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What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation?

• is the process or means by which the sovereign, through its law making body
imposes burdens upon subjects and objects within its jurisdiction for the purpose
of raising revenues to carry out the legitimate objectives of the government.

• taxation, as a power of the state, is inherent in sovereignty.

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

Nature of taxation power

1. Inherent power of sovereignty

2. Legislative Function
3. For Public Purpose
4. Territorial in operation
5. Tax exemption of government
What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

Purposes of taxation

A)Primary: raise revenue/fiscal

B)Secondary: regulatory/compensatory

a) promotion of general welfare

b) reduction of social inequality
c) economic growth
What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

Theories/Basis of taxation


• constitutes the theory of taxation, which provides that the existence of
government is a necessity.
• Without taxes, the government would be paralyzed for lack of the motive power
to activate and operate it.
• And that it has the right to compel its citizen and property within its limits to
Theories/Basis of taxation


• the basis of taxation is found in the reciprocal duties of protection and support
between the state and its inhabitants. In return for his contribution, the taxpayer
received benefits and protection from the government.
What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

Aspects of taxation


What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

principles of a sound tax system

1) Fiscal Adequacy - sources of revenue are sufficient to meet the

government expenditures.

2) Administrative Feasibilty - the law must be capable of convenient just and

effective administration.

3) Theoretical Justice - the tax imposed must be proportionate to taxpayers

ability to pay.
What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

Escape from taxation

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is tax?

• Taxes are the enforced proportional contributions from

persons and property levied by the law-making body of
the State by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of
the government and all public needs. [Cooley]
What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

Essential Elements of tax

1. It is an enforced contribution.
2. It is generally payable in money.
3. It is proportionate in character.
4. It is levied on persons, property, or the exercise of a right or privilege
5. It is levied by the State which has jurisdiction over the subject or object of
6. It is levied by the law-making body of the State.
7. It is levied for public purpose or purposes.
What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

What is taxation? Principles of a sound tax system

Nature of taxation power Escape from taxation

Purposes of taxation What is tax?

Basis of taxation Essential Elements of tax

Aspects of taxation classifications and kinds of tax

Classification and Kinds of tax

1)As to subject matter or object

a)Personal, poll or capitation

2)As to who bears the burden


3)As to determination of amount

a) Specific
b) Ad valorem
Classification and Kinds of tax

3) As to purpose
a) General, fiscal or revenue
b) Special or regulatory

4) As to authority imposing the tax or scope

a) National
b) Municipal

5) As to graduation or rate
a) Proportiona
b) Progressive or graduated
c) regressive
Classification and Kinds of tax


a)Income taxes
b)Estate and donors tax
e)Excise tax
f)Documentary stamp tax


a)Import duties
b)Export duties
Classification and Kinds of tax


a)Real property tax
b)Business taxes, fees, and charges
c)Professional tax
d)Community tax
e)Tax on banks and other financial institution

a)Motor vehicle law - motor vehicle fees
b)Private motor vehicle tax law
c)Phil immigration act of 1940
d)Travel tax law

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