
seafood, beans, peas, nuts, seeds and dairy
foods are the best sources of protein.
• Like carbs, fat is not something to be afraid of, as long as
it’s consumed in appropriate quantities in a balanced diet.
Fat is an energy source that, when consumed, increases the
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins including vitamins A, D,
E and K. It can also support numerous other functions,
including cell growth and regeneration, muscle function,
brain function, and more. 20 to 35 percent of your daily
caloric intake should come from fat.
• Choose healthy options for unsaturated fats such as omega-
3-rich foods like fish, walnuts and vegetable-based oils.
Omega-3s help with development and growth. Limit intake
of saturated fats such as high-fat meats and full-fat dairy.
Other smart choices include nuts, seeds, and avocado.
• A mineral is defined as “a solid inorganic substance of
natural occurrence.” In other words, a mineral has the
following characteristics:
• Found in nature but not made by humans
• Solid and not liquid like water or gaseous like air
• Has a definite chemical composition, as each type is made
of a particular mix of chemical elements
• Although we need both, minerals in our diets are a bit
different than vitamins because vitamins are made by
plants or animals, while minerals come from soil and
water. Minerals make their way into the foods we eat by
being absorbed by plants and animals, which we then eat.
• Although needed in much smaller amounts than the previous
nutrients, vitamins are essential for your body to function.
Each vitamin works as part of a different process in your body,
helping make your metabolism, growth, and development, or
immune system(among many other functions) work properly.
Vitamins are classified as water-soluble(B complex vitamins
and vitamin C) or fat-soluble (vitamin A,D,E,&K). Almost
every food contains some type of vitamin and we’ll go into
more specific detail as we look at each vitamin in future posts.

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