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Introduction to the Author

Prototype of today’s Women

Stories of New American Dreamers

Material Success counts more

Questions to be answered


A Message of Optimism

They can achieve it

Done Ph.D. from Union Graduate School

Her work focuses more on women ,children

and poverty
Teaches Introduction to sociology, child welfare
and conduct special seminars
Prototype of today's women
 Confident, outgoing, knowledgeable and

Plan to “have it all”

See their lives in terms of their aspiration,
hopes and dreams
Stories of New American Dreamers

Beth Lonant wants to have “a great life”, be

“independent” and have “everything in her own style”

Amy Morrison ”wants to be successful”, to make

money and to have cars

Jacqueline Gonzalez- work, professional achievement

and an upper-middle-class lifestyle are central to her
plans for future
The new American dreamers-
•determine their own destiny prior to forming a lasting
intimate relationship

•don’t stress much on marriage

•take success as- upward mobility, a comfortable life

filled with personal choices and material possessions.
Women- our latest true believers
Professional women dressed handsomely
How realistic is it?
What about those who have different fantasies to be
What about those who cling to traditional dream?
Intimacy and identity

Shifting priority
A Message of Optimism

Do whatever “They” want in their lives

Optimistic attitude towards future

Full authority over their own lives

IF :
they are determined to get their aim

plan everything well


Women-more work oriented

 Have their own identity
Hard work can bring success
Ability to control one’s destiny

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