Tourism and Hospitality Management

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Current Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Learning Outcomes:

• Travel Constraints
• Bright Future for the tourism and hospitality industry
• Issues in Tourism and hospitality
• Identify the steps taken by the owners and managers of tourism and hospitality entities to
address the major issues confronting the industry
Travel Constraints

• Lack of money
• Lack of time
• Lack of safety and security's
• Physical Disability
• Family commitments
• Lack of interest in travel
• Fears
The Bright Future of Tourism and
1. Bleisure Travel and Hotel Works Spaces
• it is the name implies simply a blending of business and leisure travel.
• Defined as a quality of experience or as free time.
• Free time is tie spent away from business, work, domestic chores and education.
2. Early Retirement
• the increasing number of people who retire early is beneficial for the tourism and
hospitality industry because these people use their time to travel and see the world.
• What to do when retired early?
1. Make a bucket list
2. Focus on well-being
3. Get financially savvy
4. Care for a pet
5. Stay social
6. Be proactive about health
7. Keep an open mind
8. Work part time
9. Discover local attractions
10.Explore the world
3. Digitalized guest experiences
• Traditionally, customer-facing services are being given an overhaul thanks to the more
widespread use of technology-assisted options, such as mobile check-in, contactless
payments, voice control and biometrics.
• This can help guests feel more connected to the hotel and improve their overall satisfaction.
• Safe concious, researches online, everything is instant and always connected.
4. Shorter workweek
• the resulting increase in leisure time, combined with faster and easier transportation, makes
possible for many individuals to take weekend vacations and travel to a degree they could
not have made a few years ago.
• The tourism and hospitality industry will surely benefit from this increase in travel.
5. Greater Disposable Income
• the average family has more money to spend than before.
• this is due to higher wages and two-earner households.
• a larger portion of the additional disposable income to spent on consumer goods and services.
• the tourism and hospitality operations receive an important share of it.
• With more disposable income, people are more likely to take vacations, eat out and travel
more frequently.
6. Greater Mobility
• improved roads and better transportation make it easier to travel every year.
• the modern highway system has reduced the time required for automobile travel between
any two points.
7. Smaller Families
• the average family size has decreased.
• thus, it is easier for the family to travel costs less if few family members travel.
Issues/Challenges in Tourism and Hospitality
1. Hiring and retaining the staff
• every hotel requires quality staff on all fronts; be it administration, maintenance, kitchen,
housekeeping or front desk.
• Lack of skill in the educated youths graduating from education houses is also proving to be a
major challenge in the hotel industry.
2. Change in marketing trends and dynamics
• Marketing is one of the most common challenges faced by the hotel industry.
• Changes in the advertising and marketing trend often create problems for hoteliers.
3. Maturation in Segments of the Fast-Food Industry
• segments of the fast-food industry are no longer expanding to the extent that was formerly
• As public tastes continue to change, food service operators will have to develop specialty
products to retain an adequate share of the market.
4. Change in guest expectations
• this is one of the biggest hurdles in the hotel industry.
• You’ve witnessed that nowadays guests demand a lot more from a hotel.
5. Irregular cash inflows
• one of the major challenges in the hotel industry is the credit menace.
• On top of that, many payments are delayed or go into bad debt.
6. Maintaining the online reputation
• today, internet-savvy visitors look for the brand reputation first before booking a hotel room.
8. Losing loyal customers
• since various lodging and travel industries are constantly pouring in attractive offers, guests
tend not to be limited to a single brand.
• Rather, they’re open to options, especially if you fail to connect and engage with them
personally, and deliver a memorable guest experience.
9. Change in technology
• the advancements in technology are altering every aspect of our daily lives.
• Gone are the days when guests used to wait for hours or a day to receive answers to any
• Today, customers are expecting a fast response and services from hotels.
• Such constant changes are extremely arduous to adapt to, which poses a challenge.
10. Sanitation and Public Health
• a very important issue in food service is sanitation. Everybody agrees that all steps should be
taken to prevent illnesses that are caused by the manner in which food is handled or to the
food itself.
11. The growth of local hospitality hosts and rising competition
• these days, more and more property owners are renting out their rooms or property
• Homestays and vacation rentals promise an authentic local experience besides being
Interview an any establishment that is related to tourism and
hospitality industry.
Your questions must:
1. to know their marketing strategy
2. to know their issues/challenges
3. recommendations
4. Submission is before christmas break

Note! You must take a video during the interview. You must wear a
casual or formal attire during your interview. You must offer a
token of appreciation.

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