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Computer Troubleshooting

Grade 11
• Troubleshooting means to take a logical, systematic approach
to identify the source or cause of the problem, and then apply
a solution so that the computer is working normally again.
The four steps of troubleshooting:
1. Define the problem: Describe the trouble you are having,
being as specific as possible.
2. Identify possible causes: Consider obvious cases first.
3. Action Plan: Work through a process of elimination to
determine the most likely cause. Test each cause.
4. Apply solutions: As you test causes, keep track of possible
solutions, and then apply each solution systematically.
What to include in your Troubleshooting
• „ Hardware - workstations, servers, printers, and network
• „ Software - operating systems and applications
• „ Network - detailing cabling and showing the location of all
hardware devices
• When you define the problem in Step 1 of the
troubleshooting steps, you determine whether you are trying
to solve a software problem or a hardware problem. If the
problem involves only an application or the operating system,
troubleshoot the software. For problems where software
troubleshooting does not solve the problem, troubleshoot the
hardware and peripheral devices.
Preventative Maintenance
• Cleaning: Mouse, „ Keyboard, „ Box „ Monitor, „ Printer, „ Others
Recommended Tools :„ Compressed air, „ Alcohol or screen swabs „ Small
flashlight „ Wire ties

• „ Hard drive: Hard Drive- Defragmentation, Optimizing your drives can

help your PC run smoother and boot up faster. To optimize them:
• Select the search bar on the taskbar and enter defrag.
• Select Defragment and Optimize Drives.
• Select the disk drive you want to optimize.
• Select the Optimize button.

• Hard Drive- Scandisk Disk cleanup, „ Archiving, „ Backups,

• „ Updates: use updated versions of antivirus and antispyware software to

scan your computer for malware and then remove it or quarantine it.
Common Problems
• „ Cables: „ Loose, „ Bent Pins, „ Failures, „ Out of Ports, „ Organization.
• Keyboards and mice: Keyboard doesn't respond properly, Bad Mouse
• „ Disk Drives: USB, HDMI, micro SD, CD-ROM/Floppy Drive Issues
• „ Overheating: Blocked vents, „ Dust, „ Cooling fans, „ Power supply, „ Room temperature ,„
Peripheral overload

• Power problems: Black Out- Complete power failure, „ Brown Out- Power “sags” below
acceptable levels causing computer to reboot „ Surges or “Spikes”- Sudden surge of power (i.e.
lightning strikes)
• Windows errors: Error Messages, Computer displays a disk error or non-system disk message. „
• Device drivers: „ Provide the programs that helps the computer to “talk” to a peripheral
• Spyware/Viruses: not using updated versions of antivirus and antispyware software
to scan your computer.
Using the System Recovery Options
• Startup Repair: Use this option if your system won’t start up. This
could be for any number of reasons including a bad or
misconfigured driver, an application that attempts to start at startup
but causes the system to hang, or a faulty piece of hardware.
• System Restore: System Restore restores back to a designated
restore point. By default, Windows is making restore points of your
computer that store the state of your system. You’ll be able to
choose a restore point for your system from a previous day when
you knew your system was performing correctly. The System Restore
option will not alter any of your personal data or documents.
• System Image Recovery: For this feature to work, you would need
to have done a backup in the past. Windows will search hard drives
and DVDs for valid backups to restore from.
Utility Software
• Utility software helps to manage, maintain and control
computer resources. Operating systems typically contain the
necessary tools for this, but separate utility programs can
provide improved functionality. Utility software is often
somewhat technical and targeted at users with a solid
knowledge of computers. If you use a computer mostly for
e-mail, some Internet browsing and typing up a report, you
may not have much need for these utilities. However, if you
are an avid computer user, these utilities can help make
sure your computer stays in tip-top shape.
Examples of utility programs are antivirus software, backup
software and disk tools.
Fixing common problems
• Common problems with software include not starting, not running,
and causing problems with other software. These problems can be
solved by reinstalling the software, restarting the computer, and
updating the software.
• Operating systems include diagnostic tools that help you troubleshoot
software problems, including those with the operating system itself.
These tools include Task Manager or Activity Monitor, problem
reports, and automated troubleshooters.
• Safe mode is a troubleshooting option for operating systems that
starts your computer with only basic services and functionality. If the
operating system doesn’t start normally when you turn on or restart
your computer, it might start in Safe mode automatically. You can also
start in Safe mode manually to resolve or troubleshoot the startup
• 1. The Computer Won’t Start
A computer that suddenly shuts off or has difficulty starting up could have a failing power supply.
Check that the computer is plugged into the power point properly and, if that doesn’t work, test the
power point with another working device to confirm whether or not there is adequate power.
• 2. The Screen is Blank
If the computer is on but the screen is blank, there may be an issue with the connection between the
computer and the screen. First, check to see if the monitor is plugged into a power point and that the
connection between the monitor and computer hard drive is secure. If the problem is on a laptop,
then you may need to get a professional to fix it as some of the internal wires may be worn.
• 3. Abnormally Functioning Operating System or Software
If the operating system or other software is either unresponsive or is acting up, then try restarting
your computer and run a virus scan. To avoid having this happen, install reliable anti-virus software.
• 4. Windows Won’t Boot
If you are having troubles booting Windows, then you may have to reinstall it with the Windows
recovery disk.
• 5. The Screen is Frozen
When you computer freezes, you may have no other option than to reboot and risk losing any
unsaved work. Freezes can be a sign of insufficient ram, registry conflicts, corrupt or missing files, or
spyware. Press and hold the power button until the computer turns off, then restart it and get to work
cleaning up the system so that it doesn’t freeze again.
• 6. Computer is Slow
If your computer is slower than normal, you can often fix the problem simply by cleaning the hard disk of
unwanted files. You can also install a firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware tools, and schedule regular
registry scans. External hard drives are great storage solutions for overtaxed CPU’s, and will help your
computer run faster.
• 7. Strange Noises
A lot of noise coming from your computer is generally a sign of either hardware malfunction or a noisy
fan. Hard drives often make noise just before they fail, so you may want to back up information just in
case, and fans are very easy to replace.
• 8. Slow Internet
To improve your Internet browser performance, you need to clear cookies and Internet temporary files
frequently. In the Windows search bar, type ‘%temp%’ and hit enter to open the temporary files folder.
• 9. Overheating
If a computer case lacks a sufficient cooling system, then the computer’s components may start to
generate excess heat during operation. To avoid your computer burning itself out, turn it off and let it rest
if it’s getting hot. Additionally, you can check the fan to make sure it’s working properly.
• 10. Dropped Internet Connections
Dropped Internet connections can be very frustrating. Often the problem is simple and may be caused by
a bad cable or phone line, which is easy to fix. More serious problems include viruses, a bad network card
or modem, or a problem with the driver.

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