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 The EIA in France is referred as “Etude d’impact
Environmental “( EIE)
 EIA firstly identified by US in 1969 act (NEPA).
 France accepted it and make it a part of legislation in
1976 based on Law of Nature Protection (LNP).
 enacted in 1977, properly implemented in january1980s.
 Four year experience as a “running period”.

 The LNP law was made in order to check all the scientific,
ecological and aesthetic prospects of the developments of a
 Excluded the aspects related to infrastructure.
 France modified its EIA by implementing the EU directives of
EIA of 1985. which states that “all member states should have
to develop the procedures for the assessment of all the
environmental impact of project whether it’s a public project
or a private project.”
 France transposed this directive into its nation law and
added it in its national framework.
 Done to have a consistency with member states and move
towards more sustainable development approaches. Then
further modified it in 2014/52/EU.
The EIA system in France is classified into three types:
I. projects exempted from EIA procedures.
II. projects requiring a simple EIA.
III. projects requiring the implementation of a detailed EIA.
France has evolved or upgraded from Tokenism towards
Citizen control Arnstein's ladder (1969).
Informing >> Totally believing on government
decisions and public just informed about the project.
Consultation >> Public inquiries and an independent
inquiry being issued by a decree called “democratization
of Public inquiry’ but was a one way process.
Participation >> Decentralization law 1982 in which
power of the government is devolved to local authorities
similarly the Loi Sapin law of 1995, participatory
budgeting initiatives 2014.
Patternship >> Environmental Code july2000
Collaborative actions between citizen and Government
such as the offshore wind farm project.
Delegate power>> Local Government Code of march
1999, the government authorities give some of its power
or funding to the public or citizens such as the
 SEA directive which is the extension of EIA directive was firstly
adopted by EU in 2001.
 As the SEA Directive was already more or less in the French law
so the government did not edit a guideline for the application of
the SEA Directive
 “Circulaire” (Ministère de l’Ecologie et du Development
Durable, 2006) that explain the SEA Directive and tell who the
responsible authorities, depending on the plan or programme, are
 The circulaire is basically a legal text which has some
recommendations to be added in guidelines and originates from a
The national Government integrated this SEA directive
in their Environmental code, Territorial code
Government considered this directive in a prospective
 There should be a environmental authority.
 Environmental authority opinion should have a key
role in the environmental report and it should be
transparent and identifiable.
 There should be a report of every year on the
environmental reports .
 all the plans related to urban and waste
 To those plans which have made modification
excluding the minor modifications.
 For plans that have a high probability, duration
frequency and reversibility's of effects means those
plans will not be considered that has no
significance related to the environment.
 The detailed environmental report that have
 the goals of the or that of the programme.
 Analysis of the environment before and with the plan.
 Significant effects on the environment that can be short term or long term .
 Environmental report should be consulted with the perfect that is the
representative of the state at least three months before the public
 Public must be involved in consultation before the adoption of programme
and much be informed after adoption.
 There should be consultation with the other Member state if the plan has
effects on their territory or if the plan of any other member state have the
impact on environment of French territory.
No such licensing id required for environmental
consultancy but there is a need of professional standards
and qualification for doing an EIA
 Relevant degree in environmental sciences,
environmental engineering.
 Certification recognized by French authority or any
membership association are preferred by clients.
 Familiar with environmental law, regulations and
guidelines of the country.

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