02 - Work - Career

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Your job is not your career

Agree or Disagree?
blacky raharjo
Do you think career is the
most essential thing in
everyone's life?
Some employees say they are actively looking for a new
job or watching for openings."

1. Does it happen to you or someone you

know? Why?
2. If so, what worries do you/they have
about making a change in your/their
working life?
3. What three pieces of advice would you
give to someone who wanted to change
Tell me
a work horse
a job for life
dirty work
get worked up
to work like a dog
blue collar
white collar
A blue collar or A white collar?

A blue collar job is often thought of as one that involves getting the hands
dirty. It is the opposite for white collar jobs.

Examples of blue collar include: builder, appliance repairer, mechanic, lorry

driver, firefighter, painter, roofer.

Examples for white collar include: salesperson, administrator, manager,

CEO, lawyer, teacher, stock trader.

What do you think about these two statements

1.More than 65% of job applicants use networking to get new jobs.
2.Only 20% of all job positions are filled with the employer advertising.

How useful is networking in your business or career?

What is the most effective way to get a good job in your country?
Tell me
a. What are some of the worst
jobs you can think of?
b. What are some of the best
jobs you can think of?
c. Is it better to be a boss or
employee? Why?
d. Do you think a person's job
determiners who they are?
e. How difficult is it to get a job
in your country?

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