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Meeting 2

Speaking Class :
Convincing and doubt
Percaya saya ! Believe me
Trust me
Have faith in me
Sumpah ! I swear
Sungguh! It’ true
Anda bisa pegang kata kata saya You have my word on that
You have any my word of honor
You can count it
Anda harus mengakui bahwa … You’ve got to admit
• John : there will be English speech competition in my school.
Tom : so what?
John : my friend appoint me the representative of the class
Tom : that is great.
John : the problem is …..
Tom : what is the problem?
John : my English is not quite good.
Tom : your English is on the track. The grammar,structure,
pronounciation, what else?
John : I am not so confident.
Tom : why not? I bet you will be one of the winners
Jhon : ok,if you think so. I will prepare myself for the competition
Tom : that is the best decition and that is my best friend.
Saya meragukan I have my doubt
Saya meragukannya I doubt it
Saya meragukan proposalnya I have some doubts about the
Saya ragu ragu dengan I have some reservations
proposalnya about the proposal
Saya meragukan dia datang I doubt he will come
Saya kira dia tidak datang I don’t think he will come
Saya tidak yakin I’m not sure
Saya tidak tahu I don’t know
• Lula : We are going on a picnic today yeayy!!! (Kita akan pergi piknik
hari ini, yeayy!!!)
Ara : Yeah, I am so excited, but it is very cloudy out there. (Ya, aku
sangat bersemangat, tapi terlihat sangat berawan di luar sana.)
Lula : Really? Do you think it will rain soon? (Benarkah? Apakah
kamu pikir akan segera turun hujan?)
Ara : I am not sure, because the wind is blowing hard, it might cast
the cloud away. (Aku tidak yakin, karena anginnya berhembus
kencang, mungkin saja akan membawa awannya pergi.)
Lula : Hmm, why dont we check the weather forecast before we go?
(Hmm, kenapa kita tidak mengecek perkiraan cuaca sebelum kita
Ara : That’s right, let`s check it first. (Itu benar, yuk kita cek terlebih

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