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Swati Oberoi Dham 1

Management Information Systems

System Concepts System
System is a set of elements arranged in an orderly manner to accomplish an objective E.g. Computer, Business Organization etc

Boundary It is a feature of a system which defines and delineates it. It may

be present either physically or conceptually.


The inter-connections and inter-actions among the sub systems are called interfaces.


Swati Oberoi Dham

Management Information Systems

Parts of a System







Swati Oberoi Dham

Management Information Systems

Types of Systems
A system which interacts with its environment and thus exchanges information, material or energy with the environment, including random and undefined inputs

Open System

Such systems are self organizing and adaptive in nature.

E.g. All Living Systems such as humans, plants, cells


Swati Oberoi Dham

Management Information Systems

Types of Systems Closed System A system which does not interact with its environment,
controls its inputs, outputs and hence is protected from environmental disturbances. True closed systems in business environment are rare, but relatively closed systems exist.
E.g. Computer program


Swati Oberoi Dham

Management Information Systems

Types of Systems
A system in which the output can only be predicted in probabilistic terms.

Probabilistic System

E.g. Demand Forecasting System


Swati Oberoi Dham

Management Information Systems

Types of Systems
A system in which the inputs, the processes and the outputs are known with certainty

Deterministic System

E.g. Accounting System


Swati Oberoi Dham

Management Information Systems

Feedback Control System
The concept of control system is based on the condition of a feedback. If the feedback is positive, I.e., the measure of the output compares favorably with the standerd or norm, the control will keep the system operating in the same condition. However if the feedback is negative I.e., the measure of the output is unfavorable when compared to standerd or norm, the control will act on the input or process to bring back the system to the state of equilibrium.


2-May-12 Swati Oberoi Dham 8

Management Information Systems

Feedback Control System
The same conceptof the control system model is applied in data processing. The corrective uit in the MIS is the manager or the decision maker. Through a process of decision making, the manager regulates the business system so that the desired results are achieved. This model can also be described as Quality Assurance.

Input Data

Use of program for processing

Computed Result Summary of result

Decision Control

Compare Results VS Target Standard


Swati Oberoi Dham

Management Information Systems

Feedback Control
Feedback control is used by sales managers to ensure sales targets are met by salesmen. Feedback control is used during appraisal of employees by HR managers to ensure their perfomance & conduct is as per company norms & expectations. Feedback control is used in manufacturing industry to ensure that the specifications and quality of the product is as per National/ International/ Government Standerds.


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

System Development Lifecycle
What is System Development Life Cycle

SDLC is the process of developing information systems through investigation, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. SDLC is also known as information systems development or application development. SDLC is a systems approach to problem solving and is made up of several phases
2-May-12 Swati Oberoi Dham 11

Management Information Systems

Phases of SDLC
Investigation Requirement Analysis Design Coding Testing Implementation Maintenance & Review


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Requirement Analysis
Asking/ Interviewing Determining the existing system Analyzing the success factors Experimentation and modeling


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Structured Analysis Tools
Data Flow Diagram Data Dictionary Structured English Decision Trees Decision Tables


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Data Flow Diagram

Source /Destination

Process Data Store


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Data Flow Diagram
Student Application Details Check Course Available Course Details Courses Course Enrollment Details

Confirmation/Rejection Details

2.0 Enroll Student

Course Details

Student Details 3.0 Confirm Registration



Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Data Dictionary
Data Element Data Structure Data flows & Data Stores
= : Is equivalent to + : Add *comment* Option 1 Option 2 .. .. Option n


2-May-12 Swati Oberoi Dham 17

Management Information Systems

Decision Tree Analysis
Order size >=6 Dealer 35% discount

Order less than 6

0% discount

Discount Policy Educational Institute

50 or more 20-49 6-19 Less than 6

30% discount 20% discount 10% discount 0% discount


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Decision Table
Condition Stub
Action Stub
Condition Stub Is the customer a dealer? Is the order size 6PCs or more? Is the customer an educational institute? Is the order size 50 PCs or more? Is the order size 20-49 PCs? Is the order size 6-19 PCs? Action Stub 35 % Discount 30 % Discount 20 % Discount 15 % Discount 1 Y Y Y N

Condition Entry
Action Entry
2 N N Y Y Condtion Entry 3 4 N N N N Y Y N N Y N Y Action Entry 5 N N Y N N N 6


SRS = System Requirement Specifications

2-May-12 Swati Oberoi Dham 19

Management Information Systems

System Design Design Criteria / Objectives
1. 2. Practicality Flexibility


Efficiency ( Throughput, Response Time, Resolution Time)


What to design ?
User Interface

Data Design
Process Design

HLD Document = High Level Design Document

2-May-12 Swati Oberoi Dham 20

Management Information Systems

I. System Design How to design ? High Level Design ( Conceptual Design)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define the problem Set System Objectives Identify constraints ( External & Internal) Determine Information needs Determine Information sources Develop various designs
Evaluate on : Economic Basis Performance Basis Operational Basis


Document the Conceptual Design & prepare Report

II. Low Level Design ( Detailed Design)

Document all the details of design by discussing every minute details with the user.

LLD Document = Low Level Design Document

Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Coding Code Review Comments Debugging

Code Review Document

Testing is done to verify: Presence of all functionalities mentioned in the SRS. Correct functioning of all features of the system

TSR : Test Script Report

2-May-12 Swati Oberoi Dham 22

Management Information Systems

Gantt Charts

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Plan the Implementation Acquisition of facility & space planning MIS Organization & procedure development User Training Acquisition of hardware & software Creating forms & live database Testing with small amount of live data Changeover

Network Diagrams


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems


1. Direct 2. Parallel
Old System New System

Old System New System

Org Module1

3. Modular/Pilot 4. Phased-in

Org Module2

System Phase 1 System Phase 2 Swati Oberoi Dham 24

Management Information Systems

Tools for planning the implementation
Gantt Charts


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Network Diagram


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Evaluation & Maintenance
Quality Assurance Audits Compliance Reviews Budget Review User Attitude Survey Cost Benefit Analysis


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

System Development Approaches
Waterfall Model Prototyping Model Spiral Model


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

System Development Approaches
Waterfall Model


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Advantages & Disadvantages of Waterfall Model
1. 2. 3. 4. Easy to explain to the user Stages and activities are well defined Helps to plan and schedule the project Verification at each stage ensures early detection of errors / misunderstanding

1. The waterfall model assumes that the requirements of a system can be frozen before the design begins. This is possible for systems designed to automate an existing manual system. But for absolutely new system, determining the requirements is difficult, as the user himself does not know the requirements. Therefore, having unchanging (or changing only a few) requirements is unrealistic for such project. Freezing the requirements usually requires choosing the hardware (since it forms a part of the requirement specification). A large project might take a few years to complete. If the hardware is selected early, then due to the speed at which hardware technology is changing, it is quite likely that the final software will employ a hardware technology that is on the verge of becoming obsolete. This is clearly not desirable for such expensive software. The waterfall model stipulates that the requirements should be completely specified before the rest of the development can proceed. In some situations it might be desirable to first develop a part of the system completely, an then later enhance the system in phase. This is often done for software products that are developed not necessarily for a client (where the client plays an important role in requirement specification), but for general marketing, in which the requirements are likely to be determined largely by developers.



Management Information Systems

System Development Approaches
Prototyping Model
Start Requirement Analysis Quick Design Prototype Building

Engineer the Product

Refine Prototype

User Evaluation



Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Advantages & Disadvantages of Prototyping Model
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Users are actively involved in the development It provides a better system to users, as users have natural tendency to change their mind in specifying requirements and this method of developing systems supports this user tendency. Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a better understanding of the system being developed. Errors can be detected much earlier as the system is mode side by side. Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions.

1. 2. Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building systems. Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as scope of the system may expand beyond original plans.

Management Information Systems

System Development Approaches
Spiral Model


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

System Development Approaches
Spiral Model


Swati Oberoi Dham


Management Information Systems

Spiral Model The spiral model primarily consists of four quadrants as shown in the previous figures Quadrant 1: Determine objectives, alternatives, and constraints. Quadrant 2: Evaluate alternatives, identify, resolve risks. Quadrant 3: Develop, verify, next-level product. Quadrant 4: Plan next phases.

Management Information Systems

Advantages & Disadvantages of Spiral Model
1. 2. 3. Estimates (budget, schedule) become more realistic as work progresses, because important issues are discovered earlier. It is more able to cope with the (nearly inevitable) changes that software development generally entails. Software engineers can get their hands in and start working on a project earlier.

1. 2. 3. Highly customized limiting re-usability Applied differently for each application Risk of not meeting budget or schedule

Management Information Systems

CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering

CASE (computer-aided software engineering) is the use of a computer-assisted method to organize and control the development of software, especially on large, complex projects involving many software components and people. Using CASE allows designers, code writers, testers, planners, and managers to share a common view of where a project stands at each stage of development. CASE helps ensure a disciplined, check-pointed process. A CASE tool may portray progress (or lack of it) graphically. Examples of case tools includes Rational Rose and Paradigm Plus
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