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Putting information together in an
Creating innovative way to create something new.

Making judgements based on a set of

Evaluating guidelines or criteria.

Breaking the concept into parts and

understand how each part is related to
Analysing one another and overall structure

Applying Executing/implementing the gained

knowledge in new ways

Making sense of what you have learnt or

Understanding building connection between the new
knowledge and the prior knowledge

Remembering Recognising and recalling facts, the form

in which they were taught.
Subject : Economics
Topic : Bar Diagrams

Learning Outcomes:-
After completion of the topic, Students will :-
1.Remember, understand, analyse the types of Bar Diagrams.
2.Explain the topic Bar Diagrams and their types.
3.Compare numbers and data with the help of Bar Diagrams.
4.Apply the acquired knowledge and construct Bar Diagrams with the help of
given data.
Learning Objectives
•Cognitive Domain

I.Knowledge- The students will be able

To recall various types of Bar Diagrams.
To recognize Bar diagrams and types of Bar Diagrams.
•Cognitive Domain
II. Comprehension-
The students will be able
 To understand the uses of Bar Diagrams.
 To classify data with the help of various Bar Diagrams.
 To read the data on various types of Bar Graphs.
•Cognitive Domain

Application-The students will be able

To construct Bar Diagrams with the help of given data.
To represent the data grouped into categories.
To show the relationship between two or more sets of
Affective Domain
I. Interest –
The students will be able
To take interest in study of Bar Diagrams.
To show Curiosity in construction of different types of Bar Diagrams
II. Attitude –
The students will be able
To show positive attitude towards the uses of Bar Diagrams
in many real life situations.
Psychomotor Domain

Skill - The students will be able

To construct Bar diagrams.
To display various real life situations with the
help of various types of Bar Diagrams.
Learning Resources:- Chart, AV Aids, PPT

Teaching Method:-
Question Answer Method, Explanation Method,
Demonstration Method, Interaction Method

Previous knowledge Assumed :-

The teacher will assume that the students are familiar
with basic concepts of graphs, coordinate axis, scale
Teaching Point Teacher’s Activity Student’s Response
1.How many axes are there in a graph? 2 axes
Engage 2.Name these two axes. X- axis, Y- axis

3.Do you know which axis is usually called X- axis


4.Which axis is called Vertical axis? Y- axis

5.Do you know how to draw Bar No Response


Topic Introduction
After finding that most of the students were unable to answer the last question, The Teacher will announce – well students, Today we will
discuss how to draw and read Bar Diagrams.
Bar Diagrams:
Bar diagrams are the pictorial Pictorial
Elaborate representation of data, in the form of
vertical or horizontal rectangular bars, Representation
where the length of bars are
proportional to the measure of data. of data
Types of Bar Diagrams:
 Simple Bar Diagram
 Multiple Bar Diagram
 Component Bar Diagram
 Percentage Bar Diagram
Simple Bar Diagram: Students will listen Carefully
Explain Simple bar diagram is the diagram and construct Table and
which represent data involving Diagram.
only one variable. In simple bar
diagrams, we make bars of equal
width but variable length.(length
showing magnitude of quantity)
Multiple Bar Diagram: Students will listen Carefully and
A Multiple Bar diagram has multiple construct Table and Diagram.
bars for each category. It facilitates
comparison between more than one
 Denote more than one variable.
 Bars are drawn side by side.
 Comparison is easy.
Component / Sub-Divided Bar Students will listen Carefully and
construct Table and Diagram.
Component Bar Diagram is a
chartered representation of data in
which the total magnitude is
divided into various components
i.e the simple bars are divided into
various classes.
 Bar is Sub-divided into
 Each component occupies a
part in the bar proportional to
its share in the total.
 To distinguish each component
– use different colour or
After explaining the types of Bar diagrams, Students will explore and
students are encouraged to construct bar diagrams construct various types of bar
on the basis of data related to their result. diagrams.
( marks in various subjects – simple bar diagram,
4 Comparison with friend –
Explore multiple bar diagram
and thus construct each and every type of bar
diagram with different-different type of data)

Teacher now will ask questions from the topics Students respond in
5 which has been taught as accurate manner as taught.
4 After explaining the types of Bar
Que:- What do you mean by Bar diagrams? Students will explore
Explore diagrams, students are encouraged to and construct various
Que:- Drawbar
construct a Component
diagrams on theBar basis
of types of bar diagrams.
Que:- What are the main features
data related to their result.
percentage bar diagram?
( marks in various subjects – simple
Que:- Make a difference between component Bar
bar diagram,
diagram and Percentage bar Diagram.
Recapitulation : Bar diagrams are constructed for
o simplification of statements
o simplification of data
o better and quick understanding
o comparing two or more data sets
Home Work :-
Project work: Make a component bar diagram on the basis of following information as
There are various modes of transport used by the students of your Class
along with your senior Class.
[ Hint: 2 classes XI and XII,
Total students = Students with Bike + with Cycle + on foot , that
means 3 components, First of all make table and then represent
through Component Bar Diagram]

Multiple Intelligence
Dr Gardner’s – Eight Intelligences

1. Verbal/Linguistic

2. Logical/Mathematical

3. Musical

4. Bodily/Kinesthetic

5. Interpersonal

6. Intrapersonal

7. Visual and Spatial

8. Naturalistic
Dr Gardner’s – Eight Intelligences
Intelligence Teaching Activities and Methods Teaching Materials

Dr Gardner’s – Eight Intelligences

Verbal/ Interactive lecture, discussion, debate, word games, books, educational videos, computers, audio books,
Linguistic storytelling, quizzes newspapers, encyclopedias

Logical-Mathematical brain teasers, problem solving, experiments, Graphs, diagrams, economic theories, derivation
calculations, quizzes statistics.

Visual/Spatial Visual arts activities, imagination games, mind- graphs, maps, video, art materials, optical illusions,
mapping, visualization, graphic organizers cameras, pictures, movies, charts, posters, specimens
Intelligence Teaching Activities and Methods Teaching Materials

Dr Gardner’s – Eight Intelligences

Bodily-Kinesthetic hands-on learning, drama, dance, tactile building tools, clay, models, puppets

Musical rhythmic learning, rapping, using songs that tape recorder, music collection, musical
teach instruments

Interpersonal cooperative learning, peer tutoring, community props for role plays, community resources
involvement, social gatherings, simulations
Intelligence Teaching Activities and Methods Teaching Materials

Dr Gardner’s – Eight Intelligences

Intrapersonal individualized instruction, independent self-checking materials, journals, materials
study for projects

Naturalist nature study, ecological awareness, care plants, animals, naturalists' tools (e.g.
of animals binoculars, telescope), Community resources
like national parks, Dams, rivers, etc.
Dr Howard Gardner’s
THEORY OF MIT – Frames of Mind

Take 5 steps right, the x-axis is out of sight

Independent variable, it goes here to make things right
Take 5 steps back, the intersect is where you’re at
Cross your feet and spin, now you’re at the origin
The Bar Graph Dance, organize your information
Bar Graph Dance, It will help your communication
The Bar Graph Dance, organize your information
Bar Graph Dance, It will help your communication
Take 5 steps straight up, it’s the y-axis so take a look
The dependent variable, it’s the data that you took
Take 5 steps back, each step should be the same
It’s your interval, it’s how we play the bar graph game
Now back to the top, everyone turn to your right.....

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