Endocrine Glands

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Raheel Ahmed
 The body’s system of ductless glands
that secret hormones and release
them directly into the Blood Stream.

 Hormone is a substance secreted by

an endocrine gland that regulates
various body functions.
Pituitary glands
 Location: below hypothalamus
 Hormone: growth hormone
 Function: regulates growth

 Too little means person will be smaller than average

 Hypo pituitary Dwarfs: As adults, perfectly proportioned
but tiny
 Too much leads to gigantism
 Excessive body growth

Also called “master gland” because it controls functioning of

other glands as well.
Pineal Glands
 Secretes melatonin that helps
regulates sleep-wake cycle.
 On set of puberty and Aging.
Thyroid Glands
 Location: neck
 Hormone: thyroxin
 Function: Regulates metabolism
 Hyperthyroidism: Overactive
thyroid; person tends to be thin, tense,
excitable, nervous.
 Hypothyroidism: Underactive
thyroid; person tends to be inactive,
sleepy, slow, obese.
 Cretinism is a disease resulting because of
hypothyroidism. Same condition in adults is
called myxedema.

 Thyroid secretions influence structure n

function of nervous system, especially in the
development of intelligence
Parathyroid gland
 The parathyroid glands are four tiny glands,
located in the neck, that control the body's calcium
 Hormone : parathyroid
 When the blood calcium level is too low, PTH is
released to bring the calcium level back up to
normal. When the calcium level is normal or gets a
little too high, normal parathyroids will stop
releasing PTH. Proper calcium balance is crucial to
the normal functioning of the heart, nervous
system, kidneys, and bones.
Adrenal Glands
 Location: Above kidneys
 Structure: Adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex
 Hormone: Adrenaline and Noradrenaline
 Functions:
 Adrenals: Arouse body in emergency situations
 (autonomic branch of nervous system)
 adjust body to stressful conditions, regulate sexual functioning
 arouses body; regulates emotional responses
 Aggression and fear

 regulates salt and carbohydrate metabolism,

 Injury here can cause death.
 Location: behind the stomach
 Hormone : insulin
 it regulates the body's glucose or sugar level.
 Problems with insulin control can lead
to diabetes.
 When blood sugar level rises above a certain
level , insulin causes the liver to absorb and store
excess amount. When blood sugar level drops, the
liver releases more in the form of glucose.
Sex hormones (Gonads)
 Ovaries in females
 Testes in males
Androgens: male sex hormones
Estrogens and progestrone: female sex

Regulates sexual behavior and primary and

secondary sex characteristics
 Primary sex characteristics refer to
changes and development of the reproductive
organs themselves
 Secondary Sex Characteristics
 These are the physical features other than
reproductive organs that distinguish men from
women like beard on men’s face, heavy voice
 PROGESTRONE is a female hormone that
maintains pregnancy. (fetus development)

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