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Yoga Therapy

Case Study
- Psoriasis & Asthma

• Team of Students:
• Meghna
• Vaishali R Venkat
• Valentina
Meet Krish Khatri
Krish Khatri is a 19-year-old courier-delivery boy. For the past several
months, he was not able to breathe properly. He felt tightness in chest
and suffered from wheezing for a few days, especially when the climate
was too cold.
Further, for the past two to three months, he was having skin
inflammation and he felt itching/burning sensation on his elbows, knees
and lower back area. At a few places on his body, there are red and
white patches. He suffers from both Psoriasis and Asthma.
What is Asthma?
1) Extreme difficulty in breathing
2) May be due to swelling of airways
3) Inflammation in the airways
4) Tightening of the muscles around the airways
5) Airways passage may be narrow
6) Excessive mucous production.
Inflammations, allergens, dust, overexposure to air pollutants, cold air,
chemicals, GERD, overweight, smoking, rhinitis, genetic and stress
What is Psoriasis? 1) Body’s natural immune system
becomes too overactive
2 ) Skin cell multiply rapidly, 10
Causes: times faster, than the growth in a
Stress & trauma normal person
3) The cells beneath the skin, reach
Loss of loved ones
the surface of the skin and die
Break in relationship 4) Volume of the cells is the cause for
Smoking having red patches/plaques on the
Alcohol skin
5) Red patches might be covered with
Work-related stress
white scales of plaques
Abnormality in 6) Psoriasis occurs on knees, elbows,
immune system scalp, torso, palms and soles of the
Hormonal changes feet
during pregnancy or 7) Skin irritation, itchy/burning
menopause sensation
1) Drink warm water and stay hydrated

2) Eat freshly cooked vegetables; try to avoid non-veg

3) Take more fruits, oats and two to three almonds every day

4) Take lime juice/fresh curd/butter milk in between meals

5) Small frequent meals, avoid overeating

6)Eat at least three hours before sleeping to avoid acid reflex

7) Try to include soups, sprouts or spinach leaves often

1) Do not take bananas, ice-creams, pickles often
2) Avoid wine, alcohol and smoking
3) Avoid too much intake of biscuits, breads and chocolates
4) Try to shift to brown rice, instead of taking white rice
5) Avoid eating outside as much as possible
6) Avoid junk foods, oily foods, carbonated sugary and soda drinks
7) Avoid taking excess salt and spicy foods
8) Do not consume shellfish and allergens like peanuts
1.Cultivate hobbies such as singing, playing musical instruments etc.

2. Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools as it may irritate the skin

3. Walk every day for 30 minutes to one hour

4. Practise relaxation techniques such as Makrasana, Shavasana, Yogendra

Pranayama IV, Dradasana (During asthmatic attack, avoid doing asanas and just
sit upright)

5. Follow a proper sleep routine with minimal disturbance

6. Avoid cell phone at least one hour before sleep

1.Wear loose and comfortable cotton clothes

2. Use mild soap, moisturize the skin twice a day and avoid touching the skin unnecessarily

3. Avoid exposure to harsh Sun and avoid going to dusty/polluted places

4. Salt-water gargling and steam inhalation at least twice a day

5. Always keep inhaler handy and try to blow candles whenever you find time

6. Protect the psoriasis-affected area when taking head bath and dry hair immediately after bath and exercise

7. Avoid sitting directly under AC as it may cause irritation to skin

8. Do jal neti, twice a week at least, and jeeramoolashodhan every day to eliminate toxic waste from the body
9. Allot one-hour every day for yoga & Pranayama in your routine:

1) First 5 mts for Warm-up exercises 2) 45 mts for Asanas 3) 10 mts for Pranayama

Practise any of these asans for 45 mts, depending up on the availability of time:
Talasana, Parvatasan, Trikonasana, Yashtikasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasan, U shtrasana, Konasana 1, 2 and 3, Hastapadasan, Sarvangasan and Yoga

Practise any of these pranayama on regular basis for at least 10 mts. Keep the changing the asans and Pranayamas regularly and try to do all asans
within a week.
Kapalbhati, Rechaka, anulom Vilom, Yogendra Pranayam 4, Brahmari and AUM chanting
1) Always think positive and try to overcome negative thoughts
2) Accept the situation and try to find out the solution
3) Read good books, listen to music or satsangs
4) Try to be good to others and help people who are in need
5) Do not suppress emotions, try to control anxiety and anger and share with
your friends and family members
6) Keep yourself busy through the day to avoid overthinking
7) Devote time for you every day, practise yoga and pranayama at elast for one
8) Cultivate faith in God and surrender to the High Reality

After a one-on-one counselling session with Krish Khatri,

who has been suffering from Asthma and Psoriasis for the
past 1.5 years, it was found that the patient suppresses his
emotions too much and is hesitant to share his problems with
others. He is always lonely and he feels that no one cares for
him. He feels that he is not getting enough attention from
family and friends. Because of this suppressed emotions
deep down in his mind, his lifestyle and health have been
affected. With the help of AVAV, he can completely lead a
stress-free life and can manage his pain in a better way. He
has just started taking steroids. So, he is advised to seek
opinion from his doctor for taking calcium supplements. He
has also been advised to take Sun bath in the morning or in
the evening, when its rays are mild on the body. Harsh Sun
rays may do harm in his skin, especially on the patchy areas.

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