Work and Power

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Second term

Grade 8 Physics
Engaging starter
Discovery of topic
Chapter 8 :Work and Power
Topic : Doing work
Pg No.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Setting of standards
 Thumbs up, down and sideways

 Define work be able to formulate the equations.

 To be able to identify the factors that affect work
 To be able to apply the equation for work done
 Identify the energy transfers taking place in a system.
Vocabulary words
Key words

1. Workdone

2. Joule

1 joule = work done when a 1N force moves a

body by a distance of 1m
Presentation of lesson
In Terms of Physics, What is Happening
• Work is done when there is movement against an opposing force.
Work done
Work done is the amount of energy transferred when a
force causes something to be displaced (move).

When a force
moves an object,
energy is
transferred and
work is done.
In physics we say work is done when a force
acts on something and makes it move.

No motion, no work. Simple as that.

To lift an object, you need a store of energy (as chemical energy, in your muscles).
You give the object more gravitational potential energy (g.p.e.).

The name given to the type of energy transfer by a force is doing work.

The more work that a force does, the more energy it transfers.

The amount of work done is simply the amount of energy transferred:

work done = energy transferred
What is Workdone?
Work done is the amount of energy transferred when a force
causes something to be displaced (move).

When a force moves an object,

energy is transferred and work is
Workdone =energy done.

The amount of work done by a force on an object

depends on
1.The size of the force – greater the force, the more
work it does .
Work = Force x distance moved 2. The distance moved in the direction of the force-
W = F x s = ΔE the further it moves, the more work itdoes
1.Write the equation for workdone.

2. A crane lifts a crate upwards through a height of 20 metres. The lifting force provided by the crane is 5.0 KN, as
shown in Figure 8.4.
a How much work is done by the force?

b How much energy is transferred to the crate?

3. A man pulls a crate with a horizontal force of 150N and moves it along a horizontal floor by 5 m.
Calculate the work he has done.

4.A 100 g apple falls from a tree and lands on the ground 6 metres below.

a)What is the force that is pulling the apple, and how large is the force?

b Calculate how much work gravity does on the apple as it falls.

сWhat energy transfer is taking place?

4. A boy pulls a sled ( at a constant speed ) with a force of 50N for a distance of 250metres .How much work does the
boy do ?
3. A man pulls a crate with a horizontal force of 150N and moves it along a horizontal floor by 5 m.
Calculate the work he has done.

4.A 100 g apple falls from a tree and lands on the ground 6 metres below.

a)What is the force that is pulling the apple, and how large is the force?

b Calculate how much work gravity does on the apple as it falls.

сWhat energy transfer is taking place?

4. A boy pulls a sled ( at a constant speed ) with a force of 50N for a distance of 250metres .How much work does the
boy do ?

5. A man pushes a box 4m, and 100Jof energy is transferred to the kinetic energy store of the box. Calculate the force
exerted by the man on the box.
A girl can provide a maximum pushing force of 200 N. To move
a box weighing 400 N onto a platform, she uses a plank as a
ramp, as shown in Figure 8.8.
a How much work does she do in raising the box?
b How much g.p.e. does the box gain?

Note: only 300 J is transferred to the box. The remaining 200 J

is the work done against friction as the box is pushed along the
A man is trying to move his washing machine into the back of a removal van.
The washing machine has a weight of 650 N and the floor of the removal van is
0.80 metres above the ground (Figure 8.9).
a)Calculate the work the man does when he pushes the washing machine
up the ramp into the back of the van against a frictional force of 440 N.

b)Superman happens to be passing and he lifts the washing machine vertically into the van (without using the plank).
Calculate the work Superman does.

с Explain why a and b give different answers.

When sliding the washing machine up the ramp, work has to be done against friction
so some energy is dissipated (wasted) as thermal energy

d Calculate the efficiency of the ramp.

Forces doing no work

Figure 8.6: When you sit still in a chair, there are two forces acting on you. Neither
transfers energy to you.

Neither of these forces is doing any work on you. The reason is that neither of the
forces is causing movement, so you do not move through any distance, d.

From W = Fx d, the amount of work done by each force is zero. When you sit still on
a chair, your energy does not increase or decrease as a result of the forces acting
on you.
Figure 8.7: The spacecraft stays at a constant distance from the Earth. Gravity keeps it in
its orbit without transferring any energy to it.

Figure 8.7 shows another example of a force that is doing no work. A spacecraft is
travelling around the Earth in a circular orbit. The Earth's gravity pulls on the spacecraft to
keep it in its orbit. The force is directed towards the centre of the Earth. However, since the
spacecraft's orbit is circular, it does not get any closer to the centre of the Earth. There is
no movement in the direction of the force, and so gravity does no work.
Explain why no work is being done by the Sun’s gravity on the earth.
The force is acting at right angles to the motion of the Earth. For work to be done,
the motion needs to be in the direction of the force.

Write two examples for forces doing no work.

1.When you sit still in a chair, there are two forces (contact force of chair and weight)
and acting on you.
Neither of these forces is doing any work on you. The reason is that neither of the
forces is causing movement, so you do not move through any distance, d.

2. The spacecraft stays at a constant distance from the Earth. Gravity keeps it in its
orbit without transferring any energy to it.
There is no movement in the direction of the force, and so gravity does no work.
Presentation of Group output
By Students

Presentation for the first 2 students to finish in time.

Biology _ The most important energy transfer events, perhaps the most important
transfer event, for life on our planet is the biological process called photosynthesis,
which occurs in most plants, algae, and some bacteria. Photosynthesis is the process
wherein light energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy to make organic
compounds, or food (mainly sugars), for the organism..
Explain the effect of temperature on rate of
Plenary : Wrap up by the teacher
Summarized by the learners- the whole topic will be
summarized by one or two learners in their words.

Next topic will be announced.( ionic bond continuation)

HW : Draw the electron dot diagram of calcium oxide. (Go to

Google classroom)
Did we able to
1. Identify the internal energy stores and
Comprehend the law of conservation of
2. Draw a energy flow chart.
What is your feeling about the
class today? Circle one face

Is this man working?
These two men are applying forces and are
moving something. So they ARE doing work.
This man is applying a force on the bar but
is not moving anything, so he is not doing
Are these two men working?
Work done
• When something moves, something else must provide
some sort of effort to move it

• The something putting in the effort needs a supply of

energy such as food, fuel, electricity.

• It does work and so moves the object – it transfers

energy into other forms (heat, sound, kinetic)

• We therefore say, work is done.

Without drawing a formula triangle, rearrange the
formula to show all three combinations.

Work Done (J) = Force (N) x Distance (m)

Force (N) = Work Done (J)

Distance (m)
Distance = Work Done (J)
Force (N)
What is law of conservation of energy?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

It can only be transferred from one energy store to another.
SI unit
is Joule

Internal energy store

Light bulb
150N 150N


A man pulls a crate with a horizontal force of 150N and

moves it along a horizontal floor by 5 m.

Calculate the work he has done.

A man pulls a crate with a horizontal force of 150N and moves it along a
horizontal floor by 5 m.
Calculate the work he has done.

150N 150N


Work done = Force x Distance moved

= 150 x 5

= 750 joules
Can you imagine this man pushing the trolley on
a long horizontal road without stopping? How
long can he push? Why can’t he go on and on?
Calculating Work Done
• Work done = force x distance moved
(J) (N) (m)

1. What is work done on an object if a force of 300N moves it 8m?

2. How much work is done if an object of 900kg is moved up 100m by
a crane?
Question 1
• What is work done on an object if a force of 300N moves it 8m?
• Work done = force x distance moved

• Work = 300 x 8
• Work = 2400 J
Question 2
• How much work is done if an object of 900kg is
moved up 100m by a crane?

• Force = mass x acceleration

• F = 900 x 9.8
• F = 8820N

• Work done = force x distance moved

• Work done = 8820 x 100
• Work = 882 kJ
Without drawing a formula triangle, rearrange the
formula to show all three combinations.

Work Done (J) = Force (N) x Distance (m)

Question 1
• What is work done on an object if a force of 300N moves it 8m?
• Work done = force x distance moved

• Work = 300 x 8
• Work = 2400 J
Question 2
• How much work is done if an object of 900kg is
moved up 100m by a crane?

• Force = mass x acceleration

• F = 900 x 9.8
• F = 8820N

• Work done = force x distance moved

• Work done = 8820 x 100
• Work = 882 kJ
Figure 8.10: At the gym, it is easier to lift small loads, and to lift them slowly. The greater the load you lift and the faster
you lift it, the greater the power required. It is the same with running on a treadmill. The faster you have to run, the
greater the rate at which you do work.
It means the rate at which you do work (that is, how fast you work).
The more work you do, and the shorter the time in which you do it, the greater your power.
Power is the rate at which energy is transferred, or the rate at which work is done.

Unit of power

1J = 1Nm and 1 J/s

When you lift an object up, you are transferring energy to it. Its potential energy
increases. You can increase your power by: 1.lifting a heavier object in the same time
2.lifting the object more quickly.

It is not just people who do work. Machines also do work, and we can talk about their
power in the same way.

1.A crane does work when it lifts a load. The bigger the load and the faster it lifts the
load, the greater the power of the crane.
2.A locomotive pulling a train of coaches or wagons does work. The greater the force
with which it pulls and the greater the speed at which it pulls, the greater the power of
the locomotive.
1.Define power .Write its equation and explain the terms. Also write its unit.
Power is the rate at which energy is transferred, or the rate at which work is done.

Unit of power

2.Your neighbour is lifting bricks and placing them on top of a wall. He lifts them slowly, one at a time. State two ways in
which he could increase his power (the rate at which he is transferring energy to the bricks).
He could lift each brick more quickly or he could lift more than one brick at a time. In other words, he could do more work or
he could work more quickly.
1.A car of mass 800 kg accelerates from rest to a speed of 25 m/s in 10 s. What is its power?

2.a How many watts are there in a kilowatt?

b How many watts are there in a megawatt?

3.One horsepower is the power output of one horse when it lifts a mass of 33 000 lb of water through a height of one foot in
one minute as shown in Figure 8.12.
You need to know that 1 lb = 0.453592 kg and one foot = 0.3048 metres.

a Calculate the mass of water the horse lifts in one minute.

bCalculate the weight of water the horse lifts in one minute. (Assume that g = 10 N/kg)

с Calculate the work the horse does in one minute.

dCalculate the power output of the horse.

4.An average man needs to eat food containing about 2500 kcal of chemical potential energy per day (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ).
a What is 2500 kcal expressed in joules?

b Calculate the power output of the average man, even when he is doing no work.

5. It is estimated that the human brain has a power requirement of 40 W. How much energy does it use in an hour?
144 kJ but the brain has done no mechanical work because it has not moved anything.

6. A light bulb transfers 1000 J of energy in 10 s. What is its power?

7. An electric motor transfers 100 J in 8.0 s. It then transfers the same amount of energy in 6.0 s. Has its power increased or
6 a 1000 or 103
b 106
7 a 1.497 × 104 kg
b 1.497 × 105 N
c 4.56 × 104 J
d 760 W
8 a 10 450 000 or 10.45 MJ
b 121 W
9 144 kJ but the brain has done no mechanical
work because it has not moved anything.
10 100 W
11 increased

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