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Odisha University of Technology and Research,


Exam Portal Application

Presented By : Under the guidance of
Sanjay Kumar Sahoo Dr. Ranjan Kumar Dash (HOS)
Regd. No: 2224100018 School of Computer Science
• Introduction
• Technologies Used

• Flow of the Project

Contents • ER Diagram
• Use case diagram

• Screenshots of the application

• Remaining Work

• Conclusion
In today's fast-paced learning environment, effective preparation
for exams is crucial. This project introduces a web application
designed to address this need: a mock test platform. This user-
friendly tool will empower students by simulating real-world
exams, providing instant feedback, and fostering a flexible learning
• Create user interface for Common user and admin.
• Create Database for the project.
• Complete Backend and connect to Frontend.
• Test the modules and their Functionality.
• Design different quizzes, tests for users.
Technologies Used
Frontend: Angular
Backend: Springboot
Database: MySQL

Programming Languages Used:

Flow of the project:
ER Diagram
Use Case Diagram:
Output Screenshots:
Admin Pages:
Remaining Work:
• Add captcha during login.
• Encrypting answers in database.
• Creating a Premium subscription model.
• Showing results in Graphs/Piecharts.
• Download Result option

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