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Reviewing the Forms and Genres of Literature

Desired Learning Outcomes:

Recall the various literary
Determine the key
characteristics of each literary
form; and
Provide example of text for
each form or type of literature.
This form is mainly ascribed to be It is the form of literature
composed freely. This does not have characterized by its highly
any measurement scheme for it is controlled manner of choosing and
known to have a free flow of arranging language with the use or
sentences. Also, it has greater regulating devices such for sound
irregularity and the language used in and rhythm to aesthetically convey a
this forms is ordinary for it has a meaning which may call for a
close resemblance to man’s pattern specific emotional response.
of everyday speech.

Poetry Fiction
Genres of Prose
Ascribe as the most economical means of expression
since it only uses limited number of words. Its beauty
is mainly forced by the intricate and careful use of
words, figurative expression, imagery, rhythm and
Prose Fiction
This genre mainly attempts to present, to interpret , or
to describe facts. With such, judgements, opinions, and
commentaries may be framed and expressed in the
form of essay, feature articles, editorials and the like.

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