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Marke ting strategy in


Under Guidance of:- Submitted By:-

Dr. Mahendra Pratap Singh Harsh Pandey
(Associate Professor) 2112040980022

• For over a century, Coca-Cola has been synonymous with

refreshment and happiness. In India, a nation brimming
with diverse cultures and tastes, the iconic red can has
transcended its status as a beverage to become a deeply
embedded part of the social fabric. This ubiquitous
presence isn't a stroke of luck; it's a carefully
orchestrated symphony of strategic marketing
manoeuvres by Coca-Cola.
Problem in the study
The Indian market is
vast, diverse, and
constantly evolving.

consumer behavior and
preferences in this
complex market can be

Competition in the
beverage industry is
fierce, with both local
and international
players vying for
market share.
Objective of the Study

•Understand Coca-
Cola's marketing
strategies in the Indian

•Analyze the

effectiveness of these
strategies in reaching
target audiences.

•Identify the challenges

Coca-Cola faces in the
Indian market.
Literature Review
A study on customer
satisfaction towards Coca
Cola Company, Chennai -
2015 By K. Pavitra, Sangita
Dasand A K Subramani.

Consumer Preference Coca-

Cola versus PepsiCo - By:
Abdul Munam Jamil
Paracha, Muhammad
Waqas, Ali Raza Khan and
Sohaib Ahmed.

The Analytical Study of

Decline in Sales of Coca-
Cola Based on Customer's
Inclination towards the
Product - By Snchal -
August 2017 Issue.
Research Methodology

•Case study analysis of

Coca-Cola's marketing
campaigns in India.

•Review of academic

journals and industry

reports on marketing
strategies in India.

•Consumer surveys and

interviews to understand
preferences and brand
 Sample size : 100

 Sample Design : Descriptive in Nature

 Sample Technique : Systematic Sampling

 Location : Lucknow

 Data Collection Method : -

 Primary Data : Online Survey (google form),Questionnaires and Observation.

 Secondary Data : Journals , Magazines, Research Paper, Website of various online journals.
Importance of the Study
Understanding Coca-
Cola's success can provide
valuable lessons for other
companies marketing in

Insights gained can be

applied to other markets
with diverse consumer

The study contributes to a

broader understanding of
marketing strategies in
emerging markets.
Data Analysis And

• What is the market share of coca cola in Indian market?

• key components of the coca cola marketing strategy with respect to Indian market-
• What are the age and gender of the Respondents?

Age of the Respondents Gender of the Respondents

AGE Frequency Percentage GENDER Frequency Percentage
Male 60 60%
18-25 50 50 Female 40 40%
Total 100 100%
26-35 20 20

36-45 20 20

46-55 10 10

Total 100 100

• What is the consumption frequency of the coca cola? • What are the factors influencing purchase decisions?

Interpretation Brand recognition remains the dominant factor
A significant portion of respondents (50%) consume Coca- influencing purchase decisions (70%), followed by
Cola products at least occasionally, with 20% being very taste (60%) and price (55%). Advertising (45%) and
frequent consumers. product availability (35%) also play a role.
• What are the preferred marketing tactics for the Product?

Television commercials (40%) retain their appeal, but social media marketing (35%) is gaining
traction. In-store promotions (25%) and online contests (20%) are also effective engagement
• What is the target Audience Segmentation of Coca Cola ? • What is the Campaign Recall Percentage?

Interpretation Interpretation
Coca cola uses multiple variables segmentation Three-quarters (75%) of respondents recalled
(age,gender,etc). recent Coca-Cola marketing campaigns.

• Consumption Frequency: A significant portion of respondents (50%) consume Coca-Cola products at least
occasionally, with 20% being very frequent consumers.

• Purchase Drivers: Brand recognition remains the dominant factor influencing purchase decisions (70%), followed
by taste (60%) and price (55%). Advertising (45%) and product availability (35%) also play a role.

• Preferred Marketing Tactics: Television commercials (40%) retain their appeal, but social media marketing (35%) is
gaining traction. In-store promotions (25%) and online contests (20%) are also effective engagement strategies.

• Campaign Recall: Three-quarters (75%) of respondents recalled recent Coca-Cola marketing campaigns.

• Campaign Preferences: Emotional appeals focusing on happiness resonated most (30%) with consumers. Social
cause promotions (25%) and interactive campaigns (20%) were also well-received.

• Local Relevance: A significant portion (75%) finds local flavors or ingredients somewhat or very important (35% &
40% respectively).
• Healthier Options: Introduce sugar-free or low-calorie alternatives alongside classic Coca-Cola products. Cater to
health-conscious consumers, particularly younger demographics who might be more concerned about sugar intake.

• Regional Customization: Develop flavors or ingredients specific to different regions in India.

• Expand distribution networks: Reach rural and under-served areas.

• Emotional Connection: Continue utilizing emotional appeals focusing on happiness in marketing campaigns. This
resonates well with consumers across age groups.

• Multi-Channel Approach: While TV commercials remain effective, consider increasing focus on social media
marketing to target younger demographics who might rely less on traditional media. Analyze campaign recall by age
group to determine the most effective channels for each segment.

• Social Responsibility Integration: Incorporate social cause promotions to connect with consumers who value these
initiatives. Partner with local NGOs or environmental causes to demonstrate social responsibility.

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