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Unit 4


1. It’s the process by which information is exchanged and
understood by two or more people, usually with intent to
motivate or influence behavior.
2. The transfer and understanding of meaning.
 Transfer means: The message was received in a form that can
be interpreted by the receiver.
 Understanding: The message is not the same as the receiver
agreeing with the message.

◦Interpersonal Communication is a communication between two or

more people.
◦Organizational Communication is all patterns, network, and
systems of communications within an organization
Control: Formal and informal
communications act to control
individuals’ behaviors in
Communications clarify for
employees what is to done, how
well they have done it, and what
can be done to improve

Verbal intonation: emphasis that a speaker gives to
certain words or phrases that conveys meaning.
Nonverbal Communication:
◦ Communication that is transmitted face to face without words.
 Sounds with specific meanings (e.g. warnings).
 Images that control or encourage behaviors.
 Situational behaviors that convey meanings.
 Clothing and physical surroundings that imply status

Body language: gestures, facial expressions, and other

body movements that convey meaning.
Message: The tangible
formation of an idea to be sent to a
Encoding: The message
converted to symbolic form, by
selecting symbols with which to
compose a message.
Channel: The medium through
which the message travels
Decoding: Translate the
symbols used in a message for the
purpose of interpreting its
 Face-to-face
 Telephone Listening:
 Group meetings
The skill of receiving
 Formal presentations
 Traditional Mail messages to accurately
 Fax machines grasp facts and feelings to
 Employee publications interpret the genuine
 Audio- and videotapes
 Hotlines
 E-mail
 Computer conferencing
 Voice mail
 Teleconferences
 Videoconferences
- Formal Communication: Communication that follows the official
chain of command or is part of the communication required to do one’s job.
- Informal Communication: Communication that is not defined by
the organization’s hierarchy.
 Permits employees to satisfy their need for social interaction.
 Can improve an organization’s performance by creating faster and more
effective channels of communication.

Direction of Communication Flow

- Downward: Communications that flow from managers to employees
to inform, direct, coordinate, and evaluate employees.
- Upward: Communications that flow from employees up to managers
to keep them aware of employee needs and how things can be improved
to create a climate of trust and respect.
 Feedback
 Complexity capacity
The richest channel is face
 Confidentiality to face communications,
 Encoding ease that is why the managers
 Decoding ease use in the urgent,
 Time-space constraint abnormal and unique
 Cost massages.
 Interpersonal warmth
 Formality The normal and regular
 Scanability messages don’t need very
 Time consumption rich method.

Message Encoding: The effect of the skills, knowledge attitudes, and
the social-cultural system of the sender on the process of encoding.
The Message:
◦Symbols used to convey meaning
◦The content of the message itself
◦The choice of message format
 Noise interfering with the message.

The Channel: The sender’s choice of the appropriate channel

or multiple channels for conveying the message
◦Receiver: The effect of skills, attitudes, knowledge, and social-
cultural system of the receiver on the process of decoding the message
Feedback Loop: Communication channel distortions affecting the
return message from receiver to sender.
Defensiveness: When
threatened, reacting in a way
that reduces the ability to
achieve mutual understanding.
Language: The different

meanings of and specialized

ways in which senders use
words can cause receivers to
misinterpret their messages.
National Culture: Culture

influences the form, formality,

openness, patterns and use of
information in
communications. 11

 Use Feedback
 Simplify Language
 Listen Actively
 Constrain Emotions
 Watch Nonverbal Cues


 Networked Computer Systems: Linking individual computers
to create an organizational network for communication and
information sharing.
E-mail. Instant messaging, Voice-mail. Fax machines. Electronic Data
Exchange (EDI), Teleconferencing, Videoconferencing

 Typesof Network Systems

◦ Intranet: An internal network that uses Internet technology and is
accessible only to employees.
◦ Extranet: An internal network that uses Internet technology and
allows authorized users inside the organization to communicate
with certain outsiders such as customers and vendors.
 Removes the constraints of time and distance
Allows widely dispersed employees to work
 Provides for the sharing of information
Increases effectiveness and efficiency.
 Integrates decision making and work
Provides more complete information and
participation for better decisions.
 Creates problems of constant accessibility to
Blurs the line between work and personal lives.
- One of the most important tools of manager
communication is (listening — watching) both to employees
and customers.

- Listening involves the skill of (grasping — touching) both

facts and feelings to interpret a messages genuine meaning.

- Nonverbal communication refers to messages (through

human actions and behaviors — through words).

- Nonverbal communication occurs mostly (face to face —

through letters and memos).
- The process of translating thought into a symbolic form is known
as …..
a. Feedback b. Encoding c. Noise
d. Decoding e. the message channel 11

- Communication skills are a fundamental part of
every management activity.
- Communication is just sending information.
- Communication permeates every managing function.

- The two common elements in every communication

situation are the sender and the receiver.

- The sender is anyone who wishes to receive any idea

or concept to other while receiver is the person to
whom the message is sent.
- The message is the intangible formulation of the idea
that is sent to the receiver.


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