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Humanoid robot?

■ Humanoid robot It usually refers to a robot whose shape is

close to that of humans. Its definition varies according to
researchers, ranging from a dual-arm upper-body robot to a
biped walker. In this chapter, an actuated human-size biped
robot with arms and a head, designed to achieve some human
capability is considered as a humanoid robot.
The New Normal?

■ People can learn computational thinking, one of the

fundamental cognitive abilities of mathematical thought,
through play with educational robots. In other words, they aid
in the development of the thought process we employ to solve
a variety of problems by following a systematic set of steps.
AI Implant

■ The concept of AI inside the human body is a lot different from the idea
of humanoid robots. For example, when a person loses his hearing power
and an AI-powered hearing machine is attached to his ear, the machine
would categorize necessary sounds apart from the unnecessary noises. It
would provide him with the experience of hearing and because of being a
machine, it may enable him to hear more than what is humanly possible.
The augmentation of AI in the human body points to the chances of
enhancing human abilities to a certain extent. It may seem to be coming
out of a page of a Marvel or DC comics book, but it is not. It is very
much real as Tesla founder Elon Musk has launched tech start-up
Neuralink to build implants that connect human brains with computer
interfaces via artificial intelligence.

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