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Chapter 10

Market planning: pricing

• Evaluate pricing strategies
• Pricing constraints and sensitivity
• Consider pricing strategy to reinforce marketing
• Set the price
• price
• Only P of marketing mix that bring money
• Profit = revenue (unite sold*price/unit) – cost

• Pricing process ( the 4 step process)

1. Determine the relevant price range
2. Evaluate the price constraints and sensitivity
3. Select a strategy
4. Se the price
• Determining the price range
• Bottom of the range is set by cost- BEP
• Ceiling is set by the competition and position in the market
• Market price- somewhere between the floor and the ceiling
• Here the costumers are willing to pay and the seller is willing to sale the product/service
• Marketer have to had market research(price, features of competing product, POD of the
product and strength of USP)

• Factors that influence pricing • Factors influenced by pricing

• Cost of goods • Sales volume
• Demand for products/services • Seles revenue
• Competition • Market share
• Market pricing • Competitive advantages
• Customer perception • Company image
• Margin standards • profitability
• Pricing constraints
• Take away your flexibility regarding pricing decisions
• Comes from competitors and the government
• Many industry there are little chances to charge higher price like the product
lacks POD (farming)
• You need take the cost advantage
• Industry like real state the pricing is a matter of negotiation
• Government regulates price in some industries like cellphone, airlines,
medicines etc.
• Price sensitivity
• Most of the market customer demand is sensitive to the price- price elasticity
• Understanding the price elasticity helps the entrepreneurs to get an
opportunity set the price profitably
• Market research helps to find price points effective for their porducts
• Consider pricing strategies
Lower pricing position strategies Higher pricing position strategies Parity pricing position strategies
Penetration pricing Image, value, quality pricing Going rate pricing
• Lower price to get higher sales volume • Customers see brand as a status symbol • Create pricing wares
• food, supplies, household items • High price per unit with limited sales • Hew competitors control the pricing
volume • No one charge higher price to prevent
• Limited editions, luxury perfume, loss of market share
flagship technologies etc. • Gasoline, airfare
Predator pricing Opportunistic pricing Keystone target pricing
• Deliberate price-cut to prevent new  Product with high demand with short • Set price to maintain a specific profit
entry into the market supply level
• Offers free gifts, bundling of products  Fresh garden products, pharmaceuticals • Use mark-up pricing
that new competitors can not meet • Departmental stores, clothing etc.
• Software package, cellphone, special
provider service plans
Expansionistic pricing Market skimming pricing Contribution/marginal pricing
• Set lower price to establish mass market • Premium price at the early stage for the • Set price to cover variable cost and a
• Exaggerated version of penetration product with high demand portion of fixed cost
pricing. • Get maximum profit at the earlier stage • Follow industry standard for cost and
• Offer temporary price reduction and low as the POD omit soon profit
cost version • Flagship technology • Seminars, airfare, catering
• Magazine and newspaper, software,
subscription based services etc.
• Setting the price
• While setting the price the effective points are as follow
• Cost of the product
• Uniqueness and specialty of the product
• Competitors pricing
• Personal goal of the entrepreneur
• Marketing strategies
• Location
• The amount customer willing to pay
• Break-even point
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Questions Formula Enter amount

A. What is your cost per unit Enter the cost
B. How many unit is estimated to sell Enter the amount
C. What is the total product cost (A)Cost/unit X (B)units sold
D. What is the estimated yearly Estimated monthly operating expense x
operating expenses 12
E. How much salary you need to make Salary per year
F. Pre-Tax amount of profit [(C)total product cost+(D)yearly
operating expense+ salary/year]* % of
G. Tax liability (E)Salay/year* % payroll tax+(F)*30%
H. How much annual revenue will you (C) total product cost+ (D) yearly
need to generate operating expense+ (E) salary/year+ (F)
desired profit+ (G) tax liability
I. What is the per unit whole sale price (H) Annual revenue /(B) estimated
for your product? number of unit sold
J. What is the retail price of your (I) Wholesale price/unit+(I* % of the
product per unit? retail profit)
• Pricing policy
• Motivate large orders with volume pricing
• Avoid pricing conflict
• Bundle product and service
• Offer tiered pricing
• Bid a fix price
• Disguise price cut
• Offer creative pricing
• Push high margin product
• Consider the terms
• Use price list to win order
• Use discounted pricing

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