Week 11 - Implementation and Contingency Planning

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What’s up for today’s class?

Implementation and Contingency Planning

You will complete your in-class workshops. These workshops fit directly
into your final submission. Do them now while you are together as a

MKT 2260 1
implementation and
contingency plans
What are Metrics
How are you going to measure your success?

MKT 2260 3
Some examples…

MKT 2260 4
Sample Marketing Metrics for
your Client Project
To acquire new customers
◦ Number or percentage of new customers acquired by month, quarter, year.

To retain current customers.

◦ Number or percentage of customers who continue purchasing during a set

To increase market share.

◦ Measure dollar or unit sales divided by total industry sales during a set

To accelerate product development.

◦ Measure the time needed to bring a new product to market.

MKT 2260 5
Sample Financial Metrics for
your Client Project

To increase sales revenue by Measure product sales in dollars

product. per week, month, quarter, or year.
Measure gross or net margin for a
set period by product, line,
To improve profitability. channel, marketing program, or

To reach breakeven. Measure the number of weeks or

months until a product’s revenue
equals and begins to exceed costs

MKT 2260 6
Examples of Behavioral
Metrics for your Client Project
Behavior Metric

Customer Awareness Customer awareness of offering and competitors by

Customer Learning Number of information packets requested, number of hits
to a website, etc.
Customer Attitudes Customer attitudes per hotline, emails, social media,
feedback on blogs, and customer letters.
Customer Trial Number who receive free samples or redeem coupons.

Customer Purchase Number of transactions, payment methods, etc.

Customer Satisfaction Measure of satisfaction per hotline, emails, social media,

feedback on blogs, and customer letters.
Customer Loyalty Measures of customer retention churn, size and frequency
of repeat purchases, use of frequent buyer program.

MKT 2260 7
In a nutshell, Metrics…
Determine whether or not our plans are working.

MKT 2260 8
What is an Implementation Plan?

MKT 2260 9
The Scheduling Process
List the main tasks and activities.
Assign each a projected start and end date.
Determine who is responsible for each task.
Develop an overall summary schedule.
Develop detailed schedules for each sub-program.

MKT 2260 10
Sample Implementation Chart
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Etc.
Recommendation 1
- task What? Who? What? What?
Who? Who?
- task What? Who? What? What?
Who? Who?
Recommendation 2
- task What? Who? What? What?
Who? Who?
- task What? Who? What? What?
Who? Who?
• Review all of your 4P recommendations
• Develop a list of tasks and timing to enable each recommendation – ensure an
appropriate level of detail
MKT 2260 11
What is Contingency

MKT 2260 12
Contingency Plans
Identify key success factors (KSF) (3-5)
◦ Explain why each KSF is critical to the success of your marketing plan and
explain why it is at risk – must be an external factor (use factual data to
explain the at risk factor)

What metric will you use to track each KSF?

Develop a contingency plan to replace the tactics for the KSFs should
the original plan be disrupted
◦ Create an alternate plan that can be activated within a reasonable budget
and reasonable time frame to accomplish the like results

For example, if there is discussion in the regulatory environment which

may result in significant limitation of the use of FB data, what is the
contingency if FB is not available (of course this is an artificial example)

MKT 2260 13
Sample from last semester

MKT 2260 14
Workshop #1

Complete Appendix 11 from the Marketing Plan template.

Divide your team into 4; have each subgroup work on 1 of the Ps
Review all 4P recommendations
◦ Break down each recommendation into detailed tasks that need to be accomplished
in order to complete the recommendation
◦ For each task identify the required timing
◦ If you have not already done so, identify the “new to the firm” cost (note in
Appendix 14.1)
◦ IMC tasks should be ported in from your IMC plan
Workshop #2

Work in Appendix 12 of your Marketing Plan

Work as a team to determine 3 key success factors
◦ What does the success of your marketing plan depend on?

Once you have agreed on these 3 KSFs split your team in 3 sub groups and
have each sub group work on 1 KSF
For each KSF:
1. Describe the key success factor and risk associated with it
2. Determine what metric will be used to track the KSF and identify the trigger to
implement the contingency plan
3. Develop a detailed/actionable contingency plan to be implemented in the
event the KSF goal is not achieved (and contingency is triggered)
What to do now…
You will complete your in-class workshops.
Feel free to review with me before leaving today.

Keep your eyes on all upcoming final deliverables for ALL of your classes.
Use the time that you are together in class to help manage all that is
coming due.

MKT 2260 17

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