M.Phil Education Subject: Policy Studies

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Phil Education
Subject: Policy Studies.
Topic: Ethics, Values and Public policy making.
Presented to:
Mam Shaista Khalid.
Presented by:
Anoosha and Ramsha Naeem

• Introduction.
what is ethics?
What is values?
What is public policy?
• Ethical challenges confronting in public policy making.
• Obligations of public actors.
• Globalization of ethical implications.
• Conclusion.
• Refrences.

• Ethics :
Ethics are a system of moral principles or rules that say what is and is not acceptable.
• Values :
Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a guide for
human behavior.
• Public policy :
Public policy refers to the laws, regulation, and guidelines that governments and other public
institutions use to address societal problems and promoted the public good.

• Values, ethics and public policy are closely interrelated and play a critical role in shaping
societies and governing systems. Values and ethics are crucial informing public policy decisions as
they help to define the goals and objectives of policies as well as the principles and standards that
guide their development and implementation.
• Public policies are shaped by the values and ethical principles of the society and individuals that
create them. Values and ethics can also shape the implementation of public policies, as the ways in
which policies are implemented can have significant ethical implications. For example, policies
that are implemented in a discriminatory or unequal manner can violate ethical principles of
fairness and justice.
• In developing public policy makers and officials must consider a range of ethical questions
including questions about the distribution of benefits and harm, the protection of human rights,
promotion of social justice. They may also be transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs
and concerns of the public.
Ethical challenges confronting in policy making.

• Public policy making is a complex process that involves balancing competing interests, addressing
societal challenges and promoting the public goods. However this process is not a straightforward
and often involves a range of ethical challenges that policy makers must navigate.
Some of the key ethical challenges that policy makers may face;
01: Balancing competing interests:
Pubic policy often have to balance interest of different stakeholders including individuals,
communities and organizations. Policy makers must have to make difficult choices that involves
trade-offs between competing values such as individual freedoms versus public safety, or economic
growth versus environmental protection.
02: Balancing individuals rights with common goods:
Public policy makers must ensure that policies benefits greater good while also respecting the
individual rights of individuals. For example policies on vaccination may require individuals to give
up some individual autonomy for the benefits of the wider community.
03: Ensuring transparency and accountability:
Public policy making should be transparent and accountable to ensure that decisions are made in the
public interest. Policymakers should be open about their decision-making processes and provide
clear justifications for their decisions.
04: Avoiding conflicts of interests:
Policymakers should avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise their ability to make
impartial decisions. For example, they should not make decision themselves, their family members,
or their business associates
05: Upholding human rights:
Public policies should uphold human rights, including the right to life, liberty, and security of
person, and the right to freedom of expression and assembly. Policymakers should ensure that
policies do not discriminate against certain groups or violate individuals' rights.
06Maintaing integrity;
Policymakers should maintain their integrity and be honest and truthful in their communications. They should avoid
making false or misleading statements and should be accountable for their actions.

07: Justice and social equity;

Public policy makers must ensure that their policies are fair and just do not benefits or harm any particular group
this can be particularly challenging in a society with significant economic or social inequality. Justice and social equity
can include questions related to the fair distribution of resources, equal access to opportunities and healthcare, and the
treatment of marginalized communities.

08: Individual freedom and liberty;

Public policy makers must balance the need to protect individual freedoms and liberties with the need to
maintain public safety and order. Liberty and individual freedom can involve questions around personal
autonomy, privacy, and the rights of individuals to make their own choices. For example, debates may
arise around issues such as reproductive rights, drug legalization, and the use of surveillance technologies
by the government.
• In addressing these ethical challenges, public policy makers have normative obligation to serve the
public interests. This mean acting in a way that prioritizes the welfare of public rather than
personal and special interests.
Obligations of public actors:

• Public actors have a normative obligations to serve the public interest by acting in a way that
promotes fairness , justice and the welfare of society as a whole. Public actors include;
• Civil servants
• Government officials
• Elected representatives.
The public interests.

Refers to the common good or the welfare of general public.

It includes ensuring that public resources are used efficiently and effectively, promoting transparency and
accountability, protecting the rights of all citizens and advancing the well-being of society as a whole.
Public actors have a responsibility;
• Accountability; public policy makers have an obligation to be accountable for their decisions and to explain
their reasoning to the public.
• Responsiveness; They must also be responsive to the needs and concerns of the public, and take into
account the diverse perspectives and values of different groups of society.
• Respect for the rule of law; policy makers must have to respect the rule of law and to ensure that their
decision are consistent with legal and constitutional framework.
• Transparency; they have to be transparent in their decision making and to provide the public with clear and
accurate information.
Globalization’s ethical implications.

Globalization’s ethical implications;

Globalization is a process that increasing interconnectedness between different regions and
countries, and has significant implications for public policy making. Some of the ethical challenges
confronting public policy makers in the context of globalization include:
• Economic inequality.
• Environmental sustainability.
• Cultural diversity.
Conflict of interests.

Occurs when an individual or organization has competing interest that may compromise their ability
to act in the best interest of their clients or stakeholders in a globalized world . Conflicts of interest
can arise when companies operate across different cultures and legal systems ,and when individuals
have relationships with multiple parties with conflicting interest . professionals must be aware of
these potential conflicts and take steps to manage or disclose them.
Lying and deception:
Public policy makers must be truthful and transparent in their communication with the public,
particularly when making difficult decisions. This can be challenging when communicating complex
information to a non-expert audience.
Public policy makers may be faced with ethical dilemmas that require them to speak out against
wrongdoing or unethical behaviour within their organization or government. This can be
challenging, particularly when doing so may have negative consequences for the whistleblower.

• Ethical decision-making refers to the process of evaluating and choosing among alternatives in a
manner consistent with ethical principles. In making ethical decisions, it is necessary to perceive
and eliminate unethical options and select the best ethical alternative.

• https://www.dictionary.com/browse/ethics
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(ethics_and_social_sciences)
• https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/what-is-public-policy/
• Deluxe,R.W.(2019).Ethics and public policy:Contemporary issues.Routledge.
• Buchanan,A.E.,& Keohane, R.O.(2006). The legitimacy of global governance institutions. Ethics
& International Affairs,20(4),405-437.

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